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🧵 Nvidia has sealed our fates

Anonymous No. 947846

>Neuralangelo’s ability to translate the textures of complex materials — including roof shingles, panes of glass and smooth marble — from 2D videos to 3D assets significantly surpasses prior methods. The high fidelity makes its 3D reconstructions easier for developers and creative professionals to rapidly create usable virtual objects for their projects using footage captured by smartphones.
>Neuralangelo is one of nearly 30 projects by NVIDIA Research to be presented at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), taking place June 18-22 in Vancouver. The papers span topics including pose estimation, 3D reconstruction and video generation.
>Huang announced NVIDIA Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) for Games, a foundry service developers can use to build and deploy custom AI models for speech, conversation and animation. It will give non-playable characters conversational skills so they can respond to questions with lifelike personalities that evolve.
You can call me cris all you like but it's over

Anonymous No. 947847

Its not over yet. You still have a couple of years of so of crunching.

Anonymous No. 947848

Yes, but it's over for those who have a couple years or more to git gud.

Anonymous No. 947852

You faggots LOVE to revel in self-pity and doom faggotry.
The trademark of a true faggot.

Anonymous No. 947855

was 3 ever happy to begin with?
Atleast g and ic got to be happy for a while.

Anonymous No. 947876

No board on this site is happy. Wherever you go it's failures looking to drag down others so they can feel better about themselves.

Anonymous No. 947878


Anonymous No. 947883

This just means I can make better 3D models.

Anonymous No. 947886

maybe focus more on stylized models?

at least then you can stand out with your own distinct art style

also more fun imo

Anonymous No. 947893

What exactly does it do better? I can get better results with Photogrammetry and that AI interaction was the type of lame shit I furiously skip in games.

Anonymous No. 947911

It's ironic because slow boards tend to be niche and happier but this one behaves worse than /v/

Anonymous No. 947912

Go fuck yourself 1 trillion times. We are happy and witty here you son of a fuck.

Anonymous No. 947922

Can you finally skip retopology and uv unwrapping to make fine tuned game ready models? If the answer is no then I'm not interested.

Anonymous No. 947924

All the 3D giants are under the Nvidia pmniverse umbrella and will have to just from a competitive standpoint.

Anonymous No. 947943


Anonymous No. 948070

It's because /3/ is one of the first boards in the smartphone app and brainlets come here in hope they can make money by pushing one button. then they get eventually frustrated and switch to shitting on others out of impotent anger

Anonymous No. 948101

The facial animation system is incredibly bad in this demo

Anonymous No. 948121

The meme of "muh stylized" is even more generic than realism.

Anonymous No. 948237

Once again, AI is only good for making cooper porn.

Anonymous No. 948325

>it's over
I mean yeah, Jim is better at english than I am as far as speaking goes.
But come one, the energy and scripting in that video seems like it was churned out by an AI

Anonymous No. 948367

get off your phone you fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 948368

>ramen chef speaks with no plosives, just jaw flaps with some lip movements and blink cycles
fuck neuralangelo

Anonymous No. 948381

That's not neuralangelo you nigger
>just wait till it's finished or a better version come out
Ubisoft certainly will

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Anonymous No. 948769

What you guys are missing is that we'll be able to convert any image into a filly rendered 3D object soon. Meaning that overnight you can create 5,000 images with Stable Diffusion and then convert them to 3D models. And there you go, you have all of your assets for your video game and it only took a few hours.

Since anyone will be able to do this and it could even be automated completely, the individual with their singular fancy art style or their esoteric capabilities will be worth a hell of a lot less than they are now. Since everyone will be able to make assets in many more than 1 art styles. Infinitely faster.

I dunno how much time will have to pass but eventually generating both images and their conversion to 3D will be spotless. It will just werk and video games and a lot of media will be changed forever.

Anonymous No. 948777

If you think you will be able to use custom models and custom images i have a bridge i can sell you.

Anonymous No. 948790

You really don't understand the implication of creating 3D models based on generated images. This destroys the futile copyright argument(if that's what you're talking about).

Anonymous No. 948806

You generate an image and it gives you one view. You dont get the back or the side view. Why is this so hard for you to understand. You get a single plane. You are beyond delusional and drunk off anything nvidia will feed you. Hell i bet you even own massively overpriced nvidia stock

Anonymous No. 948808

just like the filthy hookers you pay it's never coming.

Anonymous No. 948814

Anonymous No. 948845

cris tier answer
you will never be able to make your own video game no matter how much AI can do for you :^)

Anonymous No. 948854

The same AIPajeet post here and on /IC.

