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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 949533

Let's just say I want to make an anime girl doll with moving parts and patent it.
Where can I find anything that's MIT or some other actually permissive license.

Anonymous No. 949534

Sex dolls already exist you retard. You're not inventing anything new that's worthy of a patent.

Anonymous No. 949535

Maybe you missed the moving parts bit

Anonymous No. 949536

This isn't the fucking 90's where they are just silicone stiff dolls. There are companies that DO make moving parts and have robotics in them.

so no, I didn't miss the moving parts bit you horny boy.

Anonymous No. 949539

name one

Anonymous No. 949540

not /3/

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Anonymous No. 949552

This guy made it,

Anonymous No. 949556

okay so I shouldn't try to get a patent because some guy in japan made some mechanical dolls?
What if I don't care?

Anonymous No. 949559

How many legs is your patented Barbie doll going to have?

Anonymous No. 949600

You kinda can't i'm 99% sure all doll patent ideas are own by companies or owners. This is why you keep seeing American dolls, Barbies, Bratz, Lego, Etc; on sell. Every idea has been used, the public domain dolls are very lame and it's your only way to get one.

Anonymous No. 949614

You would need to make it different enough, BUT if you can make something good enough that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to own I am with you.

Anonymous No. 949620

I'm willing to bet you can't even accomplish something simple enough to warrant making such thing. The fact that you're here asking that question already answers mine.