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Anonymous No. 947189

3ds Max vs Blender vs Maya for modelling hard surface for vidya

Anonymous No. 947261

at least 90% do not have what it takes, so always start learning in blender.
then when you understand all the tasks of creating assets, switch to max immediately.

no one does modeling in maya, it's for rigging, animation and hair.

Anonymous No. 947264

That monkey has the most generic substance painter textures

Anonymous No. 947497


Anonymous No. 947502

Objectively, Max.

I mostly use Blender these days since I’ve gotten tired of all the hassle that comes with pirating Max, and I’ve gotten to a point where I can get very similar results out of both programs.

Blender isn’t nearly as bad as people on this board are making it out to be. 95% of hard surface modeling is just stuff that carries over to any software anyway, so it’s as good a place to start as any other.

That being said, spline tools in Blender are horrendous compared to Max, and I’ll never understand why they ripped off Max‘s modifier system but neglected to add an equivalent to the Edit Poly modifier.

Anonymous No. 947519

Max all the way. Out of the box it's a better polymodeller than the other two combined, you need a bunch of plugins in the other two to approach the ease at which you can create all kinds of geometry in numerous ways inside max.

Anonymous No. 947526

>That being said, spline tools in Blender are horrendous compared to Max, and I’ll never understand why they ripped off Max‘s modifier system but neglected to add an equivalent to the Edit Poly modifier.

wait, I've been saying that for ages and no one even openly agreed with me. how is someone making the same point as me when I have received nothing but garbage from this godforsaken board forever

Anonymous No. 947539

I dunno, arent those just the most obvious things a hard surface artist coming to Blender from Max is going to miss?

Anonymous No. 947562

that's not what I asked.

Anonymous No. 947570

Everyone receives garbage on this board for anything they post. If you like Blender the board will hate it. If you dislike it the board will love it.

People will claim nobody in the industry is using a particular program, then endlessly move the goalposts when you provide evidence to the contrary.

99% of this board is just failed artists desperately trying to convince others that they're going to fail as well so they can feel better about their own failure.

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Anonymous No. 947572

> Max
Why the fuck did I get filtered so hard by Max but wherever I go, I'm told that it's the best 3D software for hard surface.
I learned Blender and Maya beforehand and found none of them to be horrible at polymodeling. But Max made me uninstall it in the first few hours.
Can someone explain please, I'm willing to give it another chance but jus remembering that UI with the list of operations possible... damn.

Anonymous No. 947599

Max isn't any more complicated than Maya or Blender. All of the operations you need are on the command panel on the right side of the screen. The best resource to learn the app is the user manual. Max has really good documentation.

Anonymous No. 947608

See the problem with you and everyone else is you need to stop using all three and instead choose one and only one. If you are learning blender you stick to blender for the rest of your life. Same for max and maya.

Anonymous No. 947654

It's always harder to pick up a new interface after you already know another one as you'll be annoyed by how things are not located where you expect them to be.
Maya and max really don't mesh in how they feel to operate but I feel if you know blender you would be more familiar with how max is structured as maya is the oddball if
you juxtapose those 3 against one another.

Like if you are an expert at one interface and have to pick up another just go in with an open mind that alot of the things you initially hate will start making sense
to you once you build familiarity with how it works. Also go in expecting that you will have a bad experience the first couple of days and weeks of using it.

>spoken as a max guy who at one point had to use maya exclusively for ~8 months.

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Anonymous No. 947663

>Can someone explain please, I'm willing to give it another chance but jus remembering that UI with the list of operations possible... damn.

Thing to understand about max is that there are many ways to build geometry and there is too much to learn all at once so you pick it up one trick at the time.
Max shines as a hardsurface modeller because it's conceptually closer towards being a architectural CAD tool than a pure art tool.

High level max will allow you construct some surfaces and architecture similar to how you would go about designing things for real world applications.
It has very in-depth alignment, arraying, snapping, pivot and grid features.

It's so good at hard surfaces because you have this watchmakers accuracy available in max that stems from the cross talk between the CAD world
and the art world during it's early development and subsequent use as a design/archviz software.

It may be a bit less accessible as it's toolset is not streamlined or dumbed down and gives you capabilities
you won't likely even know how to exploit unless you already have numerous years of experience.

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download (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 947673

there's a certain point at which you want ultimate precision, and blender does not have a lot of tools for that.
you want faces to be perfectly aligned to other objects, turn cuts you make into perfect circles etc.
I'm also using polyline pro (29$), which basically gives it cad-like qualities.

then there's the modifier stack with countless great modifiers that blender is missing and highly professional plugins such as fumefx, railclone that give you some of the best tools for liquid sims and archviz respectively.

you are disappointed, because you hadn't reached a level yet where those things would make a difference. it's like asking "what is so special about this 200$ whiskey i taste-tested" when you never tasted whiskey before - of course you're not going to get the fine details.
i wish i had more explosive diarrhea right now.

