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๐Ÿงต Calling all my riggers

Anonymous No. 949623

Any riggers here? Anyone else with a job in rigging/animation?

Favorite software for rigging? Maya? Blender?

Do you also program?

Anonymous No. 949704

Call me a rigger to my face. I dare you!

Anonymous No. 949708

you can say person of rig, rigga is our word

the chair nerd No. 949711

52% of good animation is the sole responsibility of 13% of riggers.

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Anonymous No. 949714

*smacks lips*
AO, where the white textureless women at?

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Anonymous No. 949840

finna starten thinkin autorig is da best tool for a blenda rigga like me nawmsayen ??

Anonymous No. 949861

Hobbyist so I just use Advanced Skeleton in Maya. It gives me exactly what I need.

Anonymous No. 949871

you are never going to get anywhere with AS

Anonymous No. 949872

He won't get a job as a rigger, but if he's an animator, it's good enough that it won't hold animation quality back. It's easy enough to customize as well, if you just want a quick base to work from to add whatever might fit your needs for a specific project.

A good rig makes animation easier, but does not guarantee good animation. A shit animator will still output shit, even with an amazing rig. A good animator will output good animation, even with just a passable rig, granted at a slower pace .

Anonymous No. 949876

>it's good enough that it won't hold animation quality back.
its not good enough. You need to learn how to actually rig.

Anonymous No. 949880

Nobody is saying it's a great rig, but you can't really call yourself a good animator, fi you can't output decent animation with a rig of that quality. You could be handed something much worse, depending on what low budget shit project you end up working on, and still be expected to animate something that doesn't look like complete ass.

Anonymous No. 949882

You will never complete needed animations for shot work on a deadline when you are fighting against the tools

Anonymous No. 950721

anyone know how to fix the fold between the upper leg and the hip when you drag the knee up?

why you yu y... DUBBLE RIGGER

Anonymous No. 950859

riggers tongue my anus

Anonymous No. 950861

>Any riggers here? Anyone else with a job in rigging/animation?
I am here! Hobbyist
>Favorite software for rigging? Maya? Blender?
>Do you also program?

Anonymous No. 950868

total rigger death

Anonymous No. 950885

Its good enough if your main focus is animating, but if you want the rigging artist job, yeah its pretty much what >>949871
You should learn to rig anyways, at least on the functional level so you can determine when there's something you can fix on the rig, or when you need to do an extreme pose and you can parent it with some modeling and do a blendshape, a lot of Sony Animation guys do that.

Anonymous No. 950891

riggers gonna rig

Anonymous No. 950898

I don't know what you're saying because I'm not a rigger and it DOES give me what I need wich is biped rigs with controls for Unreal Engine. And AS produce a rig close to all the downloadable ones out there. And you can add to it. I'm a hobbyist gamedev so I really don't need more. It also gives you the option to rig quadrupeds and wings
I did learn to rig. Initially I learned manually then I was making my own automatic rigger in Python. The more I was making progress on it, the more I realised that I was making a fraction of what Advanced skeleton was already doing so I ditched the project. Like anon said, I'm not aiming to become a rigger at all (never, even if I get a job in 3D, that's not the position I'll aim for).
And since I'm a solo gamedev on a fairly big project, I had to find a way to cut a maximum amount of corners. And rigging is one of them.

Anonymous No. 950900

You didn't learn to rig.

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Anonymous No. 950901

Kek, you're acting like rigging is some sort of obscure science only available to a few chose ones. Bro it's all about parenting bones, making constraints, making sure the bones orientation is correct.
But I'm starting to recognize you anon, you're the same guy who makes these short lame ass sentences on every thread. I don't blame you anon but go make some progress instead of discouraging the beginners of this board.

Anonymous No. 950905

thanks for proving >>950900 point you massive retard.

Anonymous No. 950908

your samefagging is showing + never said I was a rigger (once again) you massive fag.

Anonymous No. 951022

jobless as fuck but I love making rigs and animating my models
I used to use maya and 3DSMax biped even before that, but now I find blender a lot more intuitive to use. with Maya I had so many issues with transferring weights and fucking up a model just because I wanted to reshape something, and a big reason I gravitated towards blender is there's far more up-to-date resources and discussion than maya nowadays.

I don't program but I like using visual or node based functions, like making my own addons with serpens or using geometry nodes and drivers to affect my rig
shits fun

I fucking hate autorigging plugins though, unless I know 100% how it works I'd rather just make my own from scratch

Anonymous No. 951047

not even a samefag, but to a sufferer of dunning kruger effect its quite a obvious misdeduction.

Anonymous No. 951549

I'm a mid level rigging artist at Framestore. Been in the industry for like 4 years.

Mainly use maya for work. Use blender and unreal too outside of work.

Yeah I write a heap of code. I would recommend learning the basics of python to anyone wanting to make a living in the technical side of CG.

Anonymous No. 951550

How can I suffer from dunning kruger effect when in my first post, I said I wasn't a rigger kek. And yeah learning the basics of rigging isn't rocket science, no matter what you say. Anyone can learn it in a day or even less.

Anonymous No. 951764

I've worked as a vfx/animation rigger in on and off, mixed in with pipeline/engineering. I don't have a favourite software, it's whatever the studio uses, but that's always Maya customised in some way. I do programming, all I do these days is writing nodes.

Anonymous No. 951926

>how can i suffer from being retard
simply, you percieve yourself to know more than people who actually do that shit.

