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Anonymous No. 947803

Blender is now being used for major motion pictures. It's officially industry standard.

Anonymous No. 947805

>across the spiderverse

enough said, desu

🗑️ Anonymous No. 947815

They only hired him because he's black.

Anonymous No. 947819

show your work then, coward!!!

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Anonymous No. 947822


Anonymous No. 947825

Imagine being racist and butthurt because someone actually got paid while you waste away doing nothing with your life :)

Anonymous No. 947827


Anonymous No. 947829

Blender is running like ass. I upgraded the ram to 64gb and now I overclocked my cpu. This is getting kind of annoying. My model has like 30 million faces I think. I also have a 3060 rtx, with a 3700x. What else does this thing want?

Anonymous No. 947830

>I upgraded the ram to 64gb
get 128

>now I overclocked my cpu
dont overclock, your cpu will go belly up


can you take any more L's?

Anonymous No. 947832

>Lego stop motion is used by taking photos many times to make the characters move.

There is no blender, it's just physical lego with adobe after effects. Showing how dumb blender users, you can't understand basic animation 101.

Anonymous No. 947834


Anonymous No. 947840

does maya require a super computer too?

Anonymous No. 947842

>advising not to overclock

Anonymous No. 947844

What you're demanding is super computer tier.

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erotic roundtable....jpg

Anonymous No. 947845

>Neuralangelo’s ability to translate the textures of complex materials — including roof shingles, panes of glass and smooth marble — from 2D videos to 3D assets significantly surpasses prior methods. The high fidelity makes its 3D reconstructions easier for developers and creative professionals to rapidly create usable virtual objects for their projects using footage captured by smartphones.
>Neuralangelo is one of nearly 30 projects by NVIDIA Research to be presented at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), taking place June 18-22 in Vancouver. The papers span topics including pose estimation, 3D reconstruction and video generation.
>Huang announced NVIDIA Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) for Games, a foundry service developers can use to build and deploy custom AI models for speech, conversation and animation. It will give non-playable characters conversational skills so they can respond to questions with lifelike personalities that evolve.
You can call me cris all you like but it's over.

Anonymous No. 947849

>Closed source nvidia shitware

Anonymous No. 947854

gheeze they could of made anything and they went with some deformed autchwitz shit

Anonymous No. 947857

hes also 14, get a life

Anonymous No. 947865

same cycles shits on my comp and turns it off but Maya handles it like a pro. Starting like maya more switching from blender

Anonymous No. 947903

Maya runs on a budget shitbox, it's just that Blender shits the bed when the polycount gets more than a million, don't listen to this retard consoomer >>947830

the chair nerd No. 947906

By that standard even a no.2 pencil is 'industry standard'

Anonymous No. 948057

>imagine being such a faggot that racism triggers you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 948065


Anonymous No. 948090

are you making a nazi gas chamber zyklon b porno?

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Anonymous No. 948166


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Anonymous No. 948167


Anonymous No. 948168

>blender muscle
>20 euros

Anonymous No. 948169

>My model has like 30 million faces I think.
>What else does this thing want?
It wants you to get good at modelling.

Anonymous No. 948174

Lmao I relish in the fact that you losers will never be successful

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 948326

i mean...
i would watch that sheet, ngl..
Immagine a blonde bull snaping one of thse malnurished jewesses in two...

Anonymous No. 948332

Why the fuck do you have 30 million faces?
Don't sculpt anything remarkably detailed in blender!!!!

Anonymous No. 948362

>My model has like 30 million faces I think.
What is it, a life size model of Mount Rushmore

Anonymous No. 948363

put giant balloon tits on her and she could be a RAITA character

Anonymous No. 949903

Maya shits the bed even harder with less polygons.

Anonymous No. 949945

AI is going to be industry standard
Netflix producers are already asking AI bros to help with the process, motherfuckers are bragging on twitter.

Anonymous No. 949946

you dont know what you are talking about. Maya is not a sculpting app.

Anonymous No. 949947

>AI is going to be industry standard
It wont be.

Steam is banning AI generated content in games.

Anonymous No. 949948

This has got to be one of the most idiotic comments i've read in months.

