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๐Ÿงต how 2 retopo

Anonymous No. 946160

How the FUGG do I retopologize stuff without looking like ass? This is so damn time consuming and my results are inconsistent >:(

I use zbrush and I use zremesher, retopology/zremesh guide brushes, I've done zsphere retopology and tried projecting mesh directly onto a model but my results are still lackluster and stake forever to make. Please help me improve, I would appreciate advice.

Anonymous No. 946161

You never need to retopologize. Just decimate to the number of triangles you want and you're done.

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Anonymous No. 946163


Anonymous No. 946165

You're not needed.

Anonymous No. 946166

go play your VR kiddo, adults are talking

Anonymous No. 946167

So what do you have to say?

Anonymous No. 946169

git gud

Anonymous No. 946172

Zremesher works if the object is static but anything that deforms you'll need to do by hand, it sucks but that's the best way.
Bring your high poly into your dcc of choice or dedicated tool like topogun or 3dcoat
Best to create important loops around the mesh and build out till they connect, you can always add more detail so start with large polys and add loops for more detail later.

Anonymous No. 946178

Did you know that any game engine that supports LOD will automatically and progressively decimate your meshes behind your back regardless of the source topology?

Anonymous No. 946180

Are you talking about autolods? If so it helps save time but deforming meshes will still need good base topology for animations.
Unless your talking about something else like nanite.

Anonymous No. 946182

>autolods or nanite
Both. I'm asking you how come characters animate correctly even at a lower LOD level? Your input topology gets completely lost and turned into a triangle soup when it gets decimated.

Anonymous No. 946184

Animated character pods can be a birch, when you have your rig and animation make a copy of the weighted mesh and remove loops to create pods and test the animations for deforms but like I said it sucks and is lengthy, if your using Unreal theydo have a skeleton autolod and just mess with it till you get results you like. I would go for less agressive lods except for farthest away one. Honestly just a time consuming process.

Anonymous No. 946187

If you are not planning to animate, don't waste time trying to retopo
If you are, then you need to figure out the points of deformation while animating and get loops in those points to deform to your liking
With time you will figure out how to do this before animating
It does take some intuition in the long run to actually get good at retopo

Anonymous No. 946188


I'm actually not animating, far from it, I'm designing miniatures. But I noticed that if my topology is bad then sometimes it makes the model look "messy" when I subdivide, and sometimes I want a high degree of control over my mesh, which means the topo needs to be clean.


>Bring your high poly into your dcc of choice or dedicated tool like topogun or 3dcoat

never heard of these, I'll take a look.

Anonymous No. 946221

>not manually generating LODs

Anonymous No. 946225

Do you also draw all the mipmaps for your textures by hand?