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๐Ÿงต how do cope ?

Anonymous No. 948691

>be me
>4 years studying 3dcg
>finally I am good time to start projects
>make pic related last year
>I am very happy because I am sure that I am in the top 10% of the artists.
>suddenly the AI explodes and now any faggot can do millions of works equal to or better than mine with just a few words.

what's next ? now I'm holding on to the animation, the ia is not good enough to animate, but after the AI manages to animate what will happen to us, is it really the end ?

It's so unfair sisters...

Anonymous No. 948692

You have to make games and experiences in the VR and AR space because flat is being phased out

Anonymous No. 948696

If you really think that, you should just stop altogether. Clearly you're not in it because you enjoy creating things, you're only in it for praise and being jerked off.
You're not in the top 10% of artists, you never were, because you never were a real artist.
Take your fake ass larping and scaremongering elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 948699

That looks incredibly worthless and gay. I for one am glad to see "artists" who can't do anything but the most bland generic moeshit style imaginable be replaced by machines. You were already basically a machine anyways, that image doesn't make you an artist anymore than tossing a frozen burrito in the microwave makes you a chef

the chair nerd No. 948700

>top 10%
Faceted head pet.


Anonymous No. 948701

post (one) style that has not been replaced by AI

Anonymous No. 948705

Literally everything other than generic moeshit internet "artist" commission work

Anonymous No. 948708

Lmao cope there is no style that the AI can't handle.

Anonymous No. 948709

>because you never were a real artist
What the fuck is a "real artist"? AI proompters are not artists and most of them aren't actually claiming to be artists. OP literally chose this as a career and makes stuff himself.

Anonymous No. 948717

Who said anything about proompters being artists? They sure as fuck aren't.
If I had to give a singe trait that a "real artist" has, it's someone who creates because they feel an almost biological need to do so. Someone who enjoys the process of creation and is proud of their time and effort, regardless of the response to it.
Ideally, someone who scoffs at the prospect of AI replacing them, because at the end of the day, an AI can't replace the enjoyment they get out of the creative process. A "real artist" creates art because they have a drive to create, not because they want to have their e-peen stroked for doing "a thing" and feel entitled to gobs of praise.

That's why the heavy hitters are the people they are, and make the money they do. And that's why the people who half-ass it are always struggling to find the "trick", and get completely demoralized when AI shows its head because a machine can regurgitate the same unoriginal shit as them. Any time you see someone threatened by AI, take a good look at their work, and you'll immediately see why.

Anonymous No. 948724

Ai cannot handle ar / vr nor animation that makes any sense

Anonymous No. 948728

getting better every day and still not falling for your AI-fearporn.
worst case scenario: i will kick fucking ass at something i cannot make money with - you know, like an artist.

Anonymous No. 948744

Post you original and uncopyable work faggot.

Anonymous No. 948791

That won't suddenly make OP among the "Top 10% of artists".
The fact that you've brought out the "pyw" card, means you've lost.

Anonymous No. 948840

I don't see how it affects anyone. Just continue as per usual. The only issue is that you see yourself as replaceable and disposable.

Anonymous No. 948980

This, commissions for 2d art haven't stopped, even still getting requests for some stuff that's simple enough for AI to get semi-close to. People passionate about what they want just don't want to pour over a random image generator and hope for the best.

Anonymous No. 949044


Aichad No. 949045

>what's next ? now I'm holding on to the animation, the ia is not good enough to animate, but after the AI manages to animate what will happen to us, is it really the end ?
Just being programmer bro

Anonymous No. 949079

Programmer here.
I'm so thankful for AI. I don't know a single thing about art or modelling. AI can already generate art that's 95% better than most artists. Quicker, cheaper, better.
AI generated 3D models and animations are still in its infancy but I'm confident it'll develop to being usable soon. It will greatly help my gamedev project.
I'm optimistic and hyped.

Anonymous No. 949110


Anonymous No. 949114

2 more weeks

Anonymous No. 949131

Traditionally, after you can't find any work for a few months, you form an angry mob with all the other previously middle-class out of work shlubs and go around smashing looms and burning down mansions.

"Luddite" is a slur these days, but they had pretty good reason to be pissed.
You don't really want to know how that story ends.

Anonymous No. 949132

Lmao this looks like ass. Nothing of value lost

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Anonymous No. 949142

What in the world are you talking about? This is AR and animation and there are plugins to create 360 textures to view in VR. There have been since September last year.

Anonymous No. 949150


Anonymous No. 949157

A waste of time

Anonymous No. 949165

Yes, 2 more weeks till AI can replicate le unique human sovl and art

Anonymous No. 949167

>and now any faggot can do
No, they can tell a program to mash images together, they can't do shit.

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Anonymous No. 949176

Useful and fun*.

Anonymous No. 949232

don't worry anon, i like your work

Anonymous No. 949233

Unironically ready in two more weeks. It was only a matter of time before a broken clock started being right twice a day. It's over but it's just beginning.

Anonymous No. 949242

Thats a tiktok filter. You just proved my point

Anonymous No. 949264

Ever seen an ai animation on /g/? Look at the morphing and flickering. That's stable diffusion with multicontrol net you dumb nigger. Nvidia Maxine with Grace Hopper is making a real-time 3d reconstruction of your face with what ever you want to turn it into with a prompt. I'll rape you boy

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Anonymous No. 949277

>That looks incredibly worthless and gay. I for one am glad to see "artists" who can't do anything but the most bland generic moeshit style imaginable be replaced by machines. You were already basically a machine anyways, that image doesn't make you an artist anymore than tossing a frozen burrito in the microwave makes you a chef

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Anonymous No. 949787

kek i couldnt agree more

Anonymous No. 949837

Penis music style