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secret invasion ai.gif

🧵 Motion Designers BTFO, Forever, Eternally

Anonymous No. 948981

Yes, Secret Invasion’s opening credits scene is AI-made — here’s why

>>“When we reached out to the AI vendors, that was part of it — it just came right out of the shape-shifting, Skrull world identity, you know? Who did this? Who is this?” Selim says.‘It just came right out of the shape-shifting, Skrull world identity’

>>Selim was excited by what Method Studios brought to the show: “It felt explorative and inevitable, and exciting, and different.”


Anonymous No. 948983

A soulless corporation, Disney, uses soulless tools to create its soulless product.

This is more reason than ever that true artists will succeed with audiences who are starved of quality content and meaningful stories.

Anonymous No. 948989

This is the only correct response

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Anonymous No. 949009

new job title just dropped

>>AI Technical Director

motherfuckers were bragging too, apparently took several months of hard fucking work and meticulous planning to make this groundbreaking opening sequence, what a milestone. whew

Anonymous No. 949024

its not even good AI. ive seen better shit on /g/sdg or even, dare i say, reddit's SD sub.

like ive said, autists from sdg makes way better shit than this

Anonymous No. 949039

t bh if stuff like this doesn't get hollyvfx to unionise, nothing will.