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🧵 Cascadeur General

Anonymous No. 948060

Cascadeur is an animation software that uses physics and AI to help animators create animations.
For example: if you move the foot, then the entire body will move as well and adjust based on physics to create a natural movement. Compare that with traditional IK/FK animating where you have to move each point manually.
This software is still unknown, but I have a feeling it's going to get momentum and become the next big thing.

Anonymous No. 948063

>if you move the foot, then the entire body will move as well
That's called IK you dumb fuck. We don't need a robot to randomly misplace something and make our jobs harder.

Also 120 joints limit?!?!?! You do understand that's only good enough for basic character and not advance ones with weapons, hair or clothing. Actually i think they knew it wouldn't work with unknown items so they put that limit on there. The A.I isn't smart, it doesn't know the difference between a sword and fire torch.

So, no I don't think this will change things when it's too dumb to do things.

Anonymous No. 948888

I think it's great for basic animations. Like if you want to create animations for the UE mannequins. It helps create a natural movement.

Anonymous No. 948890

I'm mostly interested in its secondary motion capabilities, those are always a PITA to animate manually. Cautiously optimistic about the "physically correct" adjustments, I plan to do first person animations mostly and there's a LOT of exaggeration and unnaturally fast movement used to make those look good.

Anonymous No. 948895

Cascadeur is best described as a "bad, dead software"

Anonymous No. 948897

> physically based
That's the part I don't understand. Does it refer to the interpolation thing between keyframes or is also related to the style of animation you will end up with. Meaning that Cascadeur is a bad software for characters stylized animations?

Anonymous No. 949323

You can add objects/ weapons and attach them to the auto poser on the pins. It’s not very intuitive but it’s also pretty early in development.

Anonymous No. 949339

Yes but does it know the difference between a swing bat and sword swing. No, the A.I only assumes things it has in the database not how you liked it to work.

Anonymous No. 949421

Do a quick first pass in Cascadeur, then import into proper animation program for finishing touches.

Eventually this kind of technology will be integrated into Maya, etc...

Anonymous No. 949422

>if you move the foot, then the entire body will move
yeah no thanks, I want to move each joint myself without the need of some software "guessing" where i want it

Anonymous No. 949433

We have that since 2000s, it's called Mocap.

Anonymous No. 949462

>anon makes a general for a program he hasn't touched at all
Let me guess, you also expect anons to solve your problems with it too, since this is a thinly-veiled question thread for the program.

Anonymous No. 949662

Cope harder

Anonymous No. 949663

Retarded comparison

Anonymous No. 949687

LOTR greatest movie used Mocap, they used real program animation like Maya. You are too dumb to know how3D works an that's very sad to hear.

Anonymous No. 949694

Hey retard nobody claims this is a replacement for mocap.

You can't do proper mocap at home and only AAA studios have their own rig.
So that leaves downloading mocap animation from mixamo and blending a bunch of them together so you have what you want.
This sucks ass for anyone having a specific purpose in mind and it's next to impossible for anything except realistic humanoid characters.
Adding physics to armature animation workflow is a godsend and the only shame is that this isn't available except in this obscure proprietary software.

Anonymous No. 949695

Not to mention blending mocap animations doesn't give realistic results if they are too different.

Anonymous No. 949696

This retard believes that mocap is the same thing as ai assisted animation. Moron you could potentially use ai to clean up mocap garbage, that soul sucking job in anim industry. Here hold your trophy for the most retarded maya fanboi in 4chins. You're either a student or a studio boomer stuck in his old ways.

Anonymous No. 949723

Yes you can do Mocap at home, At home:

Also yes physics does exist in MMD software, checkmate. loser.

Mocap isn't perfect but at least it's not junk like A.I where it just guess 90% of the time. The thing can't do a spin without messing up, a noob can do that with Blender.

You know the A.I sucks when a blender noob can spin a cube and A.I can't.

Anonymous No. 949750

AI looks better

Anonymous No. 949753

>Yes you can do Mocap at home, At home:
That's a gimmick and glitchy as fuck.
Yes I knew that was coming, that's why I called it """proper""" mocap.

Anonymous No. 949754

bumping this question. Maybe it's retarded thus people ignoring it but I'm still wondering.

Anonymous No. 949764

this looks fucking awful

Anonymous No. 949766

I haven't used it but plan to check it out. Our only animator is busy making a live off of star fox with shotas porn on SFM, so you're just going to get the same few people who come here to get catharsis from shitflinging and bump kris threads.

