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🧵 Just found an old usb.

the chair nerd No. 948293

So I just found and old usb that contains a series of images that I thought were gone for good.

Since I know some of you guys enjoy vintage renders I'm gonna go ahead and dump some of them. A big chunk was made in Discreet 3ds max 5 and 6 back in 2002-2003 when I was a little shit. Now I am a huge piece of shit. I hope you enjoy them as much as 12 year old me was proud of them.

I specifically remember that my first 3d rendering ever was a wireframe of an airplane from the 3ds max plane tutorial that came with the cd. That is far gone because I used to save my my projects on cd's.

But picrel may be 1 or two weeks in when I was just playing around with the software, learning empirically and not knowing that I could make bigger images that the default 640px x 480px. All the engine trusts were made in an old corel draw that was already installed in the family computer.

So please enjoy.

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the chair nerd No. 948294

Back then because I was a little shit without internet on the family computer (dial up and only one landline for my sister to talk with her friends) I specifically remember being obsessed with Halo CE. I didn't have access to a copy of that but I played occasionally on a friends house. So I modeled the warthog from memory.

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Ferrari N.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948295

You'll see that many of the images have a stupid signature and a stupid name.

Did that because I feared someone could copy my images without my permission. Yep.

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the chair nerd No. 948296

Insert obligatory derogatory render from other football team.

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the chair nerd No. 948297

There comes a time when you are 12 years old and you read THE trilogy and you cant get it out of your head.

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Techno 3.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948298

Back in the Napster and EMule days the only thing I listened was hard rock and techno. So I wanted to be a dj or at least have one of those futuristic consoles This was one of my first "Serious files" and by that I mean multiple renders and not just a doodle after school. This was the first thing that took me more than one afternoon after school to make.

the chair nerd No. 948299

Don't know how to make clouds? No problem I
'll just add them in Photoshop.

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Techno 5.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948300

Forgot pic

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the chair nerd No. 948301

Floating knobs n shit.

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the chair nerd No. 948302

How the fuck do I make water vapor? Oh no worries I'll just add it in photoshop WITHOUT USING FUCKING LAYERS!

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Rum 2.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948303

How do I make this liquid to refract a certain color on scanline? No worries I'll just color it the color of rum in photoshop.

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Fake Mytology.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948304

Best game ever.

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the chair nerd No. 948305

Oh look I just learned hierarchies in max. No, not bones, hierarchies. Back then I didn't knew bone systems or IK Controls existed.

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the chair nerd No. 948306

Had a friend at school. Early on I made many renders for him and ended up teaching him how to use 3ds max. One of those renders was a series of 'Digital Trophies' of an aom tournament he organized at the end of school year.

Funny thing is that he was one of the lead animators in Arcane and has worked in many Illumination films. Never talked back tohim after school cuz he became a communist just like all animators.

Names obviously censored.

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the chair nerd No. 948307

To the guy that makes engines on /WIP/ fuck you I've also made locomotives. It's just that the shadows hide all the detail.

Anonymous No. 948309

Thanks for sharing. Love the signature, I remember when I changed mine with every new render back then.

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the chair nerd No. 948310

I was broke as fuck as many 12 year olds are so in order to play mtg I bought cheap lands form my peers and using an old inkjet I printed my own cards after erasing them with acetone and a lot of rubbing. About 1 out of 5 tries looked decent under a sleeve.

I realized nothing stopped me from making my own cards and use my own 3d renderings. I even managed to sell a couple of them.

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Deadly Strike.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948311

Thanks Yep I'm familiar with that. If you look closely cuz I didn't know how to use shapes in corel or photoshop the signatura was actually a png out of a thick spline rendered in max hahaha

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XFORCE8 Box.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948312

I remember my old geforce3 video card. I think it had 512mb of video memory. That was huge back then. But them, nothing stopped me from imagining my own 2gb vram gpu! OMFG 2 WHOLE GB OF VIDEO MEMORY THAT IS A LOT!

