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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 948391

Is it possible to be good at 3D and be bad at drawing?

Anonymous No. 948393

No. You have to grind fundies, which are 2d (anatomy, dynamic figure drawing, shading)

Anonymous No. 948417

yes, absolutely. drawing isn't required at all for hard-surface and procedural modeling, and even for sculpting I'd say the advantages are negligible.
just start out grinding basic shapes in zbrush. investing time in drawing when that is not what you want to end up doing is a complete and utter waste of time.

lmao what an asshole.

Anonymous No. 948424

post your work

Anonymous No. 948425


Anonymous No. 948426

post your work

Anonymous No. 948427


Anonymous No. 948428


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Fish Cookware.jpg

the chair nerd No. 948440


Work your post.

Anonymous No. 948442

You are unemployed

Anonymous No. 948452

The chair chud is one of the few people on this board that actually knows anything about the industry

Anonymous No. 948455

he doesn't know anything and if he did, the first thing he would do was not post with a name

the chair nerd No. 948456


Wow chill. I'm just a random dude. Don't take me seriously.

Anonymous No. 948468

Yes, but you still need to know anatomy, which is easier to understand in 2d than 3d.

Anonymous No. 948484

3D hobbyists barely talk about grinding those. The industry is setup in a way where characters artists don't need anatomy fundamentals because sizeable studios will have anatomy specialists hoarding that kink as so the division of labor makes reality. It's not surprising I'd have to go to /ic/ to see any discussion of fundamentals? What was the last active bump-limit reaching anatomy thread? That shit flinging fuel at the turn of the year where some ex-med student meme'd ecorche as following his 12 step program of committing yourself to not picking up your stylus, which actually hoodwinked prospective anatomy grinders? I'm glad it lit a fire under my ass to think through how I'm approaching anatomy and why more methodically after seeing what happens when artists do not.

The valuable part of this crawling board is the occasional passerby sharing his wisdom and most of all the resources. Fundie fighters lurk and work quietly into the night.

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Anonymous No. 948490


Anonymous No. 948493

But you've been making 3D stuff for decades and it shows, so why not pay attention to you?

Anonymous No. 948494

he's just a confused old man, soon to be entirely obsolete by AI in the next 1-2 years at maximum