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Anonymous No. 948855

The AI will generate those. The proof of concepts already exist, Nvidia already has productized the technology we're just waiting for useable FOSS stuff. DRAGan also plans to manipulate 3D models too.


Anonymous No. 948856

Also NeRFs

Anonymous No. 948857

i only have one single question for you:
is there a single website where i can enter a prompt and receive a usable (all-quad, proportional, no holes etc.) mesh?


Anonymous No. 948869

AI art is a passing fad, like crypto. You'll see it everywhere for a couple of years and then POOF it'll be gone and we'll move onto the next fad. If you actually believe anything is going to change macroeconomically with relations between the rich and the poor you must be very very young or a cultist of mr kurzweil

Anonymous No. 948871

Doesn't really matter.
The tools change, the work gets easier, the output increases.

Anonymous No. 948873

they said the same about crypto with money. The only lasting non-fad that could break the cycle is real human Intelligence improving (it wont) as opposed to artificial intelligence where you rely on an external factor (a machine), which ironically causes laziness and real intelligence to decrease. Some people are playing with a non-full deck, and boosting their real intelligence is the only way to help them but this would have very real danger

Anonymous No. 948881

you are a child if you think it will remain like this for the next five years. AI will be a tool every artist that wants to make money will have to use

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Anonymous No. 948884

>assess that the person I am talking with is highly unlikely to possess the mental capacity to admit obvious defeat in an argument
>highlight my opponents lack of character by making an all-caps note so that even a drunk, retarded, sleep-deprived 3-year-old would get the message "yeah it's really time to just admit I have NOTHING and shut up"
>still incapable to simply say "there has never been a working product, not even a shitty one"

not only are you a person of bafflingly horrible character, but you are quite obviously also too young to remember the dotcom-bubble.
back then, every fucking day some new internet company would TOTALLY revolutionize the way we live => 95% forever disappeared, because they were so-called pump&dump schemes:

hype or hypothetical product, often with fake data, previews etc, try to get bought by one of the big players before your bluff gets called => set for life. AI is the same goddamn scam, which is why for any SANE AND FUNCTIONING ADULT, the fact that there are NO ACTUAL USABLE PRODUCTS is a gigantic red flag.

another more recent example would be crypto, where also 95% of all coins are pure scams.

>and you call OTHERS naive

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download (3).jpg

Anonymous No. 948885

oh before I forget, I have some theranos stock to sell. they don't have a working product, but their CEO is kinda bangable and knows how to pose in a professional-looking and prophetic (she has a VISION for our FUTURE!!!!! 111) sort of way.

they have totally revolutionized blood testing, and even though there is no actual product YOU WOULD BE LIKE A CHILD IF YOU DIDN'T INVEST.


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Anonymous No. 948931

>its... its just like fake money!
>AI art doesn't exist, and it is impossible! monstermash is a fraud, no proof! Nvidia will fall, and I will short it! it is impossible to improve the already existing technology!
AI will create a 3D model and you will be able to print it in the comfort of your home.

Anonymous No. 948933

AI will create a glorified box and 3d printing is bad for the environment

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Anonymous No. 948962

> Fast forward to current days. Businesses and governments have realized the practical benefits of the Internet-meme. All connected to the internet, people use large variety of cloud services on every day basis. Those who survived the dot-com boom are literally shaping our world controlling the flow of information.

>Where is my hecking revolution!
"AI meme" is now going through the "Wild West" of development. People explore the potential of a new technology, building and testing business plans around it. Every business has gone through this. The usefulness of the LLM and Diffusion models has already been proven, and they are currently being integrated into various products. Photoshop is a good example, we literally have a "make it beautiful" button now. LLM can be used as interactive encyclopedia or agent of influence; sound models can read text and sing, and don't forget about text-to-video models. These things already make it a ridiculously powerful tool. All digital media will be shaped with AI because how efficient it is. Hell, I think, some time soon, we will see a playable Doom 1 game dreamed by AI model in real time.

Anonymous No. 948963

everything AI creates is generic and soulless. just like smartphones completely ruined social gatherings forever, AI will dumb down and ruin entertainment.

and you cheer.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 948967

still waiting for those self-driving cars that were gonna put all the truckers out of business in five years back in 2016.

