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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946936

do you think a gamedev has to learn 3d modeling and art to the same degree a "real artist" has to?
the difference is that an artist has to work for customers and always focus on doing one task as good as possible, whereas a gamedev just has to make models good enough for their own game and then call it a day. also a gamedev doesn't need to reach a quality level for movies.
that being said, what's the bare minimum an gamedev should learn/master to have a comfortable workflow to make assets? and what should a gamedev ignore to save time and get more stuff done?
if we all had infinite time i wouldn't ask this question, but since i want to get a game done in my lifetime i seriously need a plan how to approach asset creation in a realistic way. i dont want to shortcut my way through everything, but i also dont know what boundaries i should enforce on myself to focus on getting assets done.
also i what's a good way to approach buying or downloading free assets? should i use premade assets whenever possible or does using too many assets mean too much risk regarding sloppy licensing/copyright terms?
also should i learn anatomy and stuff in depth or should i focus on just using other peoples models as references and work around that and not bother too much about understand all the details?

well, tldr: what shortcuts can i take and what shortcuts will bite me in the back?

ofc there's no definite answer to this, but maybe someone has some experience doing lots of art for their own game!?

Anonymous No. 946940

you are in the "bargaining" stage of acceptance.

just accept that you don't have what it takes.

Anonymous No. 946943

to me it seems like i should stop learning and just start trying. because when i just model or draw something by reference it seems kinda decent for a beginner. but when i ask people they always spam me with tutorial links and books. maybe i'm just better off learning from nothing else than references.
actually i'm starting to hate the word "learning".

Anonymous No. 946945

Make it as good as the game needs it to be, if you just can't, get someone else to do that shit. If you can't do that - rethink the standard of quality you set for your game

Anonymous No. 946947

Dude, you can't learn jack shit without actually modeling. Do it, and also experiment in parallel with the features your preferred software uses. If you run into a roadblock/think something can be done more efficiently - might wanna look it up online, until that happens, just model

Anonymous No. 946948

dude don't reply to me, I literally already KNOW FOR A FACT that you are *guaranteed* to not make it.

you know how many talented artists and well-known gamedevs sat down to write a fucking anonymous essay on how maybe putting effort in is the wrong approach? literally none. zero,nada,zilch.

what you *think* you did:
>gather opinions
what you *actually* did:
straight away tell us:
>guys there's no way I'll ever push through the thousands of hours of hard, dedicated work necessary to become skilled, so please just tell me that it's okay to give up.

so here I am, telling you.

Anonymous No. 946949

have sex incel

Anonymous No. 946951

good. a purely emotional response means you're starting to digest your embarrassing defeat.

how many people did you tell "I'll be an artist" or "i am making my own game"? lmao

Anonymous No. 946954

post your game

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Anonymous No. 946956

>surely EVERYONE must be a basement-dwelling "gamedev" (read: lone autist watching unity tutorials all day who's "great vision" can be summed up as: yo something like zelda, but like when it was good ")

here I made this by myself in ue5 in like 4 months (was playing professional rugby for 3 of those, though)

Anonymous No. 946957

whatever, have fun in my thread. just don't expect me taking you serious.

Anonymous No. 946958

this post was delayed by approx. 2 minutes and 18 seconds, because salt-encrusted trembling spiderlike autism hands had to wipe tears off the keyboard first. drown in nigger diarrhea, "gamedev".

Anonymous No. 946959

yep. i actually enjoy your comments because sometimes i'm wondering if everybody here is just chatgpt, but chatgpt follows certain patterns so toxicity is a sign of human acitivity.

Anonymous No. 946961

babbies first attempt at reverse psychology:

1) create 2000 word essay on "hey what if I don't have to get a job after all and can be famous and rich and make a grand vision reality without even putting some basic fucking effort in?"

2) get told.

3) pretend to enjoy your own virtual anal rape

what comes next:

4) you realizing the fact that both my insults and genuine arguments having more weight than yours is a reflection of just how fucking untalented and unimaginative you truly are.

Anonymous No. 946962

i give you the attention you need, because your parents didn't

Anonymous No. 946963

says the guy that just created an anonymous 2000 word essay because he has so many people to talk to.

if you had what it takes to be creative, you would be creative right here and now.

Anonymous No. 946964

i'm not interested in proving you that i have what it takes. actually i'm fine with you thinking that i'll never make it. actually i didn't even claim to ever get anything done.

Anonymous No. 946965

you're not supposed to prove anything, you're being turing-tested.
response to self-reflection (soul): 0%.

Anonymous No. 946973

I have reached the point where, as a solodev, I have come to accept the fact that I must make everything. I cannot even use the animation packages, textures or models of other people, as they won't fit with the rest of my work or each other.

Anonymous No. 947005

Damn, that's kinda disappointing. I clicked on this thread thinking there would be a discussion going on about a topic I had some interest in, but it's just a schizo crab and you feeding him.
Look at all of the indie games that have already succeeded despite having "bad graphics" or genuinely low-quality art. If you can do better than that, which isn't as hard as you might think it is, your game can succeed if it's fun enough and you actually know how to market your game on social media.
You would be a lot better off asking this question in /agdg/ since there are people there who actually have experience with gamedev and aren't going to tell you that everything you make is going to look like shit unless you use all the right programs and follow all the right courses. The people on this board have the same taste in 3dcg as a kid who played a video game for the first time in 2014 and won't accept anything less than AAA quality.

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byce 3d.jpg

Anonymous No. 947047

OP, if you're serious about making a game, you might want to stick to making either a PS1 style game or a low-end PS2 style game. There is no way in hell are you making a PS3/PS4 level game. In case you aren't aware, development teams got bigger. There's no way you can do the work of 50+ men- which is why I suggest sticking to PS1/PS2 style game.

Anonymous No. 947171

im learning to model so i can make a Tenchu-like

Anonymous No. 947269

Do not try to specialize, you will fail.
Instead deci8de you want to be artist or coder.
Do what you do best, hire/commission work for others.

I suggest focus on C++ (for game dev), get unreal 5 (because C++)
Do some TINY games get $$$ hire artist.

Do not spread your learning time to thin, get good in one aspect of game dev. UE5 and C++ is best atm, if you fail at your game dev you will have great skills to get job and make somebody else rich.