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Anonymous No. 948780

dare i say, it's over?

Anonymous No. 948786

Why do you faggot keep reposting this fake shit?

Anonymous No. 948787

Explain please.. What would be over?

Anonymous No. 948796

its over..cris would right now probably be scheming to integrate this into his workflow and cause AAA studios to be finished and bankrupt.

Anonymous No. 948800

note how cris' AI fearporn always changes: it's never the same project, there is never a working site where you might test it or even reference models to inspect what it might be capable of. always just empty vague promises that even cris himself doesn't follow up on.

type "3d AI news" into google => copy link without reading or understanding => post thread => masturbate over the idea that you have possibly hurt someone else's motivation for the day.
this is literally all cris ever does or wants.

this particular AI is also pretty much the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen: world building has already been solved via fractals/node networks, so there is nothing to be gained from having a neural network spam foliage.

@cris: AI is a useless hype and all these projects are pump&dump schemes: you generate (by any means necessary) an artificial hype, try to get bought by a big name with no useful product and disappear.

it's just the next dotcom-bubble.

Anonymous No. 948803

>a neural network spam foliage.
except that if you actually read the paper and tried the git repo, theres actually no "AI" or ML involved. its purely algorithmic/math rule based generation similar to Rhino3D's Grasshopper but for natural environment.
also it's literally just like other world generating app like VUE/Terragen/World Machine etc but what exciting about it is that it is FOSS (BSD) and it also allows you to work at a much lower level of abstraction.
i dont know about this "cris" persona but judging by the shitposts about or by him/her/xir in this board im just gonna assume that he/she/xe is just a low effort brainlet memester who couldn't even begin to understand or wield such a tool.

Anonymous No. 948807

that makes it even funnier. no i did not read the paper, why would I?
OP spams random AI news several times a month solely to demotivate people. the fact that he posted an article that isn't even AI is quite comical, but sadly it's not going to keep him from spamming again in a few days.

Anonymous No. 948811

the generator code here is actually kinda interesting to look at since it's basically just a big compilation of known techniques.
it's a shame it's blender and python though.

Anonymous No. 948816

>its a shame

i actually think the opposite. just like >>948800 said, while world generating apps are not a new thing, (i.e: Star Trek in the 80's rendered a whole planet) the big deal here is that the code is released on a permissive foss license. the potential here is similar to what Stable Diffusion does to generative AI.

Anonymous No. 948833

eh, i had a look and the python looks like it's putting together geonodes setups for the generators - which is better than trying to do it all in python (because slow af).

again, i don't think there's anything actually 'new' here, just a nicely put together package.
i'd prefer them in a different DCC (houdini), because that's what i use, but if I did this sort of thing in blendlet i'd try and break those scripts out in their own addons so you don't have to deal with the full world gen stuff.

it's cool, but this isn't some groundbreaking thing.

Anonymous No. 948837

We are doing better than ever! Life has never been so good!

Anonymous No. 948842

Cris the tecnology is old as fuck >Gaia, Worldmachine, Instant Terra etc....

Anonymous No. 948843

Cris ran out of AI to shill. Better replace Cris with an AI.