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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 949000

>being against AI tools
>Calling it a fad like people called the internet a fad
>Not beginning the learning curve on these tools early while everyone else is in denial about being obsolete
>muh true art
>Muh ai aided art is soulless

Why are most people so narrow-minded? In the same way you're calling ai tools soulless you could call 3D rendering soulless. It's like calling a hammer and chisel soulless because the sculptor isn't using their bare hands to carve the stone. This shit is so obvious, how can you not see it? Are you so emotionally invested in your current worldview as to be left behind by new innovations rather than adapting to them? Aren't artists supposed to be the open-minded ones ready to propel forward the culture and methods of expression?

Anonymous No. 949002

There's a lot of stupid people that now have access to the internet and because of that they also get to voice their dumb opinions freely.

Anonymous No. 949003

people messing around with stable diffusion are very funny because they spend an hour inpainting and they think they've put in a lot of effort or learned a new skill or something
there's literally no learning curve, it's baby stuff

Anonymous No. 949004

First of all, it's not AI, they're neural networks - you're eating into the corporate propaganda to clueless investors. Second, if you can't tell the different between some retard typing in words to a prompt, and someone making something he has a vision for with his own hands, then you're too stupid to be posting on 4chan and should browse some clone site with usernames. After all, what's the difference?

It's not going to change anything. There isn't a market for garbage you've dredged up from google images, and there isn't one for this. However much it improves, the training and inference are always going to limited by the reality of trying to describe pictures in words. Rather than hire some deadbeat script kiddie to do anything, they'll just hire the artist.

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Anonymous No. 949005

>learning curve
get better bait

Anonymous No. 949007

You're exactly the type of person I'm talking about, though. You're thinking in black and white terms as if a work is either 100 percent ai or 100 percent not ai. What I'm talking about is using ai, or neural networks, to expedite applicable individual steps of a larger process. This enables one person to get more done faster, thus allowing them to execute bigger and more ambitious visions without the need for corporate monetary investment (or without nearly as much). If a neural network can generate an environment for you as a base and you go in and add your own touches, then you've just expedited a huge part of the process of making a game or a film. The bottom line is that, especially as the models improve, you will be able to do more in less time.

Anonymous No. 949008

Keep sitting on your ass and being arrogant. It makes it easier for me to outpace you.

Anonymous No. 949010

Ai art is a fad we are currently in. I have put money on the fact that there will be many many more fads after this boils over. If you think there is going to be a global revolution and the rich are going to give away all their money and the governments are going to collapse and capitalism is going to cease to exist you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and say it with me: the singularity is not happening now

Anonymous No. 949011

I never said any of that shit.

Anonymous No. 949012

that is what every single one of you AI people are saying throughout all media

Anonymous No. 949014

I am not them. My main argument is that ai tools are just another tool we should take advantage of sooner rather than later. Saying it's a fad is just as fear-based as saying it will kill all artists. Try to see through the polarization here for me. More Ai tools will eventually be implemented into existing software that will still ultimately be operated by a human artist. Adobe is already doing this in Photoshop. The things edited in Photoshop that even had one or two tweaks made to them using those new neural network based tools are still considered human made art right? The fundamentals of form and light and all that shit are just as relevant to study despite ai generated images because it still takes a trained eye to discern the well generated images from the bad as well as to further edit/add to them with a human hand to create the best end product.

Anonymous No. 949015

What do you think ai is? Neural networks are ai.

Anonymous No. 949016

Anyone draws the line in 3D at AI is a schizo.

Anonymous No. 949037

>I am not them

Anonymous No. 949038

It makes no sense to formulate an argument against my statements based on an argument against the statements of someone or some group who are not me and do not share my beliefs.

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Anonymous No. 949040

my comments must have hit you at a very elemental level if they made you create a thread about them.
I'm not going to even attempt to explain to an NPC like you what soul is or why I prefer it over your childish faith in the fake technology god.

you belong in a field, a mine or in a cubicle, not in arts, as art is for idealists.

Anonymous No. 949042

pathetic samefagging
this. what fucking learning curve?

you can't have both, OP, and your low fucking IQ is showing. it is painfully evident that you are just a failed 3d artist that cannot stomach the skill others possess and therefore wishes for the complete abolishment of it.

i couldn't come up with a fictional character of lower morals if I tried. OP is the worst piece of shit imaginable.
>ahh i can't create beauty no matter how hard i try so I'm going to masturbate to the idea of a machine making yours irrelevant
so disgusting.

Anonymous No. 949043

>This enables one person to get more done faster,
There is nothing faster than the brush and chisel for capturing my ideas.

