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Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 02:04:53 UTC No. 947428
Second model I've ever made (really), no help from follow-along/model tutorials, just google.
How'd I do?
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 02:23:22 UTC No. 947429
It looks pretty good to me
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 02:52:30 UTC No. 947430
soon (as in 3-6 months from now) ai will do this in seconds
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 03:01:38 UTC No. 947431
Pretty good. A lot of the edges are too tight though if you're going to bake it.
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 03:02:55 UTC No. 947432
It already technically exists, no?
You can 3D scan almost any real-world object, but an Ai will never replicate say, a niche/hyperspecific dragon design, a fictional handgun, a mecha, etc
It won't be able to optimize topo, it won't have a workflow, etc
For analogy, stable diffusion/"art" AI doesn't use layers or brushes or anything, nor can it perfectly replicate a fictional design it's not trained for
Humans will always be the source for AI "creativity", anyways
So fuck off.
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 03:27:19 UTC No. 947434
>Dunning kruger post
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 03:54:32 UTC No. 947436
>>947434 if you're the same guy as >>947430 you also clearly do not know your shit lol
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 11:39:32 UTC No. 947447
now do something original that doesnt already exist on the market
you could sculpt something instead of wasting time arguing with neural AI lunatics
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 12:05:09 UTC No. 947450
really fucking well. don't get disheartened by the AI faggots. you know what it actually means when ask around "how good is this" and the only thing an envious niggercunt that knows he will never be as good as you can throw at you to try and unjustly hurt you is "MAYBE in some hypothetical future I won't have to live with this defeat because of technology that will be gifted to me for free for no reason HAHA I STILL WIN"?
it means you defeated someone so COMICALLY hard that he has to escape reality to come up with a reason for why he somehow didn't get owned.
you can't spell antichrist without ai for a reason. AI praise equals "i hope no one's heart, talent and love will be necessary anymore". don't ignore it, understand it as praise hiding as a failed insult.
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 12:30:48 UTC No. 947456
thx for the praise. my comment must have hit you pretty hard. good.
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 12:31:39 UTC No. 947457
>reaction gif comprehension
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 12:34:47 UTC No. 947458
you're like a guest at a restaurant tipping a second time after the initial tip. have some dignity please, at some point it looks to others like a hardcore gay self-humiliation fetish.
thx for the praise.
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Jun 2023 00:54:49 UTC No. 947555
Yeah, you third work will be in new marvel movie.
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Jun 2023 21:53:06 UTC No. 947617
Very good anon.
Now you need to turn that midpoly to high and low poly.
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Jun 2023 13:27:13 UTC No. 947651
extremely well done AS VAL, good job
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Jun 2023 04:36:54 UTC No. 947712
Great job, proud of you. I love you.
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Jun 2023 05:28:31 UTC No. 947718
there is no ai you dumb motherfucker
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Jun 2023 05:44:38 UTC No. 947720
not bad at all, keep going. you have a bright future in hardsurface modelling
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Jun 2023 19:56:43 UTC No. 947760
>A lot of the edges are too tight though if you're going to bake it.
Quick rundown on this please?
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Jun 2023 08:34:26 UTC No. 947783
>Second model I've ever made (really)
But nice model though
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Jun 2023 10:19:04 UTC No. 947785
what he says can easily be true. i personally don't consider anything to have been made, unless i finish all the steps and perfect it.
for instance when you first played around with zbrush, made an ugly blob instead of a head and scrapped it, did you "make a model"? of course not. but you still gained experience. repeat this a few hundred times and suddenly the first model you actually go through with and rework again and again will look fantastic.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:20:53 UTC No. 948621
>Ai will never replicate say, a niche/hyperspecific dragon design, a fictional handgun, a mecha, etc
>It won't be able to optimize topo, it won't have a workflow, etc
Picrel took me 20 seconds to generate. Yes, right now it's only 2d. But shit is moving fast. Instead of pretending it "will never do X" you should look into ways on implementing it into your workflows to become more efficient, because if supervised, AI is already extremely capable of doing tons of shit.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:24:06 UTC No. 948622
This doesnt make any sense. You made a model from day 1. Stop gatekeeping
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:26:47 UTC No. 948623
>Picrel took me 20 seconds to generate
And not only are they 2 dimensonal, un UVed, etc but you cant copyright a goddamn one. You happy ?