Anonymous No. 949949

Its been known news confirmed on /v/, /g/, twitter, and reddit for days, idiot

Anonymous No. 949950


Anonymous No. 949951

>One person got their A.I game banned
>News believe it

Anonymous No. 949952

read the steam terms. Its OVER for you. I fucking TOLD you!

Anonymous No. 949953


Unilever is already looking to deploy AI as soon as possible
4 major architect firms are using AI already

AI is kill, for all of us

Anonymous No. 949968

Again, on STEAM it is OVER

Anonymous No. 949977

kinda based won't lie. I take the side of whoever is causing the most butthurt

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Anonymous No. 949983

Steam under the law must inform the users of any changes to the terms of the agreement. They can not change the law, they cannot make changes without informing you. No changes since April 25, 2023 according to Valve themselves.

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Anonymous No. 949984

Its already IN the agreement, specifically with needing all the necessary rights. Its been in there for YEARS.

They are cracking down now.

I fucking told you guys not to get dependent on AI and suckle on that teat and get lazy, but you wouldn't listen. You wouldn't fucking listen. And now I am laughing at you all.

Anonymous No. 949995


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Anonymous No. 949997

Reddit made up story time.

Anonymous No. 949998

there is no need to be upset.

this is happening. Do a search, sweetie.

Anonymous No. 950035

Just like Elon Musk mom, you should stop believing on fake stories. It's only 1 person, the news reference the person every time. The news is only a Reddit post.

You and the news are incorrect.

Anonymous No. 950043

just wait

Anonymous No. 950123

I just want ai UV unwrap. Is that so much to ask for?

Anonymous No. 950133

Maya automatic UV can't do it corect, why would a A.I be any different. It's never going to happen.

Anonymous No. 950145

It will. AI already is able to solve protein folding that normal supercomputers take forever to do, and thats way harder shapes than 3d models.

Anonymous No. 950152

>This A.I requires lots of hardware
And what makes you think, this is anywhere near close to customers UV. Code can't just work in a computer and have it do the same thing. This is A.I code, a dumb lines of code that randomly change throughout the process. Normal code does not change, A.I code does. It will never be the thing to get UV editing correct.

Anonymous No. 950264

You are wrong:

>telling Ars in an e-mailed statement that the company is blocking games that use AI-generated content unless developers can prove those AI models were trained with data that does not "infringe on existing copyrights."

Anonymous No. 951778

Mount Rushmore only has four faces, retard

Anonymous No. 951781

dont project your shitty life on me, loser

Anonymous No. 951800

Which is impossible since virtually all generative AI models were built on scraped work by un consenting artists lol. Capitalists are such un creative leeches XD

Anonymous No. 951808

>use Blunder once to launder the assets

Anonymous No. 951819

It’s idiotic because it has no bearing on the initial claim. Some fag in Valve’s weird corporate structure was empowered to make a judgement on AI assets on a whim and did so. Who gives a fuck about Valves legal opinions? They aren’t going to still give a shit once this goes to an actual court.

Anonymous No. 951822

>release garbage and then improve it
He was going to release it, and the fuck off with the money leaving behind a broken mess like the non ai shovelware developers do.

Anonymous No. 952228

>30 million faces
what the fuck is your shitty model? Last person who told me that didn't know what a fucking surface normal was

Anonymous No. 952234

>They aren’t going to still give a shit once this goes to an actual court.
Just wait, compadre

Anonymous No. 952261

If you are sculpting that should work just fine if you are using multiress lv 3-5, if you go higher lvs the performance drops usually, you have visibility options to work in sculpts like these if the performance drops too, are you using mask hide or face sets? And some brushes are really slow, so you have to use them in the low levels of your multiresolution mesh, finally you can use the fast navigation I know there are culling options for the viewport and the back of the mesh somewhere too but i can't remember where, also disable shadow and cavity.

Anonymous No. 954434

Industry standard is a shit term like AAA is. Industry standard for 3D typically means using a software that the majority uses in order to make sure things don't break the production pipeline regardless of how how good or shit the tools are.

Anonymous No. 955142

noob here.No tuts so far mentioned it. What is it?