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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต narcissist wifebeater father

Anonymous No. 946938

my father has been a narcissist wifebeater for my whole life. For whatever reason he doest beat my mom physcially anymore, im 30, they are 60. But there were plenty of instamces growing up where i have been cowering in horror as my moms head is bleeding all over the kitchen over some meaningless bullshit. She is a shell of a human.

I have never been able to have a good relationship with him. Anytime we spend more than 10minutes with eachother i cannot handle the way he is and end up exploding. Then i am the "crazy one". How am i supposed to not explode at this fucking asshole when he is constantly exhibiting some of the mlst disgusting interpersonal behavior such as...
> never taking accountability for anything
> constantly abuses my mom (shes just a fucking slave
>"get me this" "do this" "WTF you did it wrong! "WTF you didnt do it exactly the way I wanted!" "NO I wanted the other thing not this, moron!
>while he sits on his ass and barks orders
>constantly disagrees with anyhting anyone tells him
>he is always "right"
>Always acting entitled in public situations, thinks he deserves special treatment from staff in restuarants and stores, making scenes because he is right and they are wrong
>always making sick little jokes about peoples insecurities or weaknesses

I just cant fucking deal with this guy. The only solution i have found that works is cutting him out of my life. Then after a few weeks i try to reconnect and make things better, and it always devolves into shit... i fucking hate this cycle.. I just want to get along with him because "hes my dad" but it just seems impossible....

Wtf am i supposed to do....

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Anonymous No. 946939

hello this here rakeesh from prashnupirjabad, hamdaloong area. my advice is to retopologize in blender sir and watch the video from the great magician sir andrew price.

Anonymous No. 946942

First, don't post this shit on this board.
Second, don't fucking try to reconnect, dumbass. Your dad most likely will never change, get your mom away from him if you can and cut this tumor out.

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Anonymous No. 946950

sir for reconnecting I advise to use the blender connector tool and as always: stay safe and easy.


Anonymous No. 947179

Beat some sense into your dad, dont let your mother suffer like this

Anonymous No. 947181

Show your dad blender tutorials and maybe he will be too occupied with it to beat his wife