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Anonymous No. 948498

>be Maya manual retopology
>schizos and shills praise you for your ghetto quad draw tool when Topogun 3 exists post-beta
>vertices get stuck underneath live models regularly rendering them unselectable
>struggles with surfaces groups of protrusions and the bumpy valleys they form
>even with a fresh giga work station the software bottleneck causes the retopo to gradually start lagging in intervals at 2-3k polys
>yes construction history is turned off and yes I have a dx.diag file to shove up your ass
>have to create islands out of objects and split into their own objects to avoid waiting for a single poly to load and yes this a method used in the industry
>can still read the 2018 AD forum post that meticulously outlined these problems arguing quad draw is not industry standard
>Maya 2024 is released and retopology is going to need a major overhaul for them to keep up their boolean blitzkrieg
>finally enforce symmetry
>finally don't have to despair the vertex abyss with multi live surfaces ending the nightmare of retopologizing separately modeled components that aren't connected as one big piece
>auto-retopo looks like it finally left Alpha
>oh no performance is a major slog and the best crasher in 3D software can't stop shitting itself after a dozen or so crash fixes
>still can't help noclipping itself through elevated surfaces without any adaptive adjustment
>blue material still obscures interaction with live surface
Blender anons, one of your rivals starts getting its shit together but still falls flat on its face. Ascended Retopoflow integration when?

Anonymous No. 948499

Autodesk doesn't need more time to get it right. Adobe is just being Adobe and going off on AI photoshop adventures with Nvidia. In typical Electronic Maxon Arts fashion, the company is doing nothing with Zbrush except having their major 2023 version marketing feature sold as a lmao seperate sub rather than being integrated like Arnold. Its been 2-3 times cheaper (don't forget the May sale) to both upgrade to a sub that annually would see 2024 version rather than insulting and shorter perpetual license upgrade. All they plan on doing is fingering each other's butthole at some Hollywood circlejerk event and maybe akwardly diddle the Zbrush zombie giggling while it slowly breaks it limbs and puts it spider penis in what remains of Pixologic's ass as it holds it up by its broken limbs.

What are you waiting for BF? Industry standard is now just cripple standard. Finish them and take your crown.

Anonymous No. 948619

>retard doesnt know about ziRail

Anonymous No. 948633

>We’ve been inspired by Blender’s BSurface
Nice. Right on their front page too. The absolute state of industry standard.

Anonymous No. 948634


No software ever made me as angry as Maya. Crashes all the time and it sucks dick at modeling even though the workflow in itself is great.

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Anonymous No. 948639

>blender steals literally ALL of its features, most of them without even understanding what they are for (best example: modifier system stolen from 3ds max)
>none of the stolen features come close to their respective originals
>never gives any credit whatsoever like a true backwards nigger
>no reaction from blender "community", seen ad righteous because muh freeware

>maya deveoper expands upon half-assed blender idea, turning something unusable into a professional product
>gives credit like a civilized person, even though it is not necessary
>blender "community's" reaction:

Anonymous No. 948644

>all these mental gymnastics to establish a headcanon where Max is relevant
couldn't be me

Anonymous No. 948651

What Fonzi doesn't understand is that this isn't some shota console war. Blender is the only option and the one open-source lifeline from all these garbage companies that can install whatever stubborn malware or spyware they want on your computer and fuck you over Maxon-style. Studios don't care because relationship is different and their stuff is heavily modded with plugins and get the software guys to make custom ones if needed. That or they use their own proprietary stuff. The vanilla stuff has the industry standard quality of Chinese steel companies outside of very specific focus.

Anonymous No. 948775

>This retard thinks studios use out of box tools in their DCC packages

bravo retard. please dont post untill you grow abrain.

Anonymous No. 948801

unlike you i can disable the malware, blendertard.

Anonymous No. 948815

Studios are collapsing and posting record low profits, smoothbrain

Anonymous No. 948868

>shutting down

they are being bought out and then shutting out you retard, again stop talking and grow a brain shitstain.

Anonymous No. 948870

Just yesterday Pixar reported their worst _ever_ opening weekend you dumbass. Stop posting here.

Anonymous No. 948910

This just in
>Pixar is about to close down because one movie was bad
>t. Retard who doesnt know shit