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🗑️ 🧵 Request

Anonymous No. 949991

Could someone turn this into a .STL ou .OBJ 3D model for me please? Something like 5 milimeters thick. I will have it 3d printed and used as a pendant. Could anon deliver please?

the chair nerd No. 950004

Yep anon can delivar. Also I have experience printing and casting gold jewelry.

the chair nerd No. 950005

Just wait a sec I'm buying groceries so I have to arrive home and turn on mah pc.

the chair nerd No. 950006

Apart from the thickness what are the desired dims?

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Anonymous No. 950025

I dont know what dims are, I've never doent his before. Can also smooth out the U? in that area where it's a hard curve that goes upwards, it's straight.

You mean like width and height? Well something like, 10 centimeters width, proportional height and half a centimeter thickness. Does that work?

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the chair nerd No. 950027

Hi anon.
>You mean like width and height? Well something like, 10 centimeters width, proportional height and half a centimeter thickness. Does that work?
Well in my experience pendants above 7cm width tend to be too bulky so y reccomend that maximum.With that width a good lettewring thicknesss would be around 2.5 mm - 3.5 mm.

Anonymous No. 950028

Also can you add a loop on top of the G for the chain to go through? Sorry for asking for stuff, I don't wanna be that guy.

Anonymous No. 950029

I understand but I want it showy and exaggerated, 10cm width and .5cm thick would look cool.

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the chair nerd No. 950030

> Can also smooth out the U?
Could you draw over it? Didn't get that.

Also the letter are obviously separated so how do you want the connection? There are several options.
1.A rigid plate behind
2.A pair of sticks in the bottom and top
3.A single rod that connects the letters.

the chair nerd No. 950031

Ok no problem but first describe the change to the u better.
Ok you do you you beautiful fancy dude.

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Anonymous No. 950032

>Could you draw over it? Didn't get that.

>Also the letter are obviously separated so how do you want the connection? There are several options.
Yeah I really don't know. I was gonna send the model to the company and ask them how they'd pull it off. I wouldn't want anything connection the letters like a rod because it would change the appearance of the logo. If they were transparent, it would risk being too flimsy. So they'd probably go with a plate behind it which I guess would do the job.

the chair nerd No. 950033

Oh I've already did that. Yep I also thickened the letters a bit because anything under a mm will definitely break.
>Yeah I really don't know.
Ok I'll come up with 2 options and you'll judge. Wait 10 min.

Anonymous No. 950034

Based, thanks

Anonymous No. 950036

OP here, I'll be away for like 30 minutes, back soon.

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the chair nerd No. 950037

Ok no prob just got distracted but tell me what option catches your eye.
I'll be back in about 1 hour I'm making pizza today.

Anonymous No. 950049

Can I have top right sir pls

the chair nerd No. 950050

Ok are you casting it gold or justr using resin? If it's a metal remember that some of the detail is lost to polishing. I'll make the connecting rods 1.5mm thick.
Also If it's gols I better make some of the letters hollow to spend less material.

Anonymous No. 950053

Company says it's "rigid plastic", though I'll want to have it print in metal in the future

the chair nerd No. 950054

>Rigid plastic. Ok that can be pla, nylon or resin.

> I'll want to have it print in metal in the future
The process is called lost resin casting. Just make sure to contact me here if you have any changes.

Ok I'll make the stl It'll be 10 min.

Anonymous No. 950055

I'm very thankful for that, would you do another one too? I don't wanna abuse your willingness

the chair nerd No. 950056

Well it depends. Just had pizza so I'm in a good mood.

the chair nerd No. 950057

Also are you a guy? Will you wear a Vogue pendant? If so please don't get ass worms you flaming fucking faggot.

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Anonymous No. 950059

I want this one (pic) done in the bottom left arrangement of this >>950037 (but with the background larger like in the pic)
Same measurements. Can the .STL/.OBJ file come with precoded colors? If so please make the background red and the colors white just like in the pic. I feel bad giving all these instructions, I don't want to sound demanding.

Its ok I only bottom to butch lesbians who like to humiliate sissies. Don't judge, autogynephilia is like crack.

the chair nerd No. 950060

>Can the .STL/.OBJ file come with precoded colors?
In stl there is no such thing as precoded colors, neither in obj. Althoug obj has the capability to reference.mat files that assign materials and colors to meshes. Ok I'll do it.
What you want is two separate stls and the instruct the company to print them in diferent colors.
> I feel bad giving all these instructions, I don't want to sound demanding.
Just don't reproduce. I'd be happy with that.
>Don't judge, autogynephilia is like crack.
Have you tried pizza?

the chair nerd No. 950061

Wait that is revista cara's logo? Are you a colombian fag?

