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🧵 Should I bother learning 3d software

Anonymous No. 950362

Or just focus on a generative Ai workflow?

Anonymous No. 