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the chair nerd No. 948313

Yeah this screams 13 year old masturbator.

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the chair nerd No. 948314

Rocking the good old radiosity mapping and scanline renderer.

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RKM4 Sniper Rifle.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948315

Ok so that's it for today. I have hundreds of images as each one of them was me every week procrastinating on homework.

I'll leave you with a long ass rifle.

Anonymous No. 948316

These are freaking awesome dude, loved them all

Anonymous No. 948337

I hope that the coming Age of Mythology is good.

Anonymous No. 948339

just like your mom's bedroom

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the chair nerd No. 948346

Thx anon here's a badly modeled mustang for you.

Amen brother.


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the chair nerd No. 948347

Behold the first archviz I'v ever made.

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the chair nerd No. 948348

Very impractical short barreled bullpup gun.

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the chair nerd No. 948349

2003 the year I discovered gangsta rap. Yeah...

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30 M Jump!.webm

the chair nerd No. 948350

Back then 3ds max had a far better physics solution (or at least more fun) called Reactor by Havok.

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Lego Engine.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948351

Lego v8. This was before lego modeller existed.

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Computer and screen.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948352

Omfg those smoothing artifacts ngngngngeeh!

Anonymous No. 948394

you gotta open the windows when you take a shower, breh

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Bloody Mary copy.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948436

Nah dude that's just rave vapor and ecstasy induced sweating.

Please take this awfully rendered Bloody Mary.

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Big mother fuckin....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948437

Oh shit.

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Egg Gun.webm

the chair nerd No. 948441


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3d Max Remote Pre....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948463

So back in 2004 to about 2007 I started using the 3d Total Forums. For those familiar with those the community was stupidly awesome and I learned a lot just by watching the progress on some of the real artists on those boards. What I've always loved is 3d modelling and I got to participate in many of the community sponsored Fast Modelling Challenges.

3d Total Forums is dead now and so is my passion for 3d. Now its just ajob for me but back then it was a really fucking fun hobby.

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Iris Cooler Prese....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948464

This was my first submission to a challenge ever and If my memory is correct my first time ever posting my work on the internetz.

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1500 HP Shopping ....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948465

Not all posts are from the same year but by the version of max they were surely made from 2004 to about 2007.

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Army Shopping Car....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948466

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Fat Boy Telescope....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948467

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Dragon Fang Sword.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948469

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1500 HP Kart.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948470

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Jet Kart.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948471

Fuck I was having too much fun with these.

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Caution! Fan Pres....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948472

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Lol Fan.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948473

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Egg Cookware Pres....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948474

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Gamesphere Presen....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948475

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Car Jack in the box.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948476

I made about 100 submissions like these on those forums.

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Anonymous No. 948643

This thread exemplifies the old days of the Internet. When people were INTERESTED in CREATION. You had people with humor, with gusto, with ability. This is what I miss most, the spiritual aspect. You had motherfuckers with baseball caps on backwards making the most eclectic and awesome shit. Now you got industry corporate drug addicts making "smooth CGI"

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Xtensible hallowe....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948658

Yes anon thats my feeling. I fell that cgi has killed my soul and I'm finding hard to fall in love with 3d as I did 20 years ago.

Keep em coming

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Mini engallado.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948659

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Mini Cooler S Pre....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948660

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No Cats Fan Prese....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948661

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Turbo Cooler 8000....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948662

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New IPOD.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948663

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Street surfer Pre....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948664

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USB Zippo Present....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948665

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Power CPU Cooler.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948666

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Petrol Reel Prese....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948667

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Charger 8000 hp.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948668

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Charger wired.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948669

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Now that´s coolan....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948670

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Sith Cookware Pre....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948671

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Lego Army.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948672

Back when you had to make your own lego models.

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Lego War.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948673

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3d Printer Presen....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948674

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the chair nerd No. 948675

This was animated before I knew anithing about bones and controllers so everything you see was animated and then linked to a pov so it woul'nt destroy the animation.

Yep I was fucking clueless and I loved it.

