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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 949637

I got this... I got this...

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Anonymous No. 949641

going about it all wrong
first just get image planes of some appropriate woman body.
then get some good front/sides of her face and line them up in an image editor.
dont mash primitives together. start with a box and extrude out forms and add edge loops as needed

Anonymous No. 949646

any tutorials on this?

Anonymous No. 949660

maybe try searching up time-lapse videos on making anime girls' faces?
though, I don't think that would be helpful for you...

Anonymous No. 949700

Look up Dikkos Tutorial on Modelling for Animation and also his Poly Modelling series for the face and hands. Wizard magic tutorials

Anonymous No. 949712


Anonymous No. 949720

didn't you just promise to stay in a dedicated thread, cris? why can't you leave this place alone?

Anonymous No. 949796

I feel his pain. Don't be an idiot and just download a anime base-mesh and sculpt on top of it. do an quick rig shit like rigify or if you have a few dollars to expend > autorig pro to pose the character. Clothes could be just a duplicate of the skin polys. Toon Shading shouldn't be much of an issue.

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Anonymous No. 949842

Im following this tutorial atm:

Anonymous No. 949893


Anonymous No. 949904

You'd want the body to be either a single mesh continuous or have the different parts fit together.
Also don't add unnecessary loop cuts until you have all the features modeled, like fingers.
The idea with box modelling also is to use subdivision surface and creases. That's where I'd look to next.

Anonymous No. 949955

>not another Cris thread
You can do it, OP.

Anonymous No. 950091

Get a generic anime girl concept art(front and side view of the head) then replicate it either following Dikko or 2AM's tutorial on Youtube. Once you get the basics, try to model it to resemble this style.