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šŸ§µ Honestly, this is my winning secret asspull winning card

Anonymous No. 946712

Starting to seriously think you canĀ“t make it with art, if you like try to be a follower.

ThereĀ“s not point on making my style look like genshin impact, Vroid or AAA realism.

Because thereĀ“s like a billion artists that can make that shit in 5 minutes at a level I simply wont be able to compete.

It's also why I will stop using AI.
ThereĀ“s not point on using a tool that makes eveything look like It was made by the same tool, with the same compositions and poses.
And the flood of AI art, means it will be the new fiver pajeet scam type of art.

People will get tired of it, eventually.

And the fact AAA companies will start to use it.
ItĀ“s not a new thing, is not unique.

Your game will be simply another AI art game.

Honestly what I see is that I need to just do a gamble and just push with this style.
It looks bad, yes, not skilled, yes, amateurish, yes.

You can say, oh, thatĀ“s a joke, those models are bad, It looks like an asset flip. ItĀ“s just hilarious how bad it is.

And yet....
ItĀ“s unique.

Like it takes a person less than a second to quickly realize is not generic VN anime waifu pixiv art, or le epic AAA realism or western art.
ItĀ“s unique.

And thatĀ“s the card I think that will let me to actually make it.
My winning secret card.

Anonymous No. 946713

>literally left the bnpr discord and deleted his account because he got called out

Anonymous No. 946714

literal skill issue. cry somewhere else please

Anonymous No. 946716

How is a skill issue when AI can generate cgtalk shit in 30 seconds, retard?

Anonymous No. 946718

This looks like AI.

Anonymous No. 946720

well at least we know cris is still alive, I was starting to wonder if he got thirdworlded to death.

Anonymous No. 946722

The world isn't going to run out of art jobs before we're 60, retard. Find something else art related you're good at like weapon design, architecture etc. etc. if AI can generate things that are as good as your current work then it's your problem.

Anonymous No. 946723

not what I mean, I am talking about having an original style,

Anonymous No. 946734

OP couldn't art direct themselves out of a wet paper bag

Anonymous No. 946816

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 947449

wow, cris made a game?
eroge when

Anonymous No. 947451

>you have already reported this post
what do mods gain from not banning an annoying spambot?

Anonymous No. 947453

/3/ mod is a huge clown that keeps banning regulars for dark humor, but leave off topic spam float for months
look at this disgusting display of moderation >>940918 i dont think i ever seen this happen on other boards

Anonymous No. 947498

This post is pretty based
people only make fun of Chris because they see themselves in him- and they hate that.

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Apr 26.png

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 947533

Time to make some coomer kino.

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Anonymous No. 947538

Tfw Chris is /3/'s mod.

Anonymous No. 947554

cris im begging you just go for a cohesive 3d style this is all over the place

Anonymous No. 947557

To be honest, I could enjoy a game in this style if it had some redeeming qualities like good gameplay, an enjoyable story, good characters, something like that.
Even using AI booba of your characters and fun dialog/cutscenes could make it enjoyable enough to make a few thousand dollars on steam

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Anonymous No. 947587

>generic voxel/pixel art
>generic low poly
Nothing you're showing here is unique and special. You should stop judging yourself by unique" or "original" your work is, though.
How "original" it is doesn't matter. Is it good? That's the only question.
If your game is fun, people will play it. If it looks good, that's a bonus and helps market it.
"I won't even try, what's the point" is not how you make good art. Strife for the best that you can produce. Don't ask what the point is, it's art, the point is you want to make it and share it. Give a shit. Work on crafting your vision. Improve what you create until you are proud of what you've made.
Giving up is the opposite of giving a shit.