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Anonymous No. 947020

I don't know Substance Painter, but I know I've come to hate Adobe products. Is there anything Substance Painter does that I can't achieve with Blender's texture painting?

Anonymous No. 947021


Anonymous No. 947022

I usually advocate pretty hard for FOSS over proprietary shit and I try to use Blender for as much as my workflow as possible, but its texture painting is fucking awful. It's unusable for all but the absolute simplest of tasks.

If it helps, substance painter is easy to pirate and it doesn't feel like using an Adobe product once you get past the splash screen.

Anonymous No. 947025

Substance Painter is to Blender what Photoshop is to MS Paint.

Anonymous No. 947032

You can't get the UVmap to line up with blender, adobe made it clear it was for maya and real 3d software program. Not junk like blender.

Anonymous No. 947036

Get a job kid, you are pathetic

Anonymous No. 947038

You can absolutely "do" some of the stuff that SP does in Blender, but in such a roundabout and hoop-jumping asspull way it's more of a novelty than an actual workflow. It's a "yeah you can do this, but why would anyone want to?" kind of thing.
A lot of people think that "replicating" SP's workflow just amounts to painting masks hooked up to a PBR node in Blender, but that's really the most basic and uninformed YT clickbait way of thinking. There's a lot about SP that Blender just doesn't hold a candle to in terms of texturing.
And that's just fine 2bh. It's alright to use different tools that are specific to the job you're doing.
If SP and Adobe's payment model doesn't work for you (I don't blame you, I fucking hate Adobe), either pirate, or use something like Armor Paint. AP is free, and I'm pretty sure it does the same job as SP, but there are some differences. In either case I just don't recommend Blender for the task of in depth texturing.

Anonymous No. 947048

literally everything the other anon you are responding to said is true. getting emotionally attached to a mediocre piece of freeware instead of getting emotionally attached to the idea of perfection (and hence using the best tools possible) is a sure sign that you will never amount to anything.

Anonymous No. 947049

Vanilla Blender is insufficient, if only because of the absence of absolutely vital and basic functionality of layers (sure you can imitate it by adding a bunch of nodes in material editor for each layer, but it's very clunky).
There are addons that fix this though, for example BPainter ($40) -

Other than that, 3DCoat (or specifically 3DCoat Textura, cheaper version with only texturing tools) is much more convenient then SP for handpainting.

If you still decide to go for SP, I recommend getting a one-time payment version on Steam instead of the greedy ass live subscription.

Anonymous No. 947061

substance is the one thing under adobes suit thats worth getting. it does have adobe bloat and it was absolutely purchased cause adobe needed to be relevant. but it was a good move.

until blender fucking fixes its texture painting cursor to follow the form as well as substance, its the best we got.
theres 3dcoat for an even worse interface if you wanted

Anonymous No. 947062

foss faggots hardly ever make shit better than paid teams. thats why it never wins and why those teams stay in business aka maya, c4d, maya etc

Anonymous No. 947071

>Advocating stealing
>So poor, cannot afford something while simultaneously telling someone who has earned money that they will never amount to x

You are pathetic

Anonymous No. 947074

I literally own perpetual licenses for substance painter, substance designer and even a shitty tool they had years ago called bitmap2material.

changing a business model from giving out perpetual licenses to subscription is in itself a form of stealing, as you are creating an unnecessary, exploitative method in order to extract more money from your loyal customers than they would normally be willing to pay.

you are a ridiculous, gullible, bootlicking kind of sheep that makes tons of random assumptions (such as me not making money) and I have absolutely zero respect for you. your opinion is irrelevant and honestly quite pathetic. if this is how fiercely you protect your own money and dignity (not getting scammed by unjust business models), then i can imagine how fiercely you must defend your boyfriend when someone grabs his asscheeks at the gay bar.

tranny fag grow a pair.

Anonymous No. 947077

I own perpetual license, purchased on steam. Stop being transphobic and poor

Anonymous No. 947079

wow wtf
sry bro, didn't know you were genuinely mentally retarded...
nice reading comprehension and be well.

Anonymous No. 947080

Predictable response

Anonymous No. 947082

well yeah it's predictable. when you completely ignore sound arguments and instead react with nonsensical blabber, it's not exactly hard to predict that the rational person will go: "you are talking nonsense, retard."

i will not respond further, as you having lowered yourself to typing the equivalent to lorem ipsum into the box automatically means that you have forfeited the discussion.
fuck you for wasting my time and stop being poor pls.

Anonymous No. 947083

Good, go crawl back to cgp forums. Nobody will miss you here.

Anonymous No. 947117

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.โ€

that No. 947119

>Stop being transphobic
hardest cringe I've had in quite a while. wow.

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Anonymous No. 947122

Ignore the fat troll.

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Anonymous No. 947151

OP here, just wanted to say I'm grateful for the info โ€” so thank you to each of you โ€” and I'm enjoying the argument as it unfolds.

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Anonymous No. 947152

Oh! I forgot to say: I guess I'll pirate Substance and give it a shot.

Also: I feel like I can kinda tell when someone used Substance Painter but maybe that's just me. Does it give things a kind of "Substance Painter look" to you guys? I'm thinking maybe it's because, as I understand it, you can just kind of click "scuff edges" and thing like that, and maybe people tend to use similar settings. But maybe it's all in my head I dunno.

Anonymous No. 947154

You are choosing to download trojans, ransomware, and miners instead of using an official free trial. I dont even know what else to say. You are obviously way too dumb to have anything on your resume, much less ever have had a job

Anonymous No. 947157

>talking about someone being "too dumb"
>is not smart enough to download a file on the internet without fucking up their computer
Sounds like you're the one who probably doesn't have anything on their resume, after all, you clearly don't know how to use a computer.

Anonymous No. 947161

You deserve everything you are going to get

Anonymous No. 947162

Didn't know Adobe paid shills to post on here.

Anonymous No. 947170

lol ok mom thanks

Anonymous No. 947233

Hired? Because I bothered to learn a program instead of paying the shareholders at Adobe?
Oh no.

Anonymous No. 947234


Anonymous No. 947236

mixer, armor painter and marmoset are alternatives, tho mixer doesnt bake maps i think

Anonymous No. 947254

I can't hear you over all this money I'm making and saving by not jerking off Adobe shareholders.
The "cha-ching" is too loud.
Then again, I guess they're paying you for your "services" while you're on your knees under their table, but you have to remember to wipe your mouth after you're done sucking them off.

Anonymous No. 947289

Yes they are that's why I don't buy Adobe products.