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:51:11 UTC No. 948625
>but you cant copyright a goddamn one. You happy
Actually it's a grey zone right now. Which country has laws up to this point concerning this?
And if you train your own model with bought assets it's also not a huge deal.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 12:00:41 UTC No. 948626
The us copyright office issued new rulings about 2 months ago. Its not a grey area, you are just ignorant
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 14:29:10 UTC No. 948630
>The answer will depend on the circumstances, particularly how the AI tool operates and how it was used to create the final work," the office said.
You really shouldn't have opinions on things you know obviously nothing about, makes you look extremely retarded.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 22:06:36 UTC No. 948656
here you go, kiddo. The fact that I have to spoonfeed you speaks volumes. DO YOUR RESEARCH
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Jun 2023 17:34:52 UTC No. 948751
Not that guy, but why do you believe "ArtOfSoulburn" over the Copyright Office themselves? Why not go and read their website instead of filtering stuff through YouTube. Look up how copyright and other rights work. Quick rundown:
>create creative stuff
>it is automatically copyrighted
>there's stuff you can do to create a stronger legal foundation, but they're really optional
>create AI stuff
>is it automatically copyrighted?
>the answer is that in most cases no
>does it matter?
>create 3D model based on the image
>own copyright to the derivative work
As you can see, you can already use AI to generate assets. By the way, you can even own copyright to a derivative work for which a different person has the copyright, as it happened to that rapper a few years ago. So imagine that you draw a picture, and then I take it and 3D model it; the picture is yours but the 3D model is mine, and now your claim isn't based on copyright but on infringement of likeness, trademark (if the character is your mascot or something used in a trademarkable way), and other stuff that is not copyright either (look up the difference). Here your chances are only as good as your legal foundation and your resources to litigate, so in practice I'm gonna get away with it unless you're a huge company. IRL I would change a bit from your drawing though, so you wouldn't even have a plausible claim. Relevant questions:
>what happens if nobody owns the copyright to AI stuff?
>nothing; anyone can use it
>who gets a plausible claim to anything on the basis of AI-created art?
>nobody; first they would need to be rich and willing to spend good money, and then they have to be able to claim something (What?), and then prove it
>what if my company trains our own AI with drawings of our own work?
>this is why they said they're gonna review it on a per-case basis, you're gonna own that
Post your questions and I'll educate you. I am a lawyer with 23 years of experience, currently focusing on AI stuff.
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Jun 2023 00:44:39 UTC No. 948778
>>what if my company trains our own AI with drawings of our own work?
you can only copyright human made work, you ding dong.
>hey look at me, i printed the alphabet and ran it through a bunch of gpus and now i own every future literary work in existance!
No you dont, you fucking toolbag. You are not a lawyer btw and if you are, I remind you that you are literally on the chopping block rn for complete AI automation
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Jun 2023 02:54:23 UTC No. 948789
>you can only copyright human made work, you ding dong.
Buddy check this out:
>generate image with AI
>add a line to it with Photoshop
>now it's human made
This is basic stuff my dude. Even the copyrighted office said it.
>i printed the alphabet and ran it through a bunch of gpus and now i own every future literary work in existance!
We already had this concern about music back in 2014ish, when there was concern that sometime in the near future all music could be generated by brute force and be owned by one entity. Yes, the answer is that you would effectively own all music and that would cause many problems, and then lawmakers would have to figure out a solution. This problem doesn't have a solution in the current legal framework because it's not even remotely feasible to do, so you don't have to worry about it. If this is what you're worrying about you're grossly uninformed and straight bad at math; there's more pressing issues with AI stuff than that fantasy scenario.
>I remind you that you are literally on the chopping block rn for complete AI automation
Not really. I foresee that people are gonna consult me and I'm gonna be a middleman for the AI. Some of my clients are freelancers that sell Stable Diffusion art commissions; they don't lie, they tell people that they're using SD, and there's a market for it. The lesson is that people prefer paying 7 bucks than learning how to use a tool. When we have reliable AI lawyers I'm gonna make bank as a middleman.
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Jun 2023 17:28:04 UTC No. 949074
stop shitting up threads with AI faggotry
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Jun 2023 17:38:07 UTC No. 949077
>>generate image with AI
>add a line to it with Photoshop
>now it's human made
that's not how it works, jabroni
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Jun 2023 17:42:27 UTC No. 949078
also, dont you dare start crying again now