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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 949325

Does it seem like the whole CG industry is depressed right now?

Anonymous No. 949326

The industry? You mean jeets chained to their workstations in bangalore, not even allowed outside on the street to relieve themselves? I'd be depressed as hell too.

Anonymous No. 949331

no, it's just (this board in particular) full of crab-bucket mentality people that desperately try to sabotage other people's progress in order to be able to cope with their own failure.

you're also completely on your own at all times, as those that have made it tend to keep the recipe for their secret sauce (custom scripts/workflows) to themselves, while ironically those that know nothing at all (looking at you, blender maximalists) spout their mistakes, shitty shortcuts and piss-poor standards everywhere.

modeling itself is honestly fun, but other than the namedropping of a few channels, the only thing that i have learned from coming to this insanely toxic board for years is that i would send 99% of people to hell if I was the judge at the end of times and not even feel sorry.

my personal ratio on /3dcg/ for genuinely well-meant advice given to genuinely well-meant advice received must be something like 100:1.

the chair nerd No. 949348

Stop using fucking social media.

Anonymous No. 949349

sounds a lot like >>>/g/
there's just so much demoralizing and gas-lighting posts trying to fuck with us

Anonymous No. 949406

It`s because this board is full of ni/g/ers and their delusions. That's the reason for so many software threads in here.

Anonymous No. 951065

No not at all. It's just 4chan users are pessimistic and hateful toward everything.
The 3D industry is growing quickly, Software is getting ridiculous funding and improving fast. Technology is getting too better at the same.
Everyone I talk to about 3D outside of 4chan is just really excited about what's going on, excited about learning and excited about the future.

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Anonymous No. 951241

all the higher ups are licking their chops to deploy AI to replace each and every artist in the pipeline

we know it, hence the depression

best case scenario, we're relegated to fix AI's output

we'll become CGI fixers

the whole world need fixing

nothing works anymore

no refunds of course

Anonymous No. 951248

No, AI wont replace anything related to design. Stop saying it will replace literally everything and that there's some weird band of men in suits getting moneyboners at the prospect of replacing $2 Pajeet with a $2,000,000 algorithm that they'll still need to review the output of by hand.