Keep screaming about how typing words into a box and begging a gpu to make handicapped art for you after hundreds of seeds is going to take people's jobs.

>The bottom line is that, especially as the models improve, you will be able to do more in less time.
And you're missing the point of what we do here, or in any creative field. I want thing, I know what thing looks like in my head, I make thing. I don't write a fucking novel about thing in a text box, sitting there hitting generate like a gambling addict, hoping the gpu is somehow going to understand my feelings from my sloppy description of them

Your kind was telling me Google Images was going to take my job. And guess what? They all necked themselves. So will you.

Anonymous No. 949047

can we talk about the fact that you got btfo by this comment right here so hard you had to create a new thread in order to oppose it?

Anonymous No. 949048

Bullshit. Get out of here. Seriously - I mean it

Anonymous No. 949049

Anon loses an argument and immediately makes another thread with the same premise as if the argument never happened, many such cases

Anonymous No. 949050

>tfw human
>can do the jobs of five different AI flawlessly and integrate the results into each other

Anonymous No. 949064

yeah the irony is that cris (i think he's the AI schizo as well) is indistinguishable from an AI himself

Anonymous No. 949254


Anonymous No. 949340

Op literally most people are retarded that say the most generic NPC shit without 2 seconds of thinking, considering sides etc. That has been my experience participating in discussions on reddit

Anonymous No. 950996

>I want thing, I know what thing looks like in my head, I make thing.
Except 9/10 times, AI generators will make thing have 250 cooler designs than anything you could ever dream of, in the same amount of time it takes to have a fat shit. Then a competent artist would use those designs to aid them in making that thing come to life. It's what the pros are doing now, while you're here... arguing against doing that because it's a fad kek.

Anonymous No. 950998

if AI makes the cooler version of design you think of, that means its You who is a brainlet.

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Anonymous No. 951133

this is pure magic

Anonymous No. 951858

Why do you make out that anon to be the "enemy" or build a dichotomy of "us vs. them" when AI is just a another tool, like Photoshop?

Anonymous No. 951859

>Lora training
>Multi-prompt integration
>3D depth composition
Cope, Seethe, Dilate

Anonymous No. 952005

That’s the beauty of it, the skill curve of it is nearly flat, and yet the results far exceed the amount of time you need to put in this “curve”, unlike having to do this manually, saving you years of your life, by not having to learn a way steeper curve, for similar or worse results

Anonymous No. 952006

Pretty much, my company gave up on AI when we realised our teams could shit out renders a million times faster than anything custom built “AI” tools could. Literally lost a few millions before they realised it’s a massive fuckin grift.

Anonymous No. 952009

What isn’t a grift? Once machines get more efficient than humans, like during Industrial Revolution, humans become the grift as they cost more to upkeep and are slower

Anonymous No. 952010

AI came a few months ago and already jumped the shark. Feel free to come back for the next cycle in 20 years or so.

Anonymous No. 952013

More like in 6 months since there’s barely anything left for capitalism to destroy bar life itself

Anonymous No. 952022

Lmao what?
Objaverse 3D model dataset got an upgrade from 800k models to 10 million few days ago, Stable Diffusion XL launches tomorrow, GPT 5 is being trained right now, RVC got upgraded to v2 recently, which spawned endless AI song covers due to insane quality improvements, local text models keep getting improved, even if they aren’t GPT4 level yet, FlashAttention released news today that they managed to increase the performance of it 2x, and that’s only the part of recent news
How’s that jumping the shark if the entire field has large leaps in progress frequently?

Anonymous No. 952024

XL is just midjourney. Nothing else.

GPT 5 is just plain theft. It doesnt attribute, it doesnt respect copyright, and it hallucinates

>ai cover songs
please, nys

>progress frequently
There has been zero progression for over a year and a half

Anonymous No. 952025

An open source midjourney, which is clearly a big thing as it’ll allow for way more flexibility than mid journey itself
also rest of your points are retarded lmao
>show progress in the technology

Anonymous No. 952028

Nobody cares about AI. It was a fad. Normies finally understood that their Facebook and Twitter friends are bots. And that's about it.

Anonymous No. 952030

What else was revealed to you in your dreams xir? Also don't forget to dilate!

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Anonymous No. 952031

>There has been zero progression for over a year and a half
Does this imply there will NEVER be more progression?

Anonymous No. 952034

Just wait for the results of the Hollywood Film Strike

Anonymous No. 952040

You should ask ChatGPT how to become good at trolling. Maybe then somebody will care, but for now... you know...

Anonymous No. 952046

ChatGPT has words that are "flags". "Trolling" is one of them.

