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๐Ÿงต What is this called in design, when you incorporate your environment?

Anonymous No. 948588

See how the Katamari is positioned so that the pressy-thing on the Katamari ball is part of the design -- like that art on sidewalks that incorporates the drain into the picture itself -- what is this called and what are great examples, books and introductions to the style?

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Anonymous No. 948597

It's called Japanese Humor and it is very ghey

Anonymous No. 948612

>so that the pressy-thing on the Katamari ball is part of the design
It's really not, and it seems more accidental than on purpose, since there's bits sticking out and it's not centered properly.
That being said, I don't think there's an existing word for it (though if there is, it's probably German), I think it's just a design philosophy quirk that people naturally fall upon.

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Anonymous No. 948636

Heres one thats definetely.on purpose
If theres some fartsy term for it idk specifically but id just call it mixed media

Anonymous No. 948723

there's actually a Faroesian word for it, its called a "goatse"