Anonymous No. 949769

Good thing everything you've said has been negated by those janky eye sore mocap animations
>shows second life besides the videos games category icon above the comment sections

Anonymous No. 949811

The A.I mess up the left leg, spacing is a problem, post in the very start is incorrect. Human had to fix many many problem. It's not better than mocap if I STILL HAVE TO FIX THINGS.

I told you the A.I isn't smart, the whole thing made rookie mistakes while some 10 year old free program like MMD is better at detecting body changes.

Anonymous No. 949821

Tick tock

Anonymous No. 949825

>Also yes physics does exist in MMD software, checkmate. loser.
There were couple people in the last thread too that didn't understand the difference between wiggle bones, etc and this.
What it does is it makes sure is that the center of mass of the character is roughly above the feet or foot on the ground and taking into account momentum.
Sure you can replicate this process by hand if you add all the physics and constraints (have fun making a spreadsheet ^^) to your model and repeatedly bake them and re-apply and tweak.
At some point you'd wanna automate the process with a script and then congratulations you've taken the first step in re-inventing what cascadeur does.

Anonymous No. 949841

Requires outdated and overcost NVIDIA® Quadro series. VS RTX 4080 ; $1199 and works.

You call that advancement?! That's useless machine hardware that can't do anything, that NVIDIA had in their storage, being useless.

No one is going to buy these dumb Quadro series.

What the heck are you talking about, adding physics to the body model causes problems. You can see noob MMD of gravity being in default. In fact Maya doesn't even touch the model when gravity is apply, no one does this to the body model. What the fk told you it's ok to do that.

Anonymous No. 949847

>What the heck are you talking about
>>949723 mentioned it
>Also yes physics does exist in MMD software, checkmate. loser.

Anonymous No. 949863

No you are trying to make gravity work into the body model.

>Sure you can replicate this process by hand if you add all the physics and constraints (have fun making a spreadsheet ^^) to your model and repeatedly bake them and re-apply and tweak.

by bake, you mean the body and not the extra items because it's kinda dumb to skin the entire model. Plus MMD modeling process is different than Maya and Blender, only one program can make PMM or PMX so just trying to apply stuff from Maya or blender will not work.

Anonymous No. 950645

Where did it all go wrong for Cascadeur?

Anonymous No. 950770

I made an in-depth guide for intermediate animators to get some really good results, but I don’t feel like the posters ITT are worthy enough for my arcane knowledge. Post some work and maybe I’ll bless you with my .rar.

Anonymous No. 950773

That rar is a V I R U S

Anonymous No. 950882

show some pro using it.

Anonymous No. 950883

It doesn't process on that notion you have to anime the object before hand and then you have to adjist the auto physics accordngky, and that's the same protocol per object basis. It's not some kind of auto silver bullet.

Anonymous No. 950884

It's not an anticipatory algorithm/ crawler, if anything its using enhanced interpolation and guided physics from the proprietary rig, and you can still customise said rig to sort weighting per transform side. It's an IK/FK bullet solver on steroids:

Anonymous No. 950990

i would rather have someone rip this series than cascadeur. it'd probably pay off more.

Anonymous No. 953395

What is wrong?

Anonymous No. 953396

It's awful
NOBODY is using it
Do I have to remind you how awful it is?

Anonymous No. 953427

pros us Maya
if they were to switch, it's for Houdini

Anonymous No. 953433

Did anyone actually bother learning using it?
Workflow seems clunky but that's to be said of many software that you're unfamiliar with.

Anonymous No. 953559

how does this compare vs iclone

Anonymous No. 955151

I learned a bit of it. It seems alright.

Anonymous No. 957077

Is Maya that good?

Anonymous No. 957088

it's industry standard

Anonymous No. 957090

but is it good?

Anonymous No. 957091

Nope. Use blender.

Anonymous No. 957103

It's fucking over

Anonymous No. 957113

Sorry, I need tailor made animation to fit my game's art direction instead of shovelware trash, better luck next time

Anonymous No. 957171


Anonymous No. 957172

this is so bad

Anonymous No. 958946

What's wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 958974

show your work then, coward!!

Anonymous No. 958976

I can't help but feel the whole cascadeur premise is doom to fail in quite short time frame.

AI animation is going to be a big thing. AI can already do dynamic locomotion animation and physics can be enabled, so you will have AI powered physically accurate animations running at runtime on game engine.
You don't need another animation software to "bake" physics into animation.

Few videos that are already like 1 year old. This tech is advancing quite fast.

Anonymous No. 962217

Yes, that makes it awful. I've never used it but am interested to try. I'm wondering what makes you dislike it.

Anonymous No. 962218

meant to say "what makes it awful".

Anonymous No. 964830

Why is it awful?

Anonymous No. 965174

Is the workflow between Cascadeur and Blender sitll godawful?