Anonymous No. 950062

>What you want is two separate stls and the instruct the company to print them in diferent colors.
Can't I send them the model and just tell them that the stuff under is red and the colors are white? Can't their software color stuff? Can't the printer nozzle juggle different colors? Does it realy have to be two separate models?

>Just don't reproduce. I'd be happy with that.
Ok, wasn't in my plans anyway.

>Have you tried pizza?
Pizza doesn't fix autogynephilia.

I'm Brazilian, that one isn't even for me, it's for a friend who works there lul would be cool to gift her that. I just had this idea since you were being so cool.

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the chair nerd No. 950063

>Can't the printer nozzle juggle different colors? Does it realy have to be two separate models?
There is only 2 ways a 3d printer can do colors. A mutliple extruder fused deposition printer or a full fledged dextrine printer.
I can make a file in cura that generates the gcode for dual extrusion but it is still requires 2 separate stls.
What kind of printer do they use?

I'm just stlysing the joints to make them as invisible as posible. Just wait

Anonymous No. 950065

They stopped answering emails, I think now only monday will they reply again. I don't really know what to say, if it's gotta be 2 separate files then so be it, I guess try to make it dumb-proof, I'm sure they will figure it out and have done this arrangement before.

>I'm just stlysing the joints to make them as invisible as posible. Just wait
Ok take your time, no hurry and thanks again.

the chair nerd No. 950066

Ok I'll make the stl and the gcode and a rendering so I'll be no confusion.
>thanks again
Just tell your degenerate friends that you got help from a racist chud in 4chan. That'll be a story. Us fascists are people too you know?

Anonymous No. 950068

>Just tell your degenerate friends that you got help from a racist chud in 4chan. That'll be a story. Us fascists are people too you know?
Dood I'm just a normal dude, the butch lesbians are the only people in my life who arent family. I don't have friends lul. I'm not one of those LGBT weirdos. I have even been called incel many times because of my looks and I'm racist as hell too (it's impossible not to be if you live in Brazil). I just want to bottom to my friends with a VOGUE pendant hanging from my neck while they call me their little slut. You're misinterpreting me hard and that is making me upset.

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the chair nerd No. 950069

You are gonna need a bigger bait kiddo.
File 1 ready.

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the solution.png

the chair nerd No. 950070

>You're misinterpreting me hard and that is making me upset.
Oh did I upset you lol.

the chair nerd No. 950071

Question do you want the red background rounded or square?

Anonymous No. 950072

Damn son im looking at it through at STL viewers and it's really well done, thanks.

Is this hollow?

Whatever, I tried explaining it to you.

Square corners, remember it's a pendant too so it needs the loop thing for the chain, don't know if I mentioned. You can put it on top attached to the red background, should look ok.

the chair nerd No. 950073

>Is this hollow?
Nope it's not hollow the printer provider can solve that with an infill pattern and it is better that they do.
>Whatever, I tried explaining it to you.
Look at me I'm a degenerate but not one of those LGBT degenerates. Potato patato my friend.
>Square corners, remember it's a pendant too so it needs the loop thing for the chain, don't know if I mentioned. You can put it on top attached to the red background, should look ok.

Anonymous No. 950074

>Look at me I'm a degenerate but not one of those LGBT degenerates.
It's not fair you compare me to those weirdos just because I get buttfucked by lesbians. I don't even like them myself, I get hard cult vibes from LGBT weirdos
>Potato patato my friend.
They are different things

the chair nerd No. 950075

>It's not fair you compare me to those weirdos just because I get buttfucked by lesbians.
Ultra kek.

Anonymous No. 950076

I'll just stop talking now, you're completely dismissing me and everything I say. Me no likey

the chair nerd No. 950077

pfff ok. I'll be back in 30 minutes brb.

Anonymous No. 950078

Ok I'll wait, you did a really good job with the first one and I can't wait to see the caras one.

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the chair nerd No. 950079

I'm back so overlay or insetted?

