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๐Ÿงต Nomad Sculpt

Anonymous No. 945517

I just bought this to try it out.

Can someone explain to me how the fuck it's so good?
Why can't ZBrush have UX like this? Everything about the way Nomad is designed makes perfect sense. Even a beginner with zero digital sculpting experience can get started very easily.

Anonymous No. 945518

Look at me and my thread I spent money on something.

Anonymous No. 945526

>Mobile only
Do zoomers really just use their phone for everything?

Anonymous No. 945552

I know you're a retard, but the app was specifically designed for the iPad.

The iPad and iPadOS were specifically designed for touch-based productivity. This is different to desktop tablets; they are designed as an extension to a non-touch OS.

Because of this, programs like Procreate and Nomad on iPad feel so much better to use than equivalent software on desktop, and palm detection is far better. Gestures actually work properly, unlike on Wacom Cintiqs where they are historically buggy AND you have to pay a $300 premium just to unlock the touch model.

The only real problem with iPad software is the hardware bottleneck, and that you can't create as many high-resolution layers or sculpt with as much detail as you can on a desktop.

Anonymous No. 945568

extra retardation points: whining about zbrush UI.

Anonymous No. 945620

>the hardware bottleneck
the ipad pro has an m2 chip with up to 16 gig of ram?

Anonymous No. 945669

The features and capabilities of Nomad are closely designed to mimic ZBrush which makes it a great sculpting program even though it's a mobile app. I like using it for sculpting practice when I'm on the subway or something away from my house and have like 20 minutes to kill.
But my hand falls asleep after holding my phone that long so it's not very serious or usable for that reason, for me.

Anonymous No. 945692

You cannot display 10million+ tris in a single sculpt.

Anonymous No. 945693

t. idiot
Morons like you don't understand the first thing about UX design.

Anonymous No. 946603

I've been enjoying it. Despite it being all about sculpting, I still wish it had some basic box-modelling tools, so I wouldn't have to deal with stuff like Forger. The best I got right now is taking the mesh into CozyBlanket and import it back again.

They do have a PC version planned at some point, but it currently only exists as a browser-based demo, with no saving function.

Anonymous No. 946605

>people complaining about using this shit on their phone
it's nice that they let ppl use it on ios but it's obviously meant to be used on ipados with an apple pencil.

Anonymous No. 946607

Yeah, I had it before on my android, using a touch screen pen. The physical screen size, makes any real work hard to do.
What I don't get is why people are getting all angy about people using phones for this stuff, in the first place. Sorry we're not chained to a desk the entire time we're working?

Anonymous No. 946608

ya the ability to sit outside and sculpt is pretty fucking comfy. of course you could always use zbrush on a laptop or something, but the ipad plus pencil is a way better mobile experience. to be honest, i also like using my fingers. it reminds me of using clay or charcoal.

that said, one issue i have with nomad is when i use the pinch tool, i always get some really stretched out quads that can't really be sculpted anymore. is there a way to use a mask brush and then retopo just that spot?

Anonymous No. 946969

Going from Nomad to Blender for sculpting, made me miss some things. Like the Polygon mode for selections and splines.