Anonymous No. 948104


Maya > Max > Zbrush > 3Dcoat > Blender with paid addons

You can start at blender if you want but unless its for porn, not worth it

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Anonymous No. 948105

>Maya > Max > Zbrush > 3Dcoat > Blender with paid addons

Anonymous No. 948515

objectively blender
max has shit ui and is slow as hell to model anything in

Anonymous No. 948521

>i tried to escape the dreadful pit of misery that is the blender community once by pirating max, didn't have the patience to learn the UI (hint: unlike blender, almost anything can be customized via scripts) and have been shittalking a piece of professional software i never truly used ever since, as the alternative would be to admit my obvious defeat.

Anonymous No. 948526

my IQ is high enough to use both easily
if you complain about UI in anything you're retarded

Anonymous No. 948527

>if you complain about UI in anything you're retarded
i agree. and you complained about UI.

if you honestly gave max a chance, then riddle me this, mr. high IQ:
what simple trick is used in max to delete an essential toolbar button that cannot be deleted via the UI customization menu? everyone that actually used max for more than 10 minutes knows this.

you don't.

Anonymous No. 948681

I learnt the basics of Max some years ago but now have to use Blender for a project and it feels really shitty in many aspects.
How compatible is Max with Blender?

Anonymous No. 948684

better in all respects

Anonymous No. 951190

hair sucks ass in Maya, it shits the bed after a fe mil, Houdini in the other hand

Anonymous No. 951191

>stick to blender for the rest of your life. Same for max and maya.
MF this isn't rocket science nor you are studying medicine. Learn the programs so you can decide which one feels better for your needs, is not as if you are not capable of learning different UI's or maybe you aren't, I feel sorry for your low iq anon.

Anonymous No. 951192

>MF this isn't rocket science nor you are studying medicine.
computer graphic research and development (which some of us are doing, at least myself) is at least as difficult as learning medicine or rocket science, probably many more times more so

Anonymous No. 951195


Anonymous No. 951196

The jannies allow this nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 951198


Anonymous No. 951200

You are a special snowflake.

Anonymous No. 951202

You often allow spam against the rules of the board. And you do it for free. I wonder if it's possible to report you. There's a lot of evidence.

Anonymous No. 951203

I also think the jannies of this board may be sociopaths who see other users as their own livestock. The catalog seems to suggest so.
I'm not saying this is the case, but sometimes people who feel free to mistreat other people on the internet without remorse like the jannies of this board do, it could be that their hate for other people may even go beyond the internet.

Anonymous No. 951204

For example. Can you explain to me what's the rationale for allowing >>950408 and a stream of similar threads that get created constantly?
Don't bother. There is none.
Instead, here's my rationale: Fuck. Jannies.

Anonymous No. 951280

>Fuck. Jannies.
Huh!? Good reasoning! Guess its true when the tell you that evil is just the absence of good.

Anonymous No. 951318

Because we all have AI tools that we use to detect your posting style and are intentionally disagreeing with you and you alone to make you mad. Also there's a keylogger installed on your computer to make this even easier. You need to throw out your hard drive anon. It is the only way to stop us.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 951347

You give off homo vibes

Anonymous No. 953088


Obviously Blender, niggerfaggots

Anonymous No. 953091

>you want faces to be perfectly aligned to other objects, turn cuts you make into perfect circles etc.
that's when you use CAD. Tbh, Max has no place in today's 3D workflows when Blender does the less precise things faster and easier and CAD does precise things even more precisely.

Anonymous No. 953112

Which CAD integrates best with Blender? What's the best combo?

Anonymous No. 953113

None of them. Use a CAD software to do the entire model. If you don't need the precision or the "CAD-like look" just do it in Blender right away.

Anonymous No. 953119

How would you do a model of a scifi spaceship corridor, for example? In what software?

Anonymous No. 953143

If you can't swap from one program to another in a week then you don't know any programs at all imo.

Anonymous No. 953456

Not in CAD. Spaceship corridors usually lean heavily on kitbashing or tons of tubes, etc. Perfect surfaces don't really matter at all, so imo you'd waste a lot of time by making a space corridor in CAD.

Anonymous No. 953461

Ok so max, or what?

Anonymous No. 953470

Dude, didn't you say you were using Blender? Just use that. Application choice doesn't really matter, especially at your level.

The fundamental principles of poly modeling are the same everywhere, and it doesn't matter if you're learning them in Max, Maya or Blender. Once you've got that shit down switching between them becomes trivial anyway.

Anonymous No. 953480

They say that poly modeling is a waste of time and that you should use Plasticity

Anonymous No. 953509

Sounds like a great idea if all you just want to stare at your model in Plasticity.

The second you want to do anything else with it you'll have to import it into Blender, Max or Maya to retopo/unwrap/texture/rig/animate it anyway.

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Anonymous No. 953513


export as a ngon then triangulate. Done.

Anonymous No. 953601

So you're saying Blender is the best software?

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Anonymous No. 953619

>for modelling
hooo boy don't do that if you value your sanity.
even if you clean history that does not mean you cleaned your DAG for real and it will bite you in the ass and explode your model later down the line when you least expect it and maybe even crash.
use max or blender or rhino or whatever the fuck

Anonymous No. 954135

3dcoat is fucking dogshit