Anonymous No. 952056

>>Not beginning the learning curve on these tools early while everyone else is in denial about being obsolete
Saw article today : Can AI help Gen Z workers make up lost ground? Will their native AI fluency help them?

Almost totally lost it. There is no learning curve. Its literally typing into google. LMFAO

Anonymous No. 952059

>He doesn't know google-fu

Anonymous No. 952061

>implying google will give you any good results on anything now that its been totally neutered and li*eral, same with chat gpt

Anonymous No. 953103

>open source midjourney
RAIL licenses are not Open Source.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 954969

sweetly scarecrow dessert muddle thrust

Anonymous No. 957051

So what I'm taking from this is that neural networks are actually going to restore meritocratic order to the galaxy. I like it.

Anonymous No. 957839

Actually sweaty, they're AI systems that use one or nowadays typically multiple neural networks to complete part of a task. Neural networks are a category of machine learning model, which are employed in concert with other algorithms to achieve machine intelligence in a particular domain. End to end systems that people use therefore, are AI, not merely NNs
t. Degree in AI at a top 20 uni

Anonymous No. 957859

>first year student doesn't know the difference between AI and neural networks

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Anonymous No. 958101

I don't think 3D prompting is that far away, it's kind of scary how intelligent image diffusion models are, considering how 'basic' they are in the grand scheme.

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Anonymous No. 958102

There's been progress every couple of weeks.

They probably won't get what they want. Even if corporations kneel and decide they won't use AI so their workers stay safe -- someone else will and the tech will potentially invalidate those entire corporations and all their employees. The streaming stuff is fine to strike over but the anti-AI demands are asking for way too much.

Anonymous No. 958117

I'm an artist, why would I want to use ai?

Anonymous No. 958120

to make more art

Anonymous No. 958121

Because you are the one doing the art, make the AI do the gruntwork to help reach your vision. AI autotopology models already mog humans

Anonymous No. 958129

If it's midjourney type of shit then it's not me making art.

ai retopology and that kind of thing isn't something I\m opposed to. I'll use ai denoisers and shit, but something like say texturing is a step too far.
But even ai retopology, does it have to be ai? there's good automatic retopology tools that aren't ai, and that can be quickly tweaked a little for better results. If something is important enough to need perfect facial topology for AAA animation, then I'll want to do it by hand anyway to make sure it's exactly what I want. it's not a big chore.

Anonymous No. 958135

>If it's midjourney type of shit then it's not me making art.
yes it is

Anonymous No. 958149

It literally isn't.

Anonymous No. 958150

You sound completely crazy

Anonymous No. 958204

You are deranged. If you do an action and there is a result you did that. If you use a tool to make something you made it.

Anonymous No. 958205

so if I order a meal in a restaurant I made the meal?

Anonymous No. 958206

That isn't using a tool, retard.

Anonymous No. 958207

Okay smartass, what if you order it with the McDonalds app? you going to tell me a phone isn't a tool?

Anonymous No. 958211

You're being a moron. A computer is a tool.

Anonymous No. 958212

you're a tool

Anonymous No. 958213

You're an angry retard resorting to name calling because you know you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 958214

I know full well that I'm right actually, you're just beneath contempt.
You think you're an artist for prompting? Get fucking real you hack, you don't have what it takes.

Anonymous No. 958215

You don't have an argument. According to you using mspaint to draw a picture isn't you creating art because using a computer is like using the telephone to talk to an employee.

Anonymous No. 958216

You're the creator when you use ms paint which is a tool. You're the tool when you use AI which is the creator

Anonymous No. 958218

AI isn't a creator, it's a tool. You are anthropomorphizing a computer program, are you schizophrenic?

Anonymous No. 958219

No actually, you cretin, that doesn't follow from anything I've said.
Using a computer CAN be like talking to an employee, it isn't always. Whether or not you are using a tool isn't what makes something art or not. You can dance naked with no tools and create art. You can use microsoft excel on a supercomputer and not make art.
Using midjourney does not make you an artist because you have the same relationship to the finished work that a customer has for a product.
if a client asks me to make something specific, and I make it for them, they didn't fucking make it, no matter how specific they get.


Anonymous No. 958220

No, I think you're just really fucking stupid when it comes to semantics of creation and tools. Funny you call someone else schizophrenic

Anonymous No. 958221

>Using a computer CAN be like talking to an employee
Wrong. You're using a a computer like you literally just said. You're USING a computer, a tool. A phone isn't a tool in this context of creation, it's a commutation device. And dance isn't creating images.
>Using midjourney does not make you an artist
Yes it does. You made it, you used the tool. Talking to some artist isn't using a tool.

