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Anonymous No. 947610

is it even worth optimizing your assets these days?

Anonymous No. 947613

No because technology

Anonymous No. 947619

Where is this from?
I'm gueninely interested of what's an acceptable vertice number for a category of assets in a game (depending on the scope of the game).
I've been following a lot of tuts on the video game asset creation but it's a subject that's never approached anywhere.

Anonymous No. 947620

>shit topology unusable for vertex painting.

Anonymous No. 947623

>>shit topology
Anon learns that topology looks pretty standard for static props like buildings once you take out the uncessary wdge loops
>unusable for vertex painting
Anon learned a fancy term that doesn't apply here

Anonymous No. 947648

Who the hell vertex paints a building prop?

Anonymous No. 947649

Yeah if you don't want your stuff to end up like that Gollum game

Anonymous No. 947652

It depends on the context. If the scene is limited in scope there is enough overhead available for you to not worry about poly-count and do what is most effective use of your time to make the geometry come about. Most of the time what makes sense is you not wasting polygons needlessly but you're no longer applying any deep thinking into figuring out how to shave off those last few percent to have a really optimized surface.

If you're game is a sprawling open world tho that'll instantiate whatever you build in numerous places anything you shave off will add up and pay off in more content
being able to render at higher framerates.

The mesh in your OP image is just weird tho, it looks like they deliberately made extra effort to have a certain poly density.
But there is too much pinching and shallow sliced polygons going towards the window to have that make sense even if they're doing something exotic with the vertex colors.

Anonymous No. 947688

nah he makes a good point you should try texturing sometime

Anonymous No. 947692

>unreal engine 4
