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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Why is it that 3D artists aren't as obsessed with identity politics as 2D artists are?

Anonymous No. 947941

I go on social media I see 2D artists and they are all like gay and shit but when I see 3D artists they are a mostly nice men who only want to make the world happy.

Anonymous No. 947953

2d art relies more on intuition while 3d art is more technical.

Anonymous No. 947957

superior 3 dimensions technician vs 2d flat faggot

Anonymous No. 947961

ignore other replies
its obviously because 2d art (in this case its anime and comic inspired drawings) is a huge manchild magnet. in case of 3d they get filtered in few hours for several reasons, but mainly its all about the amount of effort you need to put into 3d to be able to make a good looking model with textures
if you want to get into 3d, forget about trannyposting 6 hours a day

Anonymous No. 947969

it's way more technical, which filters the furries.