Anonymous No. 950080


the chair nerd No. 950081

File ready. So a I said the printer will need two stl's to configure the correct gcode for the printing process. There is no use to upload a dual extrusion file because it has collapsed setting and not may work on your provider's printer.

I've profided an alternative stl of the base with booleaned letter so if the provider doesn't have adual extruder he can align the letters correctly to the base.

Cheers you faggot hope you die.

Anonymous No. 950082

Thanks a lot for putting the effort, when I get it done I'll post it here now tone down with the weird passive agressivity.

the chair nerd No. 950083

Ok I think the caras one would look better in laser cut acrylic.

>I'll post it here now tone down with the weird passive agressivity.
I wont I'm a cave troll.

Anonymous No. 950084

How do they do it in practice? Glue the logo to the negative boolean? Or just print into the boolean?

the chair nerd No. 950085

Taking a plane I'll be back on monday I wont have access to cad software till then.

the chair nerd No. 950086

Glue the logo to the negative boolean.

If the do have a dual extruder they'll mix both stls into a single print file with 2 colors.

Anonymous No. 950087

Did you actually do the math to ensure the logo fits perfectly into the negative boolean? Is it all exact? No leeway or clearance whatsoever?

the chair nerd No. 950088

>Did you actually do the math to ensure the logo fits perfectly into the negative boolean?

No the tolerance in the 3d model is 0. But don't worry. If it's a provider worth its salt depending on the printing material he'll configure the print to account for the retraction of the material.

I can't model that because depending on the resing or plastic it's printed it is preferable that the provider uses the settings he knows can work.

Usually 0 tolerance an work and a little sanding is required before gluing but that is only if the printer prefers to use the booleaned base. There is always the vanilla base.

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Anonymous No. 950089

Sounds complicated, I hope they can figure it out. Anyways good night and thanks for everything, good flight.

the chair nerd No. 950090

Ok cheers.

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Anonymous No. 950275

Hey anon, I did the thng, they look really good. Costed 1 dollar each. However 10cm is too small, I think 15cm would be ideal. Also, they do feel kinda flimsy which the company warned me of. If it's relevant, the printer used is a "bambulab x1 carbon with a 0,4mm beak". I asked them about being able to print something akin to acryllic and they don't have such machine so CARAS' will have to wait.

I like it a lot but I'll try to have it done 15cm in metal, then it will look really good.

Could you edit Vogue's model for me? The loop thingy for the chain, could you flip it 180º? It would make more sense to have it go across the latitude than through. Feel free to edit the connecting rods if you want if you can make them less apparent since it'll be metal (if possible).


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Anonymous No. 950276

Shit I guess I meant 90º? You know so the chain goes in from one side to the other.

the chair nerd No. 950277

Ask them to go on a fuller infill. The cheap bastards. But ok I'll give it a go in 3-4 hours when I'm back.

the chair nerd No. 950278

>I asked them about being able to print something akin to acryllic
No dude acrylic is laser cut not printed. There are even more companiea that do laser cut. But it would look also good in the pla they are printing with.

Anonymous No. 950279

Alright I'll look up laser cut companies too, this is my first time ever foraying in the world of 3D printing so I know nothing about it.

the chair nerd No. 950280

>Feel free to edit the connecting rods if you want if you can make them less apparent since it'll be metal (if possible).
I'll thicken those a bit but its not necessary for metal if its brass or aluminum. Just when you do them in metal ask the to not polish the connecting rods at it will look good.

Anonymous No. 950281

While we're at it, can you make the whole thing thicker at 1cm?

So it'd be 15cm, some height, 1cm thick.

the chair nerd No. 950282

>Shit I guess I meant 90º? You know so the chain goes in from one side to the other.
Usually in jewelry design pendants do not connect to the chain direcrly they always use a transition band so the chain will never degrade the pendant's polish. That lets also the pendant hang more naturally because sometimea chains grab onto the pendant and it could not be centered.

I would strongly advice not rotating the hole and using a band between the chain and the pendant.

the chair nerd No. 950283


Anonymous No. 950284

Alright I'll go with your advice. Do you think you can resize at 15cm 1cm thick in a way it could be printed at 10cm or 12cm without structural problems in the rods?

the chair nerd No. 950285

Yep. The exact same file can be printed resized at 150% in the x and y axis and 200% in the z axis so it can be 1cm thick and not be flimsy. Just ask them tho use a fuller infill. If you cast that in brass the rods are surely thick enough.