You can't think straight, you're schizophrenic.

Anonymous No. 958222

You're beyond saving, you will not let go of this cope and you will never be an artist. No one will respect you for anything you've "made". You will not respect yourself.

Anonymous No. 958223

I'm not coping and I've been an artist since I was a child. I do get respect for my AI art and I respect myself plenty. I respect you too which is why I'm trying to help you stop acting like a complete moron!

Anonymous No. 958224

>I've been an artist since I was a child
You gave up? Anon that's actually making me sad and I feel bad for being mean to you.
Cut this out, other prompters in a hugbox aren't the people you should want respect from.
Snap out of this and pick up a pencil.

Anonymous No. 958225

You're a tool. It wouldn't be far fetched to say that the actual AI is the artist. And you're not even needed since text based AI can feed the image creation.
You'll never be an artist

Anonymous No. 958226

I'm still making art.

You need to take your meds, schizo friend.

Anonymous No. 958227

Hilarious you can't come up with a proper retort to having your whole argument spun on it's head by calling you the tool instead. You lost

Anonymous No. 958228

There's nothing to retort too, you are anthropomorphizing a computer program, you're unwell.

Anonymous No. 958229

you think you're an artist, you're like one of those poor fuckers in an mental ward that thinks they're Napoleon.

Anonymous No. 958230

I simply called it the creator which it is, if I anthropomorphizing would mean I refer to it as human which I'm not you schizo.
Just delete your thread already you're an embarrassment. You're not making art the machine is, and you're not even needed for it to do so. What does that make you if not a tool.

Anonymous No. 958231

More schizophrenic driven ad hominem.

It isn't. It doesn't do anything without human input. Consider taking medication, it will help you.

Anonymous No. 958232

>It doesn't do anything without human input
Completely wrong. It doesn't need human input to create, just another AI to tell it what to do. Look you clearly can't handle proper arguments online if all you can do is tell people that they're schizophrenic and to take meds. You're trying to dehumanize people, which is pretty funny from someone that's emphatically a tool to AI

Anonymous No. 958233


Anonymous No. 958234

you really owned all the people who said that

Anonymous No. 958235

> It doesn't need human input to create
Yes it does. You unironically think a computer program is alive and sentient, you are objectively a schizo.

Anonymous No. 958236

Nobody said anything about it being alive or sentinent. You're just believing what you want to believe, which is actual schizo behaviour, we're done here because there's no point arguing with someone suffering from cognitive dissonance that can't stop throwing ad hominem while trying to call someone else out for doing that. Just another good example of an mentally ill AI user like cris

Anonymous No. 958237

>Nobody said anything about it being alive or sentinent
You have to be in order to create art. We're only done because you copped out of the argument with your delusional prattle. You haven't accepted reality yet because you are unmedicated.

Anonymous No. 958238

Are you saying anything made with AI is not art?

Anonymous No. 958239


Anonymous No. 958240

I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 958241

I didn't concede you retard.

Anonymous No. 958242

If you want to know exactly why you're a retard, it's this
>You have to be in order to create art.
no one mentioned that or agreed with it, and it's certainly an issue that can be debated.
Regardless of whether or not that statement is true (as much as a statement like that can ever be said to be true or not), the fact that you think it's such a bedrock unshakeable belief that any statement that may possibly contradict that is proof of mental illness, is proof that you're dumb as fuck.
It's like you genuinely don't have theory of mind.

Anonymous No. 958243

>more schizophrenic prattle
This is really entertaining. You are coping so much.

Anonymous No. 958272

I don't dislike AI, but you are not the artist if you don't do the illustration, you are in the rol of a commissioner at that point, so as an artist I prefer making art, I am not a musician, but if I want a beat and I prompted a beat, that doesn't make me a producer, I am just a commissioner, the Ai is the artist there. This is a board for 3d artists and not comissioners of course we are invested on making art, that's what an artist does.

Anonymous No. 958291

>muh this
>muh that
How 'bout muh fuck off, buzzword using imbecille. If you liked using AI so much you wouldn't give a shit about those not using it, but here you are because the fact someone thinks otherwise makes you so incredibly insecure, you're the kind of nigger who feels confident doing something only if EVERYONE is. Pussy

Anonymous No. 958314

are you rage baiting or just retarded?

