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Anonymous No. 947874

If I want to 3D model buildings for fun, should I bother learning Blender or just use some archvis software? I'd prefer to avoid the slog of learning Blender's shit interface/workflow if possible.
Can standard archvis software do somewhat more fantastical shapes like picrel pretty easily, or will it be a hassle to get anything other than boxy strip malls and office blocks?

Anonymous No. 947875

Just pirate 3ds Max if you're even remotely serious about this. There is no real alternative when it comes to arch viz and 99.99% of tutorials worth following will just assume that's what you're using.

If you have zero experience with an actual 3D modeling package it'll be just as much of a pain to learn as Blender, though.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 947882

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek
yo mad over that discord link post ha what a noob you are loser nigger aa2 fag mod you mad asf lmfao

Anonymous No. 947889

what is the difference between 3ds max and maya?

Anonymous No. 947890

Maya is shit for modeling.

the chair nerd No. 947892

>archvis software

What the fuck is even that.

the chair nerd No. 947894

No seriously. Archviz software does not exist per se if you don't count taylor made plug-ins and/ or suites like Railclone and Forest. And even with that archviz is just one of the things you can do with those.

> I want to 3D model buildings for fun

You can do that with basic software like sketchup and get great results. The real question is. What do you want to make out of those models? Renderings, animations, vr? For that you'll be obliged to look up some alternative software that can range from a simple render engine to an unreal workflow.

> I'd prefer to avoid the slog of learning Blender's shit interface/workflow if possible.

If you are not prepared to learn an alien interface/workflow it seems you see architectural modelling as a simple hobby so I would stick to a non strings attached software such as skp or blender.

>Can standard archvis software do somewhat more fantastical shapes like picrel pretty easily, or will it be a hassle to get anything other than boxy strip malls and office blocks?

You can model any shape you can imagine even with autocad 3d. But again If you are not willing the
>slog of learning Blender's shit interface/workflow if possible
you will never make those efficiently.

I personally recommend Rhino for you. The learning curve can be as flat or steep as you like and you can play with parametric modelling fron the star with not much hazzle.

Anonymous No. 947902

I gave up and I just build shit in minecraft after work. Much more relaxing and satisfying than professional sw. I work in the industry btw so I don't care about wasting my time in minecraft

Anonymous No. 947958

>If you have zero experience with an actual 3D modeling package
I know some CAD, which is why I'd be a bit more willing to learn a more CAD-type software than Blender.
Is 3ds Max CAD or Blender-style vertex stuff?
>What do you want to make out of those models?
Just the models themselves, really. Maybe some simple renders or putting them into Unity to walk around them.
>If you are not prepared to learn an alien interface/workflow
I'm not entirely opposed to/incapable of learning new software. I've just tried to learn Blender before and sitting through those 2-hour tutorial videos to learn how to wrestle with its arcane systems to accomplish something incredibly basic was just insufferable for me.
I used to do a lot of building in Minecraft, that's what got me into the idea. It's a bit limiting though, I'd like to be able to do more detail and texture and the like

Anonymous No. 947959

You can't properly texture CAD models, much less use them in a game engine. You will have to learn actual poly modeling techniques to do any of that, and those are largely the same across all 3D packages, including 3ds Max.

Either suck it up and learn, or go back to Minecraft.

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Anonymous No. 947960

it's such an advanced topic that there is no way of accomplishing things such as your pic without putting in a low 4-digit number of hours.

start out with blender, as there are hardly any good tutorials for max. if and only if you manage to not ragequit and become somewhat competent, add houdini to your workflow. it's the ultimate filter, but its capabilities are practically endless.

the request you've made (creating what's in your pic) cannot be pulled off by like 90-95% of all those that start out,so do yourself a favor and listen to me.
also you're starting out by already seeking shortcuts, which is a huge red flag and a sign that you will get filtered by the first major obstacle that you won't find a specific tutorial for.

my post sounds like an insult, but what I'm really doing is trying to save your time.

Anonymous No. 947965

I managed to turn a cad model into low poly but holy shit that sucked. I used the decimate modifier and it crashed like 10 times.

Anonymous No. 947999

The Source Engine and SE2 Hammer World Editor is good for roughing out buildings real quick. Not that curvy postmodern Semitic architecture in OPs pic, but real buildings with 2x4 beams and vinyl siding.

Anonymous No. 948069

I actually do know how to do a bit of UV unwrapping in Blender, on models imported from CAD. Probably not well enough for a high-quality character model or anything but enough to work with hard surface. Could probably figure out generating normal maps too with a bit of work.
It's just the modeling itself that's unintuitive and awful for me - subdivision shit makes absolutely zero sense to me for hard surface compared to how simple CAD is.
>you're starting out by already seeking shortcuts
I wasn't really thinking of it as a shortcut, I'm not under the illusion I'll be able to do professional-level architectural renderings within a week or something. Was just hoping there was software more geared towards what I wanted to do, as opposed to character modeling and animation software that can kinda sorta be co-opted for hard surface with some addons and workarounds.
Never worked with Hammer but from what I've seen of Source games it seems rather restrictive, TF2 has a decent art style but that relies a lot more on texturing and props than the architecture itself, which is rather blocky

Anonymous No. 948212

I think anon is suggesting Source 2 Hammer. Source Hammer is notoriously hard so recommending it to someone getting filtered by Blender might not be the best idea