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๐Ÿงต Old Myst-like game

Anonymous No. 949071

I need to create a short demo that resembles of those old Myst-like point and click games, specially the ones that let the player rotate the camera by 360 degrees, so not exactly like Myst, more like Amerzone or the odl Dracula games, using 360 degree 3DCG artworks made by me in Blender. Is it possible with Unity?

Anonymous No. 949072

not in unity im afraid. Use Godot.

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Anonymous No. 950223

if you aiming for authenticity, you need QTVR (1995).
and maybe also wrap it with Macromedia Director.

t. actual boomer who made some edutainment softwares in the 90's

Anonymous No. 950224

And how is he supposed to "use Godot" exactly? Would you like to elaborate or are you just shilling a failed game engine made for slot machines?

Anonymous No. 950226

You could render every scene into a cubemap and use an essentially empty scene with a backdrop.
As for interaction I'd do a custom render pass where each interactive object has a distinct color value which you then can associate to an action in the engine.
That said it may be easier to just export the 3D assets build the scenes in the engine and use static baked lightning on everything. The added benefit would be that you could play it in VR and don't need excessively large renders (To display at close to native resolution on a 4k screen with 90 deg fov you'd need a 16k cubemap)

Anonymous No. 950333

>Is it possible with Unity?
Of course it is

Anonymous No. 950639

I'm afraid that's not something Blender can do, you will need Godot or 3ds Max.

Anonymous No. 950734

Which edutainment software did you work on anon? I love those old Director based games

What are you talking about? You can export a 360 panoramic image from Blender and you can use that in Unity to look around.

the chair nerd No. 950736

Definitely would make it in html and js like a traditional 360 panorama tour.

I have many templates for shit like that would you be interested?

Anonymous No. 950745

Any game engine can handle this, you just set up click zones to transition to different images
btw I played this game just last year, Dark Fall II, pretty enjoyable prerendered lowfi 3d kino

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Anonymous No. 951051

You don't seem to understand how low the bar is to make a "Myst-like game" but consider the following: Myst was originally published as a HyperCard stack.

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the chair nerd No. 951151

>HyperCard stack.
Wow didn't know that. Yeah non linear navigation is a pretty simple logic problem you can solve even on power point. It's all hyperlinks.

Reminds me of an interactive power point a client asked us to do a long time ago. We suggested to do it directly on the web but the client asked specifically for a power point so 'he could play it in its own computer' we didn't insist on explaining how web interfacing worked and charged a premium for making in power point what could be done as a webpage.

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the chair nerd No. 951152


Anonymous No. 951155

That's cool.

I remember in the early 2000 some people were actually using PowerPoint and VBScript as a 2D game engine. The Excel version of tetris and snake comes to mind also.
The reason it fell out of flavor was because of how easy it was to put viruses into them.