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Anonymous No. 947372

I really suck at UV's.
I've been getting by with using blender's smart UV project thing but I never fully understood how to do it manually or do it well.
What resources/videos/people taught you how to UV better? I need recommendations on where to start

Anonymous No. 947382

Bro ur supposed to give seams for the smart uv to work with... lol

Anonymous No. 947395


.......holy shit im very fucking stupid
I did not realize that smart uv listened to the seams you placed, i assumed that it just made up it's own and placing seams was for manual unwrapping
k thanks lol, i genuinely didnt know

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Anonymous No. 947415

Just fucking make bear pelts.
Its not fucking hard.

Anonymous No. 947421

The Fastest way I have worked out to do it is cut your seams in app then use Zbrushes auto uvs with keeping the groups.

does a great job then bring it back to pack, may seem like a bit of jumping about but desu its the best of all worlds (controlling uv seams with polypaint sucks hence step 1)

Anonymous No. 947492

Doing UV seams is pretty easy once it "clicks", after that it's about economy with seams and shit to unwrap something perfectly with the least amount of seams possible. At least that's how it is for me. It's a bit like a fun puzzle game.
I think the stupidest thing I got caught up on was the concept of "seams", thinking about them like cuts instead got my head into the right mindset. Like I knew what the seams were doing, and that it would lay things out in UV, but until I thought about it like "cut here, cut there" it didn't really click. Again, it's a stupid little semantics thing, but it helped.

In any case, learn how to unwrap a cube, a sphere and a cylinder, and you can unwrap anything. It's all variations and combinations on that.
Just do a few rounds of practice with those shapes, and I think you'll get it.

Anonymous No. 947493

Does anyone here recommend Rizomuv? I tried the demo and was impressed, but now my demo license has run out

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ a !!haQLbxvM/UC No. 947494
