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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946171

>paralyzed by the sheer amount of steps I have to take to get to comp

Anyone know this feel?

Anonymous No. 946206

to wut? what's comp?

Anonymous No. 946218

zoomer/nigger speak for competent? no idea.
then fucking quit, you imbecile. what a useless goddamn thread.

Anonymous No. 946220

imagine being as dumb as this dude >>946218 but having the self-confidence to make the worst post on the board


Anonymous No. 946222

unlike you i can model, am not overwhelmed by anything and don't bother strangers with my fucking blogposts

Anonymous No. 946223

a. i'm not op
b. stop posting, you've embarrassed yourself enough for today

Anonymous No. 946224


Anonymous No. 946255

he's right, though

Anonymous No. 946258

If You are not overwhelmed you are doing child tier, lackadaisical projects and not pushing the industry forward, period. You just admitted that You suck.

Anonymous No. 946263

You do make blockouts, don't you, anon?
I usually do a blockout, basic compositing, and then start fleshing out the scene, jumping back into the compositor every now and then to refine it. Compositing (to me) is an ongoing process just like everything else in the scene. Often times compositing early can help me figure out the tone of a scene to lean more heavily towards, or fix things that will cause problems down the line.
Even still, blockouts are a great way of quantifying how much work you have done and still need to do, as well as puts a goal in sight for you to work towards.

Anonymous No. 946264

/g/ and /sci/-minded people (mathematicians, programmers) push the industry forward. /3/ is pajeet town.

if you use a mouse or stylus you're an irrelevant smelly bricklayer.

Anonymous No. 946265

You push the industry forward with Your new artistic techniques, not exclusively inclusive to new techniques involving calculus and maths.