Anonymous No. 948973

That gif rel is just noise

Anonymous No. 948990

>just like smartphones completely ruined social gatherings forever
you mean like computers destroyed your social life? or 4chan?
AI will allow you to do art in the way you want with way less effort than before. Computer games didn't destroy board games, they are different things - but even you can agree with me which one is better

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Anonymous No. 948991

>with way less effort than before
words cannot possibly express just how much of an uneducated, vile, backwards brute you are.


why do you think old video games were so much more rewarding? EFFORT WAS NECESSARY.
why do you think oil paintings taller than yourself, with at least half a dozen meticulously planned layers of the finest paints are so impressive? BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T JUST SHIT INTO EXISTENCE BY THE PRESS OF A BUTTON YOU FREAK NIGGER BARBARIAN

the only *actual* information contained in your posts is that, apparently, you've never truly worked for anything in this life - otherwise you would understand the old wisdom that the journey is its own reward.

i don't know what your physical skin might look like, but judging by your soul, you are a NIGGER on the inside.

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Anonymous No. 949073

you see how easily you got that amazing portrait even greater than yourself into here? it does not carry the same quality or value, you can print it, put in your wall but will never be the same as the real paint in the canvas, quality or history wise (economically too). But you did it. Many do. Some might even say we talking here is soulless, and should go outside talk to real people. AI art will help people who don't know how to make art at all in the same way it will help professionals. No artist will lose money over this, yeah commissions will have to get cheap, but they will be able to do art way faster, which is pretty much the point here.
If you like Pre-Raphaelite art, this is a great chance to make it viable again, just like ghibli style - more people will create art, and those who already do it will be able to do even more than now.

Anonymous No. 949075

lmao except that stable diffusion is very limited and requires hours of trials until you luck out and generate the waifu you wanted

Anonymous No. 949076

>5 more years bro
lmao, tell me what changed in the past 5 years.

Anonymous No. 949092

Yes I cheer I don't have to hire a fiver pajeet to fail gacha me a graphic design request. I cheer that time will be freed up to create stories and not just models. No need for a sound booth a hiring the right voice actor you can get dead famous voices for your mod.

>games are a just a fad look they crashed
>oh look fad because tech crash but FAGMAN and friends, along with Elon and Thiel, did more than just survive
>VR is a meme even though it refuses to go away the Virtual Boy
>AI is just like crypto scam even though it's Nvidia's bread and butter now and has convinced mass industry adoption
>yeah don't look at what it's doing in biomedicine
The robotics part of Nvidia's computex keynote alone alone says otherwise. Fully automated forklifts are ready for mass production.

Anonymous No. 949120

what fuck do you mean, chat gpt wasn't doing peoples homework back then

Anonymous No. 949143

There's probably a demo on huggingface somewhere. But yeah the other anon got it right and you are in serious cope mode. It's coming. Nvidia, Adobe, and many many startups are pushing it as we speak. It will exist this year and you know this, you read the OP. You can do it on your own PC right now if you were a hackerman. I saw one company that was making a product just to generate furniture and appliances and stuff just for video games or marketing purposes. They said they were specializing with profit in mind, unlike the big players who are going for broad foundational models to serve as a base for fine tuning(this is what Nvidia is doing).

You actually deluded yourself into thinking what does exist does not exist. Why?

>everything AI creates is generic and soulless. just like smartphones completely ruined social gatherings forever, AI will dumb down and ruin entertainment.
You're just wrong about these things and that's why people cheer.

Typical that you have no idea what art is. You pretentious loser.
>why do you think old video games were so much more rewarding?
They weren't, this is just your nostalgic opinion.
>why do you think oil paintings taller than yourself, with at least half a dozen meticulously planned layers of the finest paints are so impressive?
They are far less impressive than AI art which is a billion times more complicated.

Anonymous No. 949151

You are caught up in the middle of yet another fad and you cant see it. What do you think is next, huh, 18 wheelers that drive themselves through tight, busy streets with pedestrians? Never going to happen buddy.

Anonymous No. 949155

And lets not forget the elephant in the room : FLYING CARS

where are they? Lol. You people will fall for fads over and over and over again.

Anonymous No. 949179

They don't need to drive through cities to replace human jobs.

Anonymous No. 949184

Comparing machine learning to Theranos or crypto is ridiculous.
Theranos obviously had nothing.
Machine learning is in the opposite position.
Machine learning companies don't have bangable CEOs, they have hordes of STEM nerds building functioning models, achieving SOTA on benchmarks, and frequently releasing their results publicly. That's what real value creation looks like.
In just a few years, AI has smashed through performance barriers and solved problems that were previously thought to be insurmountable for computers.
Billions of dollars of value has been created.
Just from seeing Midjourney and GPT-4, you get the distinct impression that we're in big trouble.
And if you read about the scaling laws and the amount of compute that will be available for future models, or a random essay from Gwern, it becomes clear that it's going to be over for human workers very soon
The last five years gave us an explosion of AI capabilities beyond anyone's expectations

Monk No. 949185

Be honest ma nigguh have you ever been fuked dis good

No king

Anonymous No. 949190

I clicked generate forever and took a shower and came back to all of those which are mostly pretty good.

