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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 949162

This was actually written by a mod for the sticky.


Anonymous No. 949163

He isn't wrong.

Anonymous No. 949164

He's wrong.
I started my whole 3D path with Houdini. Many would agree that it's the most retarded shit but I don't regret it.
You should use what you're interested in without taking part in the retarded software wars.

Anonymous No. 949173

There are many ways to get started, the quickest way is to actually start with a 3D program. There are many to choose from, such as:
-3DS Max
-Cinema 4D
-Softimage XSI
-Blender 3D (Free!)
Animation: Motion Builder, Messiah 3D.
Modeling: Modo, Wings3D, Silo 3D
CAD: Autocad, Sketchup, SolidWorks
>Detailing: Zbrush, Mudbox, 3DCoat

Anonymous No. 949183


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Anonymous No. 949194

Clearly the mod is a fucking faggot that doesn't know how to draw. If you are good on doing 2D drawing, then you are more than capable on using Zbrush.

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Anonymous No. 949197


horrendous take IMO

You make something look good from one angle in 2D, in 3D you make something look good from any angle. Sure, the skills translate but thinking in 2D and thinking in 3D are, fundementally, different skills.

Anonymous No. 949198

You're not thinking in 2D when doing a 2D image you retard - it's 3D in both cases.
>horrendous take

Anonymous No. 949202

Mod is a topology cuck. Zbrush>auto unwrap>painter>render. Anything else is just stupid because none of you are doing animations anyways.

Anonymous No. 949203


Anonymous No. 949206

You can almost always bet 3D artists to neglect fundamentals and just fixate on software. It's not a surprise that it's so common to see pros teach and over reliance on tracing over the fucking concept art. In the end the goal is to be a fast wagie. Aside from that the sticky is out of date but not enough to be completely exonerated.

>You heard wrong, there is no one program that is better than the rest, it has and always will be the skill level of the artist. Which program you choose is solely dependent on your own personal taste and which aspect of the 3D industry you want to be involved in.
Then go with Zbrush instead of box modeling a character like a masochist? I get the approach of starting with learning CG by first learning polygonal modeling and doing topological exercise through making characters but that base would be made with zspheres. At best you would first polygonal model a creature blockout in some tutorial series, and it would be the most barebones abstract collection of geometry that just is there to have a rough tracing of the proportions.

>It is not a good idea to get into Zbrush when you're not very familiar with general 3D concepts

>Zbrush is a great program for advanced users to add detail to their existing models, or to prototype models quickly by sculpting them out.
Just for detailing and protyping eh? Really gotta be advanced to start using half a dozen brushes?

Meanwhile in 2013:

Anonymous No. 949208

>When a studio looks at your program skills they do often look to see if you have experience in their preferred in house package, but MANY times you're going to get a studio that has added their own tools and pipeline so it wouldn't matter what program you know as long as your skills are good.
Still very relevant and actually should be drilled into people's skulls here after some more elaboration. More so they don't care about your process just that got it done quickly and for anything animation-related that you and the rigger can find a compromise.

Anonymous No. 949217

The sticky is full of retarded, useless, and outdated information made by out of touch mods in 2008 who have all of 5 tutorials under their "3d belt".
Some things are applicable like "specific tool for a specific job", but workflows and shit like that should be taken with a grain of salt.
I guess it's an alright time-capsule though for older workflows (that were good for the time) that'll be the new hotness whenever the next zoomer fad rolls around. Zoomers are probably eating up PS2 era graphics these days (since imagine the PSX look is on the downward swing), so the shit in the sticky won't be too long before it's back in vogue again.

Anonymous No. 949238

and it is absolutely true. what are you going to do with a high res mesh you can't retopologize, unwrap, texture, rig, animate?

why is this board so fucking dumb? genuinely 90% of everything I read here is wrong. yall never going to make it

Anonymous No. 949240

kys subhuman

Anonymous No. 949243

studios use Zbrush. Deal with it.

Anonymous No. 949250

responding to someone and ignoring their arguments is an automatic concession. thx for admitting defeat yall

Anonymous No. 949259

You are a genuine low-IQ moron.
ZBrush is not simply a software for "adding detail to existing models" you idiot. It's industry standard to create the entire model + retopo in ZBrush.

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Anonymous No. 949260

>retopo in ZBrush.

