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๐Ÿงต Loli creation

Anonymous No. 949852

Are there any guides or tutorials on 3d modelling a base mesh for a loli body? I can only think of using pic related to create as blockout and use it as a base for 3d modelling any loli character i can think of.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 949857

Should I report you, chud? I'm sensing something very disgusting in here.....

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 949858

Yes, i want to make sexy cunny in 3D.

Anonymous No. 949862

If you can model a human at all, then you can model a loli. they all use the same principles. They all have the same body parts. There is no magic to lolis that make them distinct from any other human. They're just smaller.

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Anonymous No. 949879


Anonymous No. 949887

I know, but i'm talking about a stylized approach, i know how to model a human, but i want to create a stylized loli model.
>book written by a completely different author

Anonymous No. 949889

Learn how to make stylized humans

Then just use loli proportions

Anonymous No. 949906

Alright, thank you :)

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Anonymous No. 949909

Begone, moralfag. It's a fucking cartoon.

Anonymous No. 949910

You can start by putting a revolver in your mouth

Anonymous No. 949912

twitter has many child models to use as reference, you can also go to your local kindergarten/elementary school for irl reference as well.

If you have any relatives that are children, that works.
Boys work, you use theirs anatomy and size for girls.
Its easier to use boys as a reference since the moral paranoia is only for little girls

Anonymous No. 949928

>local kindergarten/elementary school for irl reference as well.

>Local man spotted on the schoolyard asking kids to pose for him while he was supposedly drawing them. Police have detained him and his computer is currently in their possession.

Anonymous No. 949929

morons who've managed to mental-gymnastics themselves into thinking morals are le bad just because they want to jack off to children is one of the most hilarious types of schizo

Anonymous No. 949931

>doesnt even recognize /ic/ memes

Anonymous No. 949934

I hope you drop the soap

Anonymous No. 949958

>I know, but i'm talking about a stylized approach, i know how to model a human, but i want to create a stylized loli model.
What? You just push the vertices into the places they're supposed to be. You're thinking there is some kind of alternate technique or something, but there's not. You just place the verts where they're supposed to go.

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Anonymous No. 950118

this is the closest thing i have that might help you. it's more of an /ic/ book, but i think the same rules applied to modelling on a computer, i don't really know, i'm new to this

Anonymous No. 950119

Thanks anon, i'll take a read later.
>You just push the vertices into the places they're supposed to be.
So you're saying i should poly model a torso until it matches the proportional height of a loli, then use it as a blockout for sculpting?

Anonymous No. 950136

>So you're saying i should poly model a torso until it matches the proportional height of a loli, then use it as a blockout for sculpting?
Eh? You said you were capable of making a basic human base mesh already, right? So I assume you actually mean a cleanly topologized mesh, and not some random primitive bocky mess.

If you already have a human mesh on hand, then just take that, and and scale the head so it's larger, and then select the body and rework it into a loli's body, by moving the vertices where they need to be. Use sculpt tools to smooth out the parts that might have gotten wonky during the rework.

Anonymous No. 950140

The page is just white

Anonymous No. 950148

part 1
part 2
huh, i expect every anon to have a exhentai account.

Anonymous No. 950244

unfortunately these days most of anons on 4chan are underage newfags

Anonymous No. 950267

morals aren't bad, neither are they necessarily good. Let them jack off to children, who cares?

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Anonymous No. 950291

I don't understand what the big deal is, why you can't just have a book that contains children doing T-poses like this for reference in a non-sexual way. It's even more baffling when you consider the fact that there are stores in Japan where you can just walk in and buy hardcore child porn, but an art reference book? No that's just going TOO far.

Anonymous No. 950366

shut up schizo and search harder

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World War C.jpg

Anonymous No. 951313

Oh fuck I think I just struck oil

Anonymous No. 951322

post oil

Anonymous No. 951331

I literally cannot

Anonymous No. 951336

Direct towards oil

Anonymous No. 951473

Fucking pedos. You don't need to look up nude little girls to make loli. Especially not the noodly style from the OP. You're just using the pursuit of loli as an excuse to look up naked little girls.

I told you already how to do it. Literally just take a base mesh, and then move the verticies into their proper place. It's not rocket science. This is basic art 101, shit. Learning how to see objectively, and translate what you see on canvas. No amount of irl references will help you, because you literally don't have the ability to see objectively. As evident by the fact that you're seeking real girls as reference for cartoons. Real girls hardly look anything like cartoon lolis. So those references won't help. You can just as easily take advice about head height, and other proportional markers, and get good results.

tl;dr, stop looking up CP, and work on your fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 951492

You make that model (or any adult woman model), you scale it down to 0.9 to 0.8 size in all axes, them you scale the head back to the original size.
Then you flatten the chest completely, flatten the hips (sides) and carve bit out of the back. Maybe reduce the thickness of shins and arms a bit.
There you have it. That is for realistic.

If you want anime loli style, then you have to remove more width from the character and especially neck (so that the head appears larger), then reduce the width of the upper torso a bit to produce more pear shaped body and lastly add a lot more length to legs. Anime girls have unrealistic leg/body ratio and lolis are not different in that aspect.

Anonymous No. 951552

>the good ending?

Anonymous No. 951623

I just made an AI do it and the results are surprisingly good.

Anonymous No. 951694

/ic/ is a shithole full of schizos

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Anonymous No. 951698

so you came to a shithole full of schizos to whine about other shithole full of schizos?

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Anonymous No. 952086

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Anonymous No. 952087

From a resident /3/chad

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Anonymous No. 952088

Anonymous No. 952390
