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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 948040

>Take a break from 3D
>Experience a mass shooting
>Fall into depression and cope with weed
>Addicted and use daily for 6 months
>Try to get back to 3D
>I feel no passion
Will it come back or did I royally fuck up? I was decent when I took my break but I just don’t feel the joy in this hobby like I used to

Anonymous No. 948041

It will come back after a 1 month t-break. Been through that. However weed is 100% necessary to do art.

Anonymous No. 948046

I disagree.

Anonymous No. 948053

great artists turn shitty feelings into beauty. you turn them into attention whoring. this isn't your personal fucking blog you massive faggot.

Anonymous No. 948054

>>Experience a mass shooting
Skill issue, live in a better country retard

Anonymous No. 948055

if youre so weak that you've become addicted to weed, then you lack the discipline to begin with.

No amount of asking on here will actually amount to anything faggot. You will adapt or find something you actually enjoy.

Anonymous No. 948073

Fuck you

Anonymous No. 948085

what the FUCK is this thread about

Anonymous No. 948276

Nvm 3D modeling is fun again

Anonymous No. 948308

Did you do the mass shooting?

Anonymous No. 948322

>Experience a mass shooting
How did you escape the cops?

Anonymous No. 948342

What if i had no passion before i started smoking weed

Anonymous No. 948355

but doctor I am pagliacci

Anonymous No. 948360

Has weed helped you in any way towards your ambitions, passions, and/or hobbies?

Anonymous No. 948383

It helped me chill out and focus on myself and be less obsessive. Id say it helped me lose weight because i ate my stress away less. But i dont think it helps me when it comes to doing much other than to stress less. Which i will say is pretty useful when you're making art.

Anonymous No. 948386

That's really good man. Just don't let it become a crutch where you HAVE TO get high just to create (or doing everything/anything for that matter). Much like alcoholic writers who think they're the next Hemingway with the whole "Write drunk, edit sober" mantra.

I only say that cause that's how I used to be. I very much fell into the rabbit hole of needing to create music and edit film high. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it worked and there were awesome little moments but I relied on it too much to get me through the day at a certain point. It just became a daily and habitual routine.

Anonymous No. 948387

and why was it bad?

Anonymous No. 948388

>>Experience a mass shooting
What's the pay like for crisis actors?

Anonymous No. 948396

Everyday was just an excuse to get high. I don't take pharmaceutical drugs and I don't really drink but I leaned heavily on being stoned 24/7-365 which affected how I functioned. Now, I'm more of a weekend warrior when I have nothing else going on or have a day off. Everyone is different though so just take my experience with a grain of salt. Do what works best for you!

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Anonymous No. 948445

did you do the school shooting stan?

Anonymous No. 948447


Anonymous No. 948454

Fair thanks

Anonymous No. 948959

"it helped me chill out" I'm so fucking sick of stoners man. Every weed tard's story is the same, they took weed to relax until they were doing it constantly to "chill" constantly and sit around eating and watching TV. Half a decade later and they want out but have a serious addiction and the early signs of a permanent psychotic disorder. I know people like this that haven't smoked weed in months who still seem like a dopey stoned retard when you speak to them, from years of chronic use.

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Anonymous No. 949099

Every day my contempt for stoners grows larger.

Anonymous No. 949166

cool story man

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Anonymous No. 949252

thank you so much for this 3d-modeling discussion.

Anonymous No. 949295

Whatever you had within you before the event happened that made you able to be an artist (aka "passion", "inspiration", "drive", whatever) still exists within you.
It's that the trauma of the experience you went through is blocking you from accessing it, but it's all still there.
What you need to do is therapy. It doesn't have to be talk therapy, it doesn't have to be with a professional therapist, but it has to be something of a therapeutic nature where you are mindful and have a clear and present intent to understand what happened to you and what you need to do to overcome it.

Everything that's happening to you is your brain trying, and failing, to process the event. That's why you feel like you're stuck in a loop. And the reality is you aren't going to pull yourself out of that hole; you need someone to help you out.
Once you're out of that hole, then you can rediscover what was already there all along: your passion.

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Anonymous No. 951905

I like to smoke weed while I’m doing 3d art, I smoke every day. But it’s not necessary. If you need weed to function you’ve got something wrong in your life, that’s what you need to address, why you are using a non addictive substance as such a crutch to be able to carry out your day to day activities. If weed isn’t just making it better, then why do it?
Probably some underlying issue like depression etc

As a stoner though I do agree most stoners are annoying posers or do nothing idiots who make weed their personal identity. Always people buying shitty little bags of scraggle weed of people too, growers are almost never like this.

Anonymous No. 951919

I think of it as a cycle.
When you smoke, let your ideas flow, MAKE A JOURNAL! it will help retain the ideas for you to analyze and judge when sober.
Like free fuel.

And as other's say, don't let it out of control tho.

Anonymous No. 952115

Shit take. I did coke for a while, quit easily. Had a hard time quitting weed. Everyone is different, and some drugs work for you more than others.

Anonymous No. 953164
