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๐Ÿงต Help looking for a japanese ass infographic that was posted here

Anonymous No. 948341

Hi, someone a long ass while ago posted a japanese step by step instruction to box model a female ass/ butt.
Can someone post it again?
The model itself had a bronze/orange matcap if it makes it easier to recognise it.

Anonymous No. 948343

this but for boobies

Anonymous No. 948399

Please help

Anonymous No. 948403

>looking for a japanese ass
aren't we all

Anonymous No. 948404

You might have better luck asking at >>>/r/

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Anonymous No. 948409

Here you go OP (1/2)

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Anonymous No. 948410


Anonymous No. 948418

>The only known guide was made by a japanese

Fucking figures. They are the only ones who care to share knowledge.

Anonymous No. 948429

I love you so much anon i love you so much i could kiss you muah muah thank you.

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Anonymous No. 948430

No problem :)

Anonymous No. 948431

Can you post more like this? For boobies and face please. Where and how do i search for this stuff?

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Anonymous No. 948432


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Anonymous No. 948434

Anonymous No. 948480

Tutorial pls

Anonymous No. 948506

Try first. Then post your failure. From there, guide you we will.

Anonymous No. 948511

nice ass homo.

Anonymous No. 948534

Best bet? Pinterest, this site is known for hoarding tutorials from the internet and never doing anything with them. Just type "3d (body part) topology" and go from there

Anonymous No. 948580

do what pays. also im a faggot

Anonymous No. 948618

You can see most of the verts, just do your best to copy it. That is the only tutorial you need.

Anonymous No. 949093

Apparently not. The problem with /r/ is it is too generic. If you have something as specific as OP wanted and you have a board full of people who know about that topic, you're more likely to get results.

Anonymous No. 949346

can't find it please post jap topology for booobers please