Anonymous No. 958365

>you're not the photographer if you don't do the photograph

Anonymous No. 961050

Anon. The shit is replacing my use in society, why would I not be mad or trying to stop/slow It? I have no passion for typing prompts and letting the computer do It for me, I want to draw or just do something else at this point. (Going from not being payed well while being disrespected but doing something you like to both of these while doing nothing you like isn't neat. Really being independent and thriving is hard and rare and maintaining the hobby while beong a wagecuck isn't easy either.) Of course I'm going to act boomer on this new tech, there's no closing the pandora box now but I'll hate it for long before changing my mind through becoming lazy, complacent and using It for when I'm too broken to draw. So yes, I'll be narrow minded on It, especially considering the works, assets and photos of so many have been used to train these algorithms without compensation, warnings, consent or actual legal access. Just shitty. Art being aided is somewhat okayish, I just know It's going to justify some layoffs or job dumps either ways. Amazing progress in tech, but shit man.

Anonymous No. 962797

This is stupid, sure now the generative algorithms are kinda rough, but some people are already enriching them with FAST 3d designing, its a tool.. its not a solution for anything, you still have to have "thing on my head" and the best prepared people are going to be able to make it faster in a fraction of time a traditional would... this is immensely important even if you think is pretentious, I think its like not using the bucket paint in photoshop never, i mean yeah it never does a good job but im pretty sure you still use it so much you don't even realize.
AI is here now, not using it or pretending is not giving results will not kill it, this shit have like 2 years now open to the public, and its progressing faster than ever, some are even animating on it, and sure it kinda suck, but truth be told, the results are better than lil Timy's first animation, which shows its power.
No one believed shit about Google images what are you o to? That was a marketing scheme at best, a febrile delirium at worst.
AI generating images probably will not get you immediate results now, -hopefully never-, but it really will make the art fields more competitive and harder than before, is better to adapt now than fight against it.. as some other anons have said, this is a photoshop history event

Anonymous No. 962832

>you're not the photo editor if you don't move pixels by hand
>you're not the 3D artist if you don't calculate ray tracing per voxel by hand, if you hit "render" , you are in the rol of a commissioner at that point, so as an artist I prefer making art.

Anonymous No. 962837

Yes, if I commission someone to edit my photos I am not the photo editor, I am the commissioner.
That's how it works.
You are not an artist

Anonymous No. 962838

Go and open Maya or blender and I hit render, don't do anything except to hit render and see what happens.

Anonymous No. 962875

there are no such thing as a 3d artist. the computer did your work. do it again without the computer.
if you gonna deflect, don't reply

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Anonymous No. 962880

>Calling it a fad like people called the internet a fad
Internet is a good analogy because 99% of everything ever put on the internet is pure shit no one wants to see, same as AI art
The tech will probably find a good niche (automating tedious / menial tasks the same way as 3d art does shading for you) but just like every artform before it, it'll require actual artist to produce anything worth a damn
The same way people still pay for art even though photography exists
The same way people still go to concerts even though they can listen to their favorite band infinitely for free at home

The whole AI argument is moot because right now it's little more than a gimmick at best, like VR, or a grossly bloated and misrepresented / misunderstood concept like blockchain nft scams.

Anonymous No. 962932

Great so where are these AI tools?
I see a lot of tech demos and research papers making big claims but nothing released to the public

Anonymous No. 962934

Here chud

Anonymous No. 963531

You talk exactly like a corporate shill faggot. Please go chew on glass.

Anonymous No. 963646

there is no 'learning curve' unless you're switching careers and working at an AI research lab. as much as i hate it these things will replace artists

Anonymous No. 963647

>if you can't tell the different between some retard typing in words to a prompt, and someone making something he has a vision for with his own hands

this is 90% of the public aka the audience you're creating for and making money off of. they are dumb consumers. they don't care where their slop comes from. they just want their pretty pictures

Anonymous No. 963860

I agree, you're so right.
Since it's so easy, can you show me some of the work you've done with AI?

Anonymous No. 964222

>not using AI yet

what is ebsynth? pixel upscaling? removebg online? chat gpt? bing's dalle?

Anonymous No. 964471

So you'll still be crunching 11 hours a day doing the most tedious work for minimum wage, expected now to make 10 games instead of 1 in the same time rame and rush them into an oversaturated market. Got it. Mankind has truly evolved.

Homer Simpson's make up shotgun, man. Homer Simpson's make up shotgun.

Anonymous No. 964479

Imagine it's the year 2023 and someone is talking about AI as the big new thing. you faggot are 10 years too late. the only reason you're even talking here is because really smart people have gone looking for investors by making a few children's toys public in a media-effective way. because he was allowed to try out gpt and generated a few tits in sd, he thinks he's the avant-garde of a new technology - god how ridiculous you poor little sausage are making yourself look.
go die.