Anonymous No. 954123

AS is pretty much good enough for 80 of the rigging work out there. It certainly isn't as cool as having a toolbar of custom made tools but it's stable and most animators are already familiar with it. So no, you are incorrect.

Anonymous No. 954130

its the weekend and im creepin' with my riggas

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Anonymous No. 954134

>AS is pretty much good enough for 80 of the rigging work out there.

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electrical grid.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954664

My riggas keep niggas on they fuckin' job
My riggas know what it's like when shit gettin' hard
My riggas stay pullin' you other riggas' cards
My riggas is God
My riggas will shine

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954697

Kill riggers. Behead riggers. Roundhouse kick a rigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a rigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy rigs. Defecate in a riggers food. Launch riggers into the sun. Stir fry riggers in a wok. Toss riggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a riggers gas tank. Judo throw riggers into a wood chipper. Twist riggers heads off. Report riggers to the IRS. Karate chop riggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black riggers. Trap riggers in quicksand. Crush riggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy riggers in a vat of acid. Eat riggers. Dissect riggers. Exterminate riggers in the gas chamber. Stomp rigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate riggers in the oven. Lobotomize riggers. Mandatory abortions for riggers. Grind rigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown riggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize riggers with a ray gun. Kick old riggers down the stairs. Feed riggers to alligators. Slice riggers with a katana. Put a bomb in a rigger's mouth. Throw knives at riggers. Inflate riggers until they pop. Send riggers into a blackhole. Castrate riggers. Feed riggers poisoned food. Force riggers to walk the plank. Push riggers into a pit. Kneel on a rigger's neck. Curse riggers with a spell. Stuff rigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten riggers with a tank. Pop a rigger's car tire. Strike rigger children with a ruler. Make riggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a rigger's limbs. Airdrop riggers into Antarctica. Throw riggers off the boat. Pressurize riggers into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a rigger's ass. Falcon-punch a rigger in the face. Make riggers into fiction. Blow riggers heads off with grenade launchers. Blow riggers brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock riggers in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail riggers to a cross and stab them. Run over riggers with a tank feet-first. Crush riggers with a press. Attack riggers with acid. Boil riggers in a pan. Lock riggers inside a brazen bull.

Anonymous No. 955074

>Anyone else with a job in rigging/animation
I tried rigging a few times. TF2 characters and something I made myself.
Does it always suck so hard or does it actually get enjoyable when you gain knowledge?
What do you have to program and in which language? How huge is the difference in quality when you program?

Anonymous No. 955075

Blender is the best software.

Anonymous No. 955281

I learned blender for fun almost exactly a year ago and got decent enough at it by October that I was making pretty good looking porn animations by December (coomer I know). I stopped everything around late February though because of IRL responsibilities, but I never did touch rigging. Is there an actual career path there? I remember reading that the 3d modeling and 3d concept artist side is heavily saturated, but what about animators and riggers?

Anonymous No. 955305

You can always sell your dignity to make more depraved niche porn.

Anonymous No. 955308

but if you start selling porn you have to jump through a ton of hoops with obscenity laws and file really complicated taxes 4 times a year

Anonymous No. 955316

There is an entire profession dedicated to that. It's called tax advisor. You pay them a bit of money and they deal with that. You just have to keep all your receipts, which is easy since you only make money with shit like patreon which does half the work.
Just prepare to model a lot of dicks in very detailed fashion, submit to trooners and other degenerates and pretend to be woke on every platform.

Anonymous No. 956491

the more cool little tricks you learn the more fun it gets - I've been messing with drivers and constraints to automate shoulder movement and twist bones.

Sadly I've found that some of the more intermediate rigging info is in paid courses, most basic tutorials just don't cut it anymore.

I've been trying to work out how to manipulate poles in specific ways, for example when arms are moved above the head you generally point elbows sideways or forwards but I'm too smoothbrained to figure it out by myself

Anonymous No. 956951

I find it gets more fun the more you think about things in terms of angles, planes and matrices rather than specific implementations.

Anonymous No. 957005

Any Riggers not using KineFX are just setting themselves up for failure.

Anonymous No. 957014

What is the benefit of learning to rig yourself rather than using an auto-rigging shit for blender/maya or something that simplifies everything like mgear. I know nothing about rigging so I dont know what the ups and downs are of making your own rigs

Anonymous No. 957095

Ex lead rigger from film industry here, now working my own coomer projects.
Maya and Python are my tools.

Anonymous No. 957099

i dabbled before the studio i worked at hired a dedicated guy.

i've tried 3dsmax, maya, and blender. 3dsmax was the easiest but least capable, maya was the most capable but required the most setup, blender was somewhere inbetween.

this was a couple years ago though so my information may be outdated. i didnt get into any advanced scripting on the rigs, just basic bones, kinematics, set driven keys, controllers, etc. we didnt have anyone who knew zbrush or anything at the time so use of blend shapes and morph targets was pretty limited.

but yeah if i had to pick one, maya would be my first choice for sure. having the transformations menu and set driven keys right there on the side bar was very convinient, although i will say moving and readjusting keyframes and keyframe timing felt a lot less fiddley in blender and max. something about mayas timeline and trying to adjust keyframes always felt weird or unintuitive, like you couldnt just easily select and drag like you could on the other timelines.

bone orientation did seem like a bit more of a pain in the ass in maya from what i remember though