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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945863

Should I follow this fag's tutorials or the official Blender channel ones?

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Anonymous No. 945865

What is your goal, what are you trying to model? I'd suggest just starting it yourself and googling relevant tutorials along the way (for example "How to sculpt anime girl in Blender", "how to create a city background using geometry nodes", etc).

Anonymous No. 945868

I want to animate with already existing models from video games but I don't know jack about Blender.

Anonymous No. 945875

Animating in blender is a horrible idea, blender was never made for animation. Do not spent months to learn dumb things that only work in blender. Do not download awful rig models made by a noob that uses scripts to create a moving model.

i recommend any other program but blender.

Anonymous No. 945882

What benefits do other programs have over Blender for making relatively simple AMV-type animations?

Anonymous No. 945884

Both, I suppose. I learned the controls by going through the 2.8 beginner videos, and literally mimicking the button presses I saw on screen. I didn't do them all, because once I got the basics down, I was eager to do the shit I really wanted to do. Which is just box modelling.

I did the owl tutorial on blender's channel to actually apply what I learned. I also did the donut tutorial, to once again, apply the basics. The owl and donut tutorials are very hand-holdy. Which is why they're good. They assume you have absolutely no fucking idea how to use any 3D software. So they show you everything click by click.

Ultimately, as you become more accustomed to the interface, each tutorial will become faster and more intuitive. But you have to learn the basics of the interface first. So just sit down and turn one of the playlists, and get through it. Flip a coin if you can't decide.

Anonymous No. 945891

>Do not download awful rig models made by a noob that uses scripts to create a moving model.
Do not listen to this nonsense

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Anonymous No. 945892

>Too scared to make controllers by hand
That's why you will never get your dream job

Anonymous No. 945900

he has never created a single asset that could actually land someone a job. watch some random 500 subscriber channels character creation tutorial instead.

it should include the following:
box-modeling in the rough shape
sculpting the mesh
packing UVs
weight painting
animating a simple walk cycle

if you manage to push through all of this successfully and end up with a result that doesn't look horrible, you have what it takes to switch to actual software (3ds max, maya, zbrush). either way you should be uninstalling blender within the next few weeks.

Anonymous No. 945916

"""people""" that use söyface thumbnails for their videos should all be publicly tortured to death.

Anonymous No. 945922

This is your god.

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Anonymous No. 945924

what he says about nft isn't wrong

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Anonymous No. 946026

I never learned modeling or anything from this fagot. All I learned about blender was from random people posting tutorials on YT. This was back in the day.

I literally can not get over how worthless his
>I made this house in blender
Tutorial is

The fagot literally Talks to the camera how he did buy assets and put them into a scene.
No information on nothing.
You literally waste your time.

Anonymous No. 946036

"All these random white people"?

Anonymous No. 946074


Anonymous No. 946079

then learn, from what i've seen, just about everyone that used to do sfm animations has moved to blender

Anonymous No. 946080


Anonymous No. 946136

[spoiler]The joke is that on social media, black people often refer to white people as "YT people". To which commenters asked "YouTube people?"[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 946219

civilized people couldn't possibly know that.

Anonymous No. 946226


I think OP wants to make porn
And since all porn makers don't know how to do jack shit other than pose, animate and light, yet make 1-10's of k's a month, he doesn't need any actual 3D knowledge.
Just a lack of dignity and a brain cell

Anonymous No. 946266

why wouldn't you animate in blender?

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UE mannequin.png

Anonymous No. 946276

I'm still learning about Blender and animations but... what the hell is all this?

Anonymous No. 946278

Zoomer technology

Anonymous No. 946281

you can define meshes in place of the default axes to help people navigate your armatures. it's just fluff.

Anonymous No. 946296

Watch Drew if you need periodic reminders how you can buy stuff from him.
Watch nobodies without a website if you need pointers for making stuff yourself.

