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๐Ÿงต I need to make a template

Anonymous No. 949670

So I do stuff on commission BUT sometimes I really can't rely on stuff like MakeHuman or Charmorph for character templates, MH has a lot of options but horrible topologies and base models, Charmorph is a bit more friendly but the sliders suck and of course age sliders are restricted because god forbid someone uses it to make porn.

At first I thought I just had to make some very low poly/LOD character so I could make deforms easily BUT then I would have to also make a new skeleton every time among other things.

So, what is the best way to have a body template which I can deform without much complications when I want to make a wide variety of characters? the other problem is of course having to do some "Frankenstein" kind of work if I decide to use a more cartoony or anime style.

If only MH actually had some documentation but doing retopo as it is documented ALWAYS comes up with glitches and unusable stuff.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 949674

By learning sculpting, chud

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Anonymous No. 949675

I googled "Charmorph" and I wanted to take a look back at the original manuelbastionilab.
Since I have Blender 2.7 and I've found a link
It still works and looks interesting.

Anonymous No. 949676

Nothing comes for free, chud. Either you learn sculpting or not.

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Anonymous No. 949677

No thanks. I'm not going to learn sculpting.

Anonymous No. 949678

You see, Chud, you will never make it as an artist if you rip off free modelz from third party software.

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Anonymous No. 949679

I don't want to "make it as an artist". I'm a programmer and I'm doing this for fun.

I'm ok with the model. The question for me is how hard is it going to me to set it up with a full body Cloth simulation. With MakeHuman it was a nightmare.

Anonymous No. 949686

But thanks OP. I really didn't know MB-lab existed. I've always used MPFB2 and the standalone MakeHuman thing.

I've always been disappointed in those not so much for the quality of the model but for the quality of the skinning, because it breaks down very easily.

Anonymous No. 949693


mods please close /3/ down for good.

Anonymous No. 949733

I know how to sculpt and all, I can basically make either sculpt or polymodel that's not what I meant.

Anonymous No. 949735

I tried to use MH several times but their documentation is non-existent and their solution to custom topology is "hurr, make a bodysuit with the clothes creation addon" but certain parts of the model refuse to "separate" like in the mouth or the toes, when you use a skeleton.

Anonymous No. 949738

I don't think it's worth the effort to create new topologies for MB-lab or MPFB2 unless you want to contribute to the projects. But I'm not completely sure because I haven't read the source code yet.

When I did this >>946599 I've used the finalized mesh, then I've added a custom skeleton, custom weight paint and Cloth sim all outside of MPFB2.

Anonymous No. 949739

I just don't want to keep making avatars from scratch when I need to make sure certain topology parts deform correctly every single time, I mean, once I am able to properly make a hand once it is a bit hard to make it exactly the same and then paste it on a body, then deform the fingers accordingly, etc., even if I made sculptures I always have to retopo for optimal performance.

Anonymous No. 949745

You shouldn't attempt to fix bad deformations with topology. There are ways to do it by tweaking the bone weights.

You can look at this for a good tutorial:
but beware because on that same channels there also plenty of bad tutorials. Avoid the guy obsessed with "the puzzle of topology". He's Ton's personal cello player and he's not... all there...

Anonymous No. 949749

Sometimes I think I should just try a "modular" approach.

Anonymous No. 949751

I haven't read the source code of MB-lab in detail yet but it should be possible to add more character types by editing a json file which is in there.

Maybe it's just a matter of getting some measurements and factors and writing them down in that file. I'll get back to you if I can figure out how to do it.

Anonymous No. 949767

Yeah, I am on the charmorph's discord server and was asking around where to find some custom jsons and stuff to make more models but as usual most people there have no clue or don't plan on releasing documentation until their personal project is to their liking, not to mention they think they would be liable if they allowed certain body types from the get go.

Anonymous No. 949775

I'm assuming that you're unhappy with the upper bound of the age slider.
The data exists because MPFB2 has it, so maybe it's just a matter of porting it over to MP-lab.

Anonymous No. 949786

Basically yes.

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Anonymous No. 949851

The anthropometric data for ageing is intentionally missing in MB-lab but I believe that if you were to obtain measurements from the MPFB2 base model you're interested in, you could port them over to MB-lab using the functions I've indicated.

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Anonymous No. 949884

This isn't exactly what I wanted and I didn't put much effort into it but the good news is that a full body Cloth sim of an MB-lab model is possible.

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Anonymous No. 949905

I wish I had more patience when preparing animations. I didn't tweak the parameters of the Cloth sim, so the body is too firm, but you get the idea.

Anonymous No. 949921

Thanks, this will come in handy.

Anonymous No. 950215

blender already comes with humanoid template.
any reason why you are not upgrading from 2.79?