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Oil powered Chopp....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948676

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Metal Slug 14.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948677

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Metal Slug 21.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948678

'This was my first huge project" Took about two months to model, texture and figure out the rigging.

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the chair nerd No. 948679


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Metal Slug Move.webm

the chair nerd No. 948680


I remember proudly showing this to my art class tracher and the motherfucking bitch saying something like 'Why do you like war stuff?'

Anonymous No. 948726

>So I just found and old usb that contains a series of images that I thought were gone for good.
based if true. cringe if you're a zoomer larping as an early 2000's artist. but judging by your backstory and period accurate aesthetics (which zoomers always to get it wrong) im pretty sure you are the former.
good thread, anon. this is real, genuine Y2K aesthetics gold.

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Anonymous No. 948733

ahh yes..the based Lake03_small.jpg reflection map. every ol' maxer can immediately recognize that reflection

Anonymous No. 948734

oh shitt that really brings me back. havent visited them in a loong time. also RIP to 3DCafe and Deathfall too. they're all part of my fave 2000's 3d communities

Anonymous No. 948740

This isn't even a bullpup. It's like a pistol for a 20 or 30mm cartridge

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the chair nerd No. 948761

Yeah sorry bull pup I think its when the trigger grip is in front of the casing opening. My bad.

Fuck yeah brother. Enjoy this render.

Oh 3d cafe the memories. Shit has definitely gone to shit.

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the chair nerd No. 948762

My cat's name is Finalgather. Yeah that's how much I liked this stuff.

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Electric Cube .jpg

the chair nerd No. 948763

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Transaction at Bl....jpg

the chair nerd No. 948764

Anonymous No. 949342

>modelling: 59min

the chair nerd No. 949350

Nah. What's impressive is how I came up with such an idiotic concept like "car jack in the box" without drugs.

Anonymous No. 949437

"Se buscan putas", nice work!

Anonymous No. 949438

Something that I read at an actual stadium bathroom.

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Anonymous No. 949502

Couple more...

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Air Flush Present....jpg

Anonymous No. 949503

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Cuisine Presentat....jpg

Anonymous No. 949504

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test 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 949505

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the chair nerd No. 949506

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Falco Wire.jpg

the chair nerd No. 949508

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Car crash.jpg

the chair nerd No. 949509

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Homeopathis Bulls....jpg

the chair nerd No. 949510

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Van Gogh.webm

the chair nerd No. 949511

Anonymous No. 949513

From what I can tell, the majority of the works in this thread is like : hey, look at me, i can do X in Y amount of time, I am so special, even if it looks bad and is very poorly lit and the subject matter is a clear rip. And now what is going to happen is that your competition, the AI, is going to go down to I can do X in less than 30 seconds. I feel like you are jerking yourself off in this thread, for really boring, predictable, mediocre work to boot.

the chair nerd No. 949515

>you are jerking yourself off in this thread
Who isn't? Are you the only selfless person in 4chan?

the chair nerd No. 949516

Those works were submissions to a speed modelling contest back in 2004-2006.

Anonymous No. 949517

I don't post work here. I post work for likes on real social media and I certainly don't "speed model". Cutting edge smut.

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the chair nerd No. 949518

>I post work for likes on real social media
Enough said. You win.

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Pentafreshner Pre....jpg

the chair nerd No. 949519

My sides are 3 in orbit right now, I'll keep posting just to annoy this anon. Ultrakek.

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Future Loft.jpg

the chair nerd No. 949520

Believe it or not what made me want to study architecture was the Fifth Element. I was obsessed with 'japanese molecular' architecture that inspired the design of Corben Dallas's apartment.
Now I can't even touch those ideas with a stick.

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the chair nerd No. 949521

This is how I made '3d' before knowing photoshop and 3ds max existed.
Yep good old MSPaint On windows 98.

Anonymous No. 949557

looks like the inside of a fancy RV

Anonymous No. 949564

>i feel threatened by what a child did in 2005

the chair nerd No. 949568
