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🧵 blender triangle ball model

Anonymous No. 948898

I'm trying to create a ball in blender like the classic pentagon - hexagon black and white pattern. I can make it ok in blender but can't add these additional triangles.

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Anonymous No. 948899

this is where I'm at with it right now.

the circles orbiting the ball may be a way to get there, but I can't get the rotation angles exactly precise

Anonymous No. 948901

any idea how I can get there?

at the end of the day I want a wireframe or 3d model to animate into a website

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Anonymous No. 948902

the same question applies to a ball like this one

how do u model over a ball to make patches/shapes over it? use textures?

Anonymous No. 948904

Use ML / AI image to 3d model in one click by NVIDIA™

Anonymous No. 948913

from the looks of it you already solved it? the triangle lines are just slices through the centers of each pentagons sides @90 degrees, so I don't understand what answer you seek

the chair nerd No. 948919

Brought you by Carl's Jr.™

Anonymous No. 948925

The triangles aren't fundamental to the shape, so just use a texture.
It's even a "texture" in real life, in that it's just silkscreened onto the ball (or whatever the process is). Just like you wouldn't model the lettering, and you'd use a texture, the same applies to the triangles.
Use one of the existing questions threads next time, there's like a dozen of them.