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Anonymous No. 949327

Ai wont take all your jobs. You are panicking for no good reason. All it does is maybe speed up production but you still need artists to do the work.

Anonymous No. 949334

so far the only thing it's capable of is creating far too idealized faces that have lost all character/uniqueness and nothing points to it being capable of something like 3d that will require several orders of magnitude of higher complexity such as giving you a clean 3d model.

furthermore everyone knows that 2d AI has MASSIVE problems with backgrounds, outer edges and logical consistency (literally 0 IQ, 100% intuition).
for instance there is this site that creates photorealistic pictures of people ("this person does not exist" or highly similar). it's really impressive, as soon as the base image that it mainly steals from contains a 2nd person, which will then be warped into a fucking zombie abomination.
note how not being able to fill in blanks as soon as there isn't sufficient training data is an inherent problem, aka will always appear.

in other words: as soon as an area isn't completely visible, AI shits the bed - and guess what making a 3d model is all about: having a thing be consistent from all possible angles and imagining blanks (instead of merging training data), aka the very thing AI sucks at.
AI is great at "feeling" harmonious proportions and organic transitions between shapes, but I highly doubt that it will also be capable of being consistent/clean.

there is so much hype about it in 3d because the field generally has the following characteristics:
- thousands of hours required to become good
- so many different tasks to master that it tends to be overwhelming for noobies
- always being shown the works of people that have been doing this for 20 fucking years and comparing yourself to them
- huge majority of people that start out will fail

=> lots of people fall towards envy and wish for an easy way to avoid the grind. also malevolent joy in the idea that successful artists careers might become obsolete ("hahaha what if my neighbors mansion burns down").

I'll just continue to get better, you guys continue to hope for a magic button.

Anonymous No. 949341

So AI is kitbashing except you have to provide the kits and also do the bashing?

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Anonymous No. 949353

>All it does is maybe speed up production but you still need artists to do the work.

Anything that saves labor endangers job security because in a capitalist society workers don't reap the benefits of technology, If you have a team of 10 artists and AI improves productivity by 10% then one of those artists are getting fired.

Anonymous No. 949444

>AI won't take your jobs because some literal who indie company couldn't into LoRA models for their concept art
Why yes I too would like to die on the hill of 3D guns, of all assets, being something only a human can truly do.

Anonymous No. 949488

the end product still looks atrocious
why would i pay a "muh playstation graphics" zoomer for this crap when i could hire a /k/ regular to design actual good looking guns and another person that will quickly model the guns without fucking around with some experimental tools for manchildren?

Anonymous No. 949490

>when i could hire a /k/ regular to design actual good looking guns

>plasma cannon
>flak cannon
its over, boomer

Anonymous No. 949491

what did the newfag mean by this?

Anonymous No. 949495

you know what it means

Anonymous No. 949497

thanks for noticing

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Anonymous No. 949522

im sorry that you are such a sad person

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Anonymous No. 949524

i am not the one crying here

Anonymous No. 949526

>f2p "blastas"

lmao kid

Anonymous No. 949528

Such a relief to hear AI technology will never advance from its current form thanks anon

Anonymous No. 949581

Does kitbashing actually work in 3D? I try to look it up but just get some fag trying to sell me a bunch of crap to boolean together.

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Anonymous No. 949632

this is so infuriating
people act like it's the first technology ever

Anonymous No. 949715

So, if you're bad at finding concept art, you can make do with garbage?