Even with that I'll do the fule once I get home.

Anonymous No. 950286

I'm asking because it'd be cool to use the big model to be able to print in smaller sizes (no smaller than 10cm) without structural problems without having to have another model. Let me know if that will be possible.

the chair nerd No. 950287


the chair nerd No. 950288

Yep I'lll thicken the rods so it works at 40% infill or more.

Anonymous No. 950289

>so it can be 1cm thick and not be flimsy
Alright cool, then let's go with the 15cm 1cm thick if that allows me to go all the way down to 10cm. That will be all, thanks.

Anonymous No. 950292

be sure to charge him when you're done, don't do charity work.

Anonymous No. 950293

Ah come on I don't even have a credit card, I thought he was willing to help me just because. I've helped people in the past before out of charity.

the chair nerd No. 950298

I bullied someone to literal death back at school coincidentally turns out it was a closet trooner. Not a believer but genuinely like to help strangers on random stuff. I also feel good karma on that. I also was an a+ student in both school, both careers and masters but never was enough for my family so I have a propensity to help people and never expect a thank you, helping is good enough payment.
I now have my own family make my own living and I am still not enough for my parents so I am the classical victim of abuse of expectations so yeah I'm a people pleaser.

At least I am not a fucking degenerate like OP.

Anonymous No. 950299

Well I was bullied too both at home and at school for being too skinny like a skeleton, getting buttfucked by lesbians is how I deal with my severe self-image issues.

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the chair nerd No. 950301

Well as they say. There are no sane people on the internet. Specially on 4chan. I feel ya bro.

Anonymous No. 950304

Therapeutic pegging?

Anonymous No. 950305

Somewhat but more like the only sex i can get access to, I'm a woman repellant for being an autist who can't talk to women without them feeling threatened for whatever fucking reason. Butch lesbians dont care about that apparently. The one im with treats me like woman and is heavily into feminizing me so that's where I'm at right now, hence the request. I wanted a Vogue pendant because if she's turning me into her fuckboy at least I'll be a high class chic one

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the chair nerd No. 950307

File ready. Made de rods taper down so the profile is smaller on the top but still have lots more of support.

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the chair nerd No. 950308

As i said If you cast it in brass just make them not polish the rods.

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Anonymous No. 950310

My god its so gorgeous, i cant wait until it's hanging from my neck. It's beautiful.

Any reason why you suggest brass specifically? And fuller infill means it's less hollow right? Thicker. And why can't they polish it?

And what if they don't have brass? What the second in line you suggest?

the chair nerd No. 950311

>Any reason why you suggest brass specifically?
It's the cooler material. Easy to cast, not that expensive, easy to polish and keep shiny using a simple towel and brass polishing product.

>And fuller infill means it's less hollow right?
Correct. Make them not cheap out on the infill make the use a 60% infill and make them print in abs if possible (look on the internetz for abs 3d print smoothing and ask them if they do that.)

> And why can't they polish it?
You can polish the rods but look at brass street signs. The raw unpolished parts vs the lettering makes the former stand out.

>And what if they don't have brass? What the second in line you suggest?
Aluminum just because its cheap and easy to cast.

If you don't know a vendor that can't do the casting make a spare model and look for a brass sandcasting vendor usually they are in the parts of town where they do trophies or antiques.

If you find it too costly you can ask them to print it in abs, smooth it and the coat the print in a gold spray paint.

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Anonymous No. 950312

Ok I'll start looking around to see what I can find. I'll come here and ask you when I don't understand something technical. Youre a god sent, when I made the thread I wasn't expecting someone to make something nearly as well done as you did. Have a good night and god bless!

the chair nerd No. 950313

>I wasn't expecting someone to make something nearly as well done as you did.
Trust me what I did is basic 3d there is nothing complex to it by any standard.
> Youre a god sent
If you knew how bad things really are. The void is my only master.

Cheers. Just post the prints and the castings if they happen.

Anonymous No. 951579

OP here, I'm still looking. Every company I find on Google only sells 3d printers that print metal, but haven't found any 3d printing company that does metal though. I asked on facebook groups to see if they know any. If nothing works I'll do it in black and white resin like before and so be it. Such is life in a poor turd world shithole.