Anonymous No. 949262

Look at dis niggar never seen a popular VDM brush or 3d print before.
>static assets that shouldn't even be hi res in the first place
lol no take it from this guy

Anonymous No. 949263

>lol no take it from this guy
doesnt look natural

Anonymous No. 949265

>made the crate, nuclear warhead and the military laptop. The grenades and the spherical core in the warhead were made by other artists from TRACE Studio. Made for Call of Duty โ€“ Modern Warfare. Had a wonderful time working for TRACE Studio on Modern warfare.
Ugh yeah move those goalposts harder daddy

Anonymous No. 949267

I'm talking about all the work as a whole, idiot. It's just not very good.

Anonymous No. 949300

Yes, that's exactly what's done in the industry you unemployed idiot. Most models get automatic retopology, with manual retopology being done on models that require deforming animation.

Anonymous No. 949301

Shocking, a post made 6 years ago, is not up to current standards. Wowser.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 949307

Guess what idiot? This was also industry standard 6 years ago.

Ask me how I know you're an unemployed beg.

Anonymous No. 949309

Guess what? This was also industry standard 6 years ago.

Ask me how I know you're an unemployed beg.

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employed anon can....png

Anonymous No. 949319

lmao. I'm sure an industry professional is spending their time worrying over a minor inaccuracy in the 4chan /3/ sticky post.

Hey, if you're such a professional, then why don't you help me out with something? I've been trying to figure out how to create collision in blender for a while now. With your brilliant insight, I'm sure you can help me figure this out. >>939151

The thread begins with the simple desire to get good shoulder deformation. Then it sort of transitions to wanting to be able to make a single mesh collide with itself. Which to my thinking, would help in making clean deformations for the shoulder among other things.

You sound like you have experience modelling characters. So you must have considered how your characters will move. How do you approach the matter of collision and deformation?

Anonymous No. 949332

i don't get what you're trying to say. here is our interaction summed up:
>one should learn the entire asset-creation workflow before getting into sculpting
(note how there is no sign that this guy DIDN'T learn 3d exactly in the order I described)

your "style" of arguing is like if we were having a discussion about a mathematical problem and instead of answering to a proof you suddenly point to a third guys expensive watch and go
nice model, dude, but stick to the argument.

Anonymous No. 949361

>asking an "industry pro" a Blender question
If he's such a pro (he's not), I'm pretty sure Blender isn't his area of expertise.

Anonymous No. 949374

Even if he uses a different program, he might be able to offer some universal insight. I don't know.

Anonymous No. 949395

>I've been trying to figure out how to create collision in blender for a while now
Not him, but that's because you refused the help of a dozen people who posted exactly how you should properly do it, and then you spent a year playing with Blender's source code instead of learning 3d.

>why don't you help me out with something?
offtopic begging for attention for your threads that are rightly ignored by most except other newfags, because you've shown you're not interested in actually learning.

Anonymous No. 949400

People already told you how to do it. Stop being a faggot and do it already

Anonymous No. 949464

>and then you spent a year playing with Blender's source code instead of learning 3d.
I think you're confusing me with the other anon. I'm not doing any source code stuff. I don't even know how to do that. That other anon is doing it. I'm putting all my faith into geometry nodes.

>offtopic begging for attention for your threads
Yeah, I only have a single thread. So you're definitely confusing me with the other guy.

>you're not interested in actually learning.
The only solutions I've dismissed are shape keys, and cloth sims. And it's not that I don't want to use them. It's that the level of deformation I desire, would make shape keys incredibly labor intensive. Manually sculpting every possible movement is insane. I would rather automate it. And cloth sims looks floaty, and don't deform exactly how I want either.

I would use shape keys for smaller jobs. And I would use cloth sim for actual cloth. I'm interested in learning geometry nodes. And put a lot of time into watching tutorials. I'm just not able to learn the foundational skills of geometry nodes very easily, and don't know where to get in-depth knowledge on that subject from. The stupid online manual doesn't explain what anything means, or show practical uses for most nodes. Their descriptions are frustratingly vague.

Anonymous No. 949482

Well, if you keep putting off learning shapekeys, you're going to keep that retard company in his threads while he fucks around with cylinders, until the end of time.

If it's insane, it's because you aren't practicing.

Anonymous No. 949563

Shape keys do not fix clipping. They only allow you to solve specific poses. People solve a few poses, and then they say "good enough", while their model still clips in all kinds of ways. What's insane to me: is that people find this acceptable.

Anonymous No. 949566

Let's see some of your practice.

Anonymous No. 949567

>while he fucks around with cylinders, until the end of time
There's only so much I can push the envelope until some janny creams his pants. I've already been banned a couple of times, that's why I post cylinders.

But I'm really curious where your insane obsession with completely useless hand drawn Shape Keys comes from. Can you elaborate?

Anonymous No. 950850

Why not retopo? Why do /3/ fags seethe over retopo?