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๐Ÿงต Piracy, how to avoid getting caught?

Anonymous No. 947636

I make video games and there's just no way I'm paying for adobe + zbrush + illustrator + photoshop. I understand you can get caught if you did contract work with a big company and they snitch on you. But what about releasing your own stuff? Is there anything in the files that will reveal you pirated?

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Anonymous No. 947644

no one's going to give a shit. Lots of companies pirate stuff themselves because no one cares most of the time. Some softwares do doxx you to devs if they find a piracy attempt but most cracks that aren't pajeet-tier take care of that and it only applies to the office as a whole - no one is going to spend their time, money and effort trying to lawsuit nobody #292912039 for getting flagged for downloading software

Anonymous No. 947653

get a job !!!!

Anonymous No. 947691

You cannot pay $50 per month for software that's paying your bills?

Anonymous No. 947699

Not him but for most people it doesn't pay shit.

Anonymous No. 947702

No one wants to pay adobe, we have different softwares that works and it's only 1 time pay.

Anonymous No. 947703

>hating on adobe, the makers of painter aka the secret sauce behind 99% of artstation

Anonymous No. 947755

Was getting caught part of your plan? Anyway, time to use Blender, Gimp, and Krita.

Anonymous No. 947761

Piracy is a crime

Anonymous No. 947764

>another EA of digital art acquires software in a company buy out with its rupees
>by that logic you cannot hate on Maxon now that just goes full jew right away and lets their software stagnate
Fuck off poo jeet, still not going to rent your spyware.

Anonymous No. 947765

use blender

Anonymous No. 947928

I make games and I use Blender + Blender + Krita + GIMP. Just get good. Why steal?

Anonymous No. 947971

fuck off, tranny
pirate from private trackers only. once you have all the programs you need running, do the following two things:
1) run services.msc and block all surveillance and bloat garbage
2) recommended: make your workstation permanently offline and browse using something like an intel nuc

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Anonymous No. 947975

>1) run services.msc and block all surveillance and bloat garbage
anon, I....

Anonymous No. 947977

From what I've always heard they don't give a shit unless you start making fat stacks from whatever you've created.
From what I know, at most, you get forced to retroactively buy a license. But that's assuming you make a wildly successful game that any of those companies are going to hear about. This isn't like when some literally who writes a fanfic that sells a dozen copies and the Jewish record labels scour every page looking for lyrics being used without the author having paid for the rights.

Anonymous No. 947979

Thats not true. The Foundry has gone after individuals.

Get a job!

Anonymous No. 949111

What websites to pirate from.

Anonymous No. 949241

>can't afford 50 dollars a month
Why is this board full of underages?

Anonymous No. 949249

(1) >i make video games
no you don't. you downloaded UE5, watched some beginner tutorials and will never publish anything.
(2) there is a dedicated piracy thread open at all times. imagine disrespecting the board by making a thread that should have been a post and expecting serious help.
(3) i know how to run virtually anything 3d-related without its respective spyware running and will deliberately not tell you because you obviously don't have what it takes and are disrespectful on top of it. just last week I managed to keep 3ds max from reinstalling a .exe that it automatically replaces and then executes every few minutes when you delete, stop or rename it.

guess who I'm not telling how to pull that off? good luck with your game, bro. if you can't manage to run the software necessary to create it then I'm sure it will amaze and inspire us all.

and CLEARLY a guy that doesn't know how to browse 4chan (it's a catalog, you nigger) or do a fucking google search will TOTALLY be capable of writing and checking highly complex code.

the state of this fucking board, i swear.