Despite what you said earlier, can you do the VOGUE model with the hole horizontal? It's triggering my OCD and I'd like to have both models. Thanks.

the chair nerd No. 951580

>but haven't found any 3d printing company that does metal though

No anon you got it wrong. A 3d printing company that does metal is a rare occasion specially in a shit country like Brazil. What you should do is print it and search for a casting provider.
As I told you in the previous post:
>If you don't know a vendor that can't do the casting make a spare model and look for a brass sandcasting vendor usually they are in the parts of town where they do trophies or antiques.

You are both a faggot and retarded and worst of all brazilian.

> It's triggering my OCD and I'd like to have both models.
Ok just a sec.

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the chair nerd No. 951581

Here you go.

Also consider an electroplating vendor. You can find them usually in zones with car mechanics because electroplating is common for car parts. Dont get raped tho.

Anonymous No. 951582

I did read that but I'm stubborn, I wanted the easy and convenient way so I could just order it, pay for it and be done with it. And why are they so rare? You'd think they'd have plenty of metal printing by now. Anyway, I don't even know where to find these casting people, I guess I'll send some whatsapp messages and ask around.

Thanks, god bless and have a good day. I'll see what I can find. By the way, it's spelt "hole".

Anonymous No. 951584

There is some metal industry in my city, I'll send some emails maybe they can figure it out if I give them the plastic model.

the chair nerd No. 951585

>And why are they so rare? You'd think they'd have plenty of metal printing by now.
Its fucking expensive and prohitively cumbersome.
> By the way, it's spelt "hole".

Thanks for pointing that out that is my dyslexia playing tricks.

the chair nerd No. 951586

Yeah nice. And don;t forget to ask the electroplating stuff.

the chair nerd No. 951587

better than* excuse my language.

Anonymous No. 951588

It's cool I got that too, gotta read my posts 4 times before sending because there always are dumb spellings.

Is electroplating the same as "galvanization"? That is one of the translations I found for that term, it is the same thing?

the chair nerd No. 951589

> my posts 4 times before sending because there always are dumb spellings
Yeah I don't care anymore I'll just pass as an illiterate.
>Is electroplating the same as "galvanization"?
Same principle, similar process but galvanization is exclusively reserved to zinc and it uses acids to clean the steel so it will surely not work.
It is definitely probable that galvanization vendor will do electroplating but it's more probable you look for chrome vendor because chrome baths are more similar to what you want.

A third option is to print it, coat it in a lacquer and then look for a golden spray paint. If you alternate coat and spray you can the polish the result and have a pretty decent result.

the chair nerd No. 951590

Like this

Anonymous No. 951591

Does electroplasting make it look prettier aside from protecting the brass? And how you know all this? Are you a mechanical engineer?

the chair nerd No. 951592

>Does electroplasting make it look prettier aside from protecting the brass?
No. Electroplating goes direclty on top aof a conductive coat of paint like a copper based paint.

If you are asking the diference between electroplating and just spray painting is that painting will conserve the surface imperfections whereas electroplating will give you a nice thick coat that will round the surfaceand give you a polished look. Also because electroplating efectively gives you a metal surface you can polish it using metal polish products.

>And how you know all this? Are you a mechanical engineer?
Nope I'm just an architect and a lawyer.I'm actually a specialist in zoning law. But I've made my fair amount of diy proyects and also have connections to the jewelry world and have made may pieces of jewelry using sand casting, lost wax casting.

Anonymous No. 951593

>giving up your time for a third worlder simp, for free, so he can get anally raped
ngmi. Cris at least has the self respect to work for himself for free. He would never stoop as low as the chair namefag

the chair nerd No. 951595

>giving up your time for a third worlder simp, for free, so he can get anally raped
Yes! I have that story to tell and a thousand more. What stories do you have?

Anonymous No. 951653

And almost everyone who hears this story will think you're a tool, not just for spoonfeeding him, but for then tending to his every whim afterwards instead of leaving him to iron out the problems and maybe actually learn something for himself.

You want to help people help themselves, not bend over backwards for them.

I'm a tool. No. 951657

Yes you are right. I'm a tool. Thank you for the new name.

I m a tool. No. 951658

No seriously if you think that 4chan is for anything else than wasting time and having lulz I think you are using this site wrong.

Anonymous No. 951697

>newfag cancer getting uppity
requests belong on /wsr/ or /r/ because most people don't want threads like OP's contributing nothing to the board.

The cringe is funny to read, but this is the 3D board, not /b/