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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 947998

Why does no one talk about MoCap on this god forsaken board? Literally 99% of what you see now is motion captured and yet, on this board, nothing.

>should I invest in a kinect?
>will it give me the edge that I need?

Anonymous No. 948002

get the ping pong balls

Anonymous No. 948003

No one is using blender for mocap, MMD community is the only ones that allow you to mocap videos. Mocap webcam? thats lame, no one in MMD does that anymore.

Anonymous No. 948004

I'm not using blender either, pic was a random from google. I use Houdini

Anonymous No. 948008

what exactly is better about this paid software?
I get the performance bit but is that enough to justify the price tag?
Be more specific. Is the rigging better? You do know there's tons of blender plugins as well...

Anonymous No. 948010

keep it on topic about mocap. Go to your containment thread.

Anonymous No. 948013

This is why:

Anonymous No. 948014

That nigga needs to learn graphic design

Anonymous No. 948056

cause using mocap for porn isnt the easiest route to take. most just slam models together and call it a day

Anonymous No. 948071

I remember listening to an interview with the solo dev of pumpkin jack, and he said that he started with kinect and it was kind of helpful at first but since you need to correct animations he found it better to make them by hand

Anonymous No. 948084

because mocap looks like garbage and I want to become a non shit animator.

Anonymous No. 948097

the overwhelming majority of what you see in animated media is mocapped and cleaned up

Anonymous No. 948112

And maybe that's why I haven't seen good animations since the 70s.

Anonymous No. 948125


Anonymous No. 948142

>>should I invest in a kinect?

...i guess, the future lies in AI and shit! i havnt tested it yet because i have too much hustle and this would be to much for me right now. would like to read about a RL application and how it worked in some somewhat serious project.

Anonymous No. 948147

are you serious? You're going to that shit by hand? You must be kidding.

Anonymous No. 948155

The answer is no, everyone in MMD is using another way. Recording videos of character is 10x better than looking like a freak in webcam.

Webcam is the old way, video mocap is the future.

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Anonymous No. 948158


...mann, thats exactly what i wrote! noone needs some xbox shit, just record a scene, run i through an AI, get bone postions and good is!

hurray, no need of expensive gimmicks and shit, just you webcam and good is!

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Anonymous No. 948159

>The answer is no, everyone in MMD is using another way. Recording videos of character is 10x better than looking like a freak in webcam.

you have got to be kidding me, disinformation kun

Anonymous No. 950199

If you don't give a fuck about privacy use one of those video to mocap services. If you do worry about privacy and flopping your penis around and own a VR headset (specially HTC trackers and or visor)

Steam > Mocap Fusion VR

Anonymous No. 950230

Any software that's exclusive to steam is always bad news. Also, owning VR defeats the Mocap technical levels of action, the thing is too slow to predict your actions.

Anonymous No. 950232


Anonymous No. 950247

Sellout becomes corp

>RPG Game Character Hub
Dead project

Responsible for Shovelware in Steam

Useless game engine

It's a scam, program can not export anything.

I know what i said and i know the dumb softwares steam allows to scam people like you. Mocap fusion does even export to FBX or other files, you just playing dumb VR game on it.

Anonymous No. 950714

frfr mocap

Anonymous No. 950722

this, we use mocap for almost all animations but I rather just take poses from it and animate everything myself.. the cleanup is hell

Anonymous No. 950811

What do you do when you need animation on animals and monsters and stuff that you can't mocap

Anonymous No. 950817

keyframe it, that's the only way. Some evil corp will try to make people wear costumes and try to act the monster but it will never act odd enough to make people care about it.

Anonymous No. 950820

Can i do keyframe animation in motionbuilder

Anonymous No. 950824

So what do I need to buy (hardware and software on windows) if I want to gen humanoid mocap?

Anonymous No. 950825

Yes but there are special rules on how stuff works and it's very very annoying. It might take you like 2 months to learn the basics, just the basics until you ready for other stuff that isn't common but needed.

Anonymous No. 950888

yes, I find it more pleasant to use than Maya

Anonymous No. 950904

polycam and xbox 360 kinect go brrr

Anonymous No. 950906

Mo-cap looks bad. Characters always move in a weird uncanny way. I understand that it's an enormous time saver, but 3D movement is still better when animated by hand. It almost always looks better when cartoonist philosophies of stretch and squish are applied - even when it's a realistic character.

Anonymous No. 950926

You can go to settings interactive mode and change it to maya keyboard mouse mode.

Anonymous No. 950933

not the problem, here see it yourself