Anonymous No. 946383

It's called bad rigging, whoever made this looks like he never seen a rig. A center within a center within a center?!?! What the heck, two is normal but 3?!?! Overlapping controllers, seems fun... XYZ are not the same, you can see the legs are not following the rules, even in blender this is just awful. Things that should be FK is not FK, seems like everything is IK. Lastly, it's the orbs a model?!?! Why would anyone make a model controller, mad things happen during rendering.

This picture should be an example of what you should not do.

Anonymous No. 946391

That's interesting, cause many people recommend his plugin if using the UE mannequin. It's quite popular.

Anonymous No. 946416

Nigga, before trying to animate NSFW stuff learn the basics from the Donut guy, anyway it's free, but don't try the 4weeks thing, the tutorials are outdated as fuck.
Or pirate/buy Udemy's basic blender courses, Grant Abitt's courses are better than the Donut Guy and will learn the animation basics, bones, FK and IK, walking animation, and more shit. Pretty much this >>945900 .

Anonymous No. 946424

If you need to ask the question, do the donut. It was awesome IMO, guy has a nice accent.

Bullshit, he only shills like 3 or 4 times in a 10 hour series.

Anonymous No. 946434

And that's a problem with the rigging community, no standards and people trying to make money on unsuspecting newbies. The project is dead, 2 years no update, blender 3 wont accept the plugin and the guy calls himself a " semi-experienced rigger" but fails at basic rigging. ny animator who sees his video would say no to the model controllers.

Anonymous No. 946477


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Anonymous No. 946478

What sucks is that as a beginner I don't know what's "bad rigging" or not. What is the standard rig that people use?
Auto-Rig Pro? Rigify?

Anonymous No. 946480

watch Grant Abbitt beginner tutorial. Personalty I tried the donut and I gave up very easily, Grant Abbitt is an excellent teacher go watch his tutorial.

Anonymous No. 946481


Anonymous No. 946494

None are correct, these plugins are also bad. Auto-Rig Pro and Rigifiy even states it's not 100% perfect:

>So, it’s a magic one click rigging solution?

>It’s not! It includes many tools to automate and speed up the rig, but the rigging artist’s hand is still required to adjust the bones positions, vertex weights…

>Can you really rig ANYTHING with Rigify?

>Kind of :) Some things are indeed outside the scope of Rigify. Mechanical Rigging in particular is not covered.

Basicly the copycat of Maya auto rig.

The idea of rigging is to help animate, if you make a bad rig you are putting yourself or the person of animating way too much work. Both of these plugins are guilty of putting controllers within controllers within controllers. You don't need so many controllers in your model. it's a humanlike model no reason to make it complex.

I really hate Rigify version, two arrows?!?! why did someone add another arrow on the arrows, why does the arrows even exist

As for Auto-rig, thighs controllers for no reason, just look. It has legs which means the leg will move, why does the thighs even exist?!?! Even if you want to make the model do a sitting cross leg pose, it can be done with the leg and knee controllers.

Don't buy these scams, it's clearly just a person trying to rip off newbies. Learning how rigs work and why making optimal ones for you or the person you are giving, is more important.

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Anonymous No. 946495

They're bones

Anonymous No. 946496

I am a newbie. You sound experienced.
Please tell me, how should I rig my characters, and what tools should I use? I want the most standard and optimal way.

Anonymous No. 946502

I use Maya but the same theory is used, don't make the rig a mess, if you dont understand then neither can the person animating it.

I looked everywhere for at least a decent person who can rig in blender but only found people who only did it for 4 years or less. Tried to find courses that doesn't require plugins, many simply do not know how to make rigs without plugins. ETC, i'm just recommending learning as you go, many blender users always find it better to learn as they go and find answers when needed.

So find a good rig, learn how they build it, use that knowledge to build your own rig. Better to learn from a rig that people really like, build without plugins and easy understand the model without asking.

Anonymous No. 946512

Maya is too expensive for me.. $2k a year. And I don't feel comfortable installing pirated software on my PC.
I get what you mean with custom rigs but I'm a pure programmer without any art skills and already learning modelling is overwhelming.
What are some things to look out for in a good rig? You mentioned keeping it clean, but is there anything else?
And if you had to choose between Rigify and Auto-Rig Pro, which rig looks better and more standard?

Anonymous No. 946576

>What is the standard rig that people use?
Manual ones

Anonymous No. 946656

Can you show examples (screenshots, YT videos, etc) of excellent rigs?

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Anonymous No. 947578

Make the fucking donut, then watch him make the chair. His explanations are retard friendly. If anything it will give you the basics. Afterwards watch smut 3d artists and how they do things.

Anonymous No. 947583

How/where do you watch 3d smut artists?

Anonymous No. 947585

Picarto. You'll have to catch their streams since there isn't a single a streaming site that looks kindly on smut.

Anonymous No. 947588

Let me guess. Picarto is a furry and the janny on this board enjoys xis artwork while xe spams the board with ChatGPT in order to simulate content, given that all legitimate users already left because of xim.
Am I right?

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i know what you are.jpg

Anonymous No. 947589

lololol are you gonna make overwatch porn?

Anonymous No. 947590

Nope. Picarto is a streaming site for artists. Roam around twitter for smut, you'll see a stream link to picarto.

Anonymous No. 947694

Don't fall for his friendly easy-going demeanor. I have it on good authority that in reality he is a Racist and spreader of hate. Stay safe, sisters.

Anonymous No. 947700

Absolutely mindbroken

Anonymous No. 947754

I started with the donut. I don't think I ever went through the whole playlist of the official Blender channel.
(Maybe I will skip through it in the future, just to make sure that I didn't miss anything that might speed up my workflow lol)

Anonymous No. 948922

is the blender 2.8 fundamentals series still worth watching? its like 3 years old. im just starting out with blender 3.5.
or would you recommend any other tutorials? just for learning how to use the software, shortcuts, fundies etc.
i mostly want to design characters. low/mid poly, i dont really like sculpting.

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Anonymous No. 948938

Blender Guru has long morphed into podcast / clickbait territory.
Use Grant Abbott's learning flow.
here are the free beginner courses

Anonymous No. 949107

This is so fucking true it hurts
I cant find good tutorials for anything
Unity? Nope
Blender? Nope
Unironically there are more higher quality tutorials for unreal and all the subscriptions programs

Anonymous No. 949115

The blender animation course Alive!
already has rigged models, you learn animation

Anonymous No. 949153

>you learn only animation in blender, not anywhere else
Blender ways to do animation is not normal, the rig models are almost the same but when you want to do animating, you will have problems getting a job in animation.

Also this $80 course does not cover Mocap, Special effects (yes i count it because you will need to add it in some point in your job) and other more advance stuff like plane looking grass following camera. Plus he admits he's self taught which doesn't give me enough reason to trust him when his domain is only created in 2021 and zero information on this Pierrick Picaut person.

Anonymous No. 949156

What about 3ds max, any good channel (exept arrimus and chamfer zone)?

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Anonymous No. 949191

Does anyone have a good tutorial series going over how to model over an image in blender? I see people using reference photos and modeling on top of that to create a model and it looks cool.

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Anonymous No. 949248

You grab something like this and make it into a shape. Not that hard. The hard part is UV, rigging and moving it.

Anonymous No. 949303

>man smiling at a camera
4chan has raped your mind

Anonymous No. 949333

just like every other numale clickbait channel he uses his own dumbass face with a fake, overdone expression in order to generate an income/attention that he does not deserve.
my description of him (söyface) is spot and I will gladly reiterate that yes, you really can categorize youtubers by whether or not they put a large image of their own face into the thumbnail for no fucking reason.
>4chan has raped your mind
it continues to be incapable of altering my (correct and based) opinions and I regularly tear it a new one.

Anonymous No. 949405

I kinda wanna animate a dick fucking the donut and cumming on it

How would I do that?

Anonymous No. 949434

You'll going to hate fluid SFX, everyone hates fluid SFX.

Anonymous No. 949578

He's a pretentious idiot. try cgmatter/default cube still pretentious douche but you'll learn more than with the Blendlet donut. Also try lazy tutorials.