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Anonymous No. 950216

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 950218


Anonymous No. 950219

I refuse to downgrade to Eevee because I need real Ambient Occlusion and shadows that don't look like minecraft levels to do outdoors sun lit architectural renders, which Eevee can't do at all and Cycles is way too slow to be usable.
But there's another million reasons.
Another would be that no useful functionality has been added past 2.79, so there's no reason at all to downgrade to 2.80+

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Anonymous No. 950221

This is nothing special. It's just because I've rendered it as test. It's the MB-lab base model with my custom weight paint technique and some mocap data from:

Unfortunately I wasn't able to set up a full body Cloth sim with self collisions this time because the mocap data was too approximate and I didn't have the patience go go through it.

Anonymous No. 950270

I am on 3.6 already, I am just trying to get a working template which I only need to deform using 3rd party "sliders" and stuff.

Anonymous No. 950294

I've tried to modify the measurements like I told you >>949851 but it doesn't work. MB-lab refuses to go off-scale so to speak and it would be a lot of work to fix it.

Anonymous No. 950296

Yeah, I tried asking around on charmorph's discord but in general even if different morph's exist for younger characters you can't just ask where, theoretically speaking mblab could go for dwarves and all so it may be possible to find a workaround by focusing only on proportions but still kind of a huge task on itself.

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Anonymous No. 950337

Just for fun I've extended the range of the Age slider in MB-lab.

Anonymous No. 950338

Interesting, it probably would need adjustment on the other sliders, quite the task.

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Anonymous No. 950339

Let's say it's easy to remove the limits on all the sliders and it's kind of interesting to do but the very specific morphs are missing and would need to be made and re-compiled into json files.
The scripts needed to compile new morphs seem to be there but I'm not really into the stuff that jannies like, so... I'll leave it at that for now.

Anonymous No. 950367

As usual by the time someone makes something usable Blender will have it already implemented in their next build.

Anonymous No. 950391

I have no idea what you're trying to say but I vaguely remember running the original MB-lab >>949675 on a Pentium II

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Anonymous No. 950440

Intergluteal cleft

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Anonymous No. 950454

But now I think I understand what the complaint with CharMorph is. That's very "race universal".

Anonymous No. 950502

You can have non-universal since it uses most of mblab's sliders and stuff my complaint is the moralfaggotry used to justify the age morphs, I recall the mblab guys saying they never meant to allow nsfw stuff which is stupid.

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Anonymous No. 950504

But that's the good quality model. The other models are imported from MB-lab.

My complaint is that the skeleton looks like pic related, which means it's very model-specific.
Imagine wanting to edit the model and then having to manually re-position and re-weight all those bones.
In MB-lab you can load motion capture data easily >>950221 but in CharMorph that doesn't seem to be possible anymore.

Anonymous No. 950505

The non "race universal" models don't have the intergluteal cleft slider. That's the issue.

Anonymous No. 950678

I see, in general I just hate how these things are limited on purpose because their authors think they can control what's done with their addon.

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Anonymous No. 950699

There's a built-in editor in MB-lab for new morphs. Seems to be working and it's smart enough to adjust the skeleton.

Anonymous No. 950879

What parameter is that?

Anonymous No. 950881

A parameter I've made up using the editor. It's at the bottom in the "MB-Dev" tab. It's not exactly easy to use but it's functional.

Anonymous No. 950958

Worth checking out I guess.

Anonymous No. 952615

I was able to contact one of the devs and at least got some info on how to add new characters, will post the info later.

Anonymous No. 952617

Everyone who makes posts like this disappears under mysterious circumstances

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Anonymous No. 952622


Anonymous No. 952627

In Charmorph (and in MB-lab too I guess) you can use a previously created character as the base for a new character.

You can start a character, edit it with the sliders, then edit it manually and then use it as the starting point for a new character and again you can edit with the sliders and edit manually and so on.

To make a new character from scratch I guess it's ok if you want to contribute to the project.

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Anonymous No. 952628

It doesn't seem to be really possible (or easy) in MB-lab, only in Charmorph.

And then, you can iterate and when you're satisfied with the base mesh, you can create a new character and add it to the Charmorph project.

This is how I think you're supposed to do it.

Anonymous No. 952719

Basically yes, I still don't understand the whole "destructive modification" part of charmorph's documentation.

Anonymous No. 953076

Thanks anon, I hadn't heard about MB-Lab and struggled to make a basic character model.

Anonymous No. 954045

You should really just learn to make your own basemeshes from scratch
it may take a little time and effort but the results are 100% worth it
makes it easy to match references without issues when you can do it all from scratch

Anonymous No. 954053

Working on it, still a pain since my income depends on it.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 954972

bossy dental funny old-fashioned fairly dad morning sweatshirt goldfish bottle improvise tire lighten list please