Anonymous No. 949204

>Comparing machine learning to Theranos or crypto is ridiculous
Its not. Its just another scam, as is ai. AI is LLM which has no basis in fact and just hallucinates as well as being "neutered" by the corpos. You are caught in a fad or a craze, and in a few years when the next fad hits i guarantee you will look back on this and think of how naive and stupid you were.

Anonymous No. 949207

And if you're wrong, then what collateral are you putting on the table? You gonna APOLOGIZE for your crystal ball not working or just move goal posts until you go back to saying it's a meme, even if live controlled experiments were conducted in front of you? It's always the latter for every disagreement on the internet, this site being guilty of it the most.

Anonymous No. 949211

If im wrong (i wont be), everybody will be living in a dystopia where it has become insanely easy to scam and phish people out of every dime in their bank accounts, every capitalist government will have collapsed yet global nuclear ruin has somehow been averted, the rich will have lost all their money, the armies of the world will have just said enough and given away their arms and opened all their borders, etc etc.

I could go on but i am trying to inform you , from the position of someone old enough to have lived through a lot, that you are experiencing a "run on" AI aka a fad if you will

Anonymous No. 949218

Mo Gawdat also thought it was bullshit for solving alignment issues with sheet metal in industrial assembly lines because it couldn't learn to pick up the correct off position object until eventually the machines stopped trial and erroring and were passing the test. When R&D at Google stopped thinking it was a meme I don't know why anyone should be convinced that it is by some literal who anon being really pushy about downplaying AI?

Things are only confirmed as fads in hindsight or last far too long to be merely called a fad. Unless you're trying to say that there's a mass industry mania from all the top players in a mad scramble to be on top in AI innovation and integration.... with interest rates to rise further, so if this was an illusory mania there is nothing to fuel it even in an environment of distorted prices.

Anonymous No. 949224

I rest my case

Anonymous No. 950913

Automatic's webui has a mesh generator extension

Anonymous No. 950991

>You generate an image and it gives you one view. You dont get the back or the side view.
Kek typical autistic sperg incapable of seeing the forest for the trees because brainlet. Even if this technology didn't exist yet, you would have to be either a massive retard or utterly incapable of embracing new tech to not see it on the horizon. But the tech already exists. Both Photoshop and Unity engine can do this already, not to mention the OP.

Anonymous No. 950995

Stop talking out of your ass, it looks like absolute dogshit you cretin

Anonymous No. 950997

>AI technologies will stop progressing from today onwards because a random sperg anon having a pissy fit says so
Only body-rocking, hand-flapping, austistic retards like yourself get triggered when change happens.

Anonymous No. 951045

Seems like you are projecting

Anonymous No. 951184

The Ends don't justify the means.

AI constitutes art theft on a massive scale. Its also theft in AI coding and AI music.

Anonymous No. 951488

If it robs from so many people that it can't even stand a trial at court, maybe you should take your medication

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Anonymous No. 951490

skill issue

Anonymous No. 951491

No tears now. There are literally hundreds of lawsuits filed against ai now

Anonymous No. 951508

did you even open that image?

Anonymous No. 951510

there isn't even a handful and they'll all lose

Anonymous No. 951535

You have no idea what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 951596

>you wanted
Not even that, they're downloading models other people have trained, training their own, and then writing up paragraphs, fighting with posing tools, and rerolling for hours until they get something that looks good enough. There's no "I wanted this", they just accept what comes out after hours of gambling on all of these noisy steps to make something nice.

It's almost funny how much easier it would be just to learn to draw the trashy art they're fishing for, but they're so lazy, they never will. They just keep on their high horse about how much better they are than the young kid artists dumb enough to engage them in arguments, even though there's not any difference between them, they're both stagnating and addicted on easy to make garbage.

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Anonymous No. 951646

Lol - US will do the exact same. It is over.

Anonymous No. 951667

>Photoshop is a good example, we literally have a "make it beautiful" button now.
Anon, try this feature out first before you make such claims. It's complete unusable garbage and have about the same practical value as just photobashing images you get off Google Image search.

Anonymous No. 951669

Plus, you cant use that feature for commercial work

Anonymous No. 951682

Lmao China is so based, literally everything they do makes greedy scum rage, love it