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Anonymous No. 947828

How do you find a project that interests you? I work for days - weeks on projects that it turns out I'm not interested in and it's like pulling teeth to work on em

the chair nerd No. 947831

Make smaller proyects and follow pareto's law religiously.

Anonymous No. 947837

Tenacity yields results.

If you can figure out a method to create things in spite of how you feel about making them, you will have gained the ability to accomplish great things in art or life.

"Someone once asked Somerset Maugham if he wrote on a schedule or only when struck by inspiration. 'I write only when inspiration strikes,' he replied. “Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o'clock sharp.'"

Anonymous No. 947838

Start with something really small. Like, really small. A single object. Something you can finish in a few hours. Do a few of those, then move on to stuff that would take a day or two. Then a week, and so on.

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Anonymous No. 947841

this is my most recent project, Stopped working on it and just started to drift. Did soft body physics for the tentacles. I guess I could do UVs and textures for it.

Anonymous No. 947843

you guys better make the most money you possibly can out of this before ai catches. Its already catching up. Futa porn and children's cartoons out the wazoo until you've secured enough to be comfortable.Also get a youtube marketing person to ensure you squeeze the views out of that shit. Also tik tok.

Anonymous No. 947850

Model what makes you coom

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the chair nerd No. 947901

Good advice.

Anonymous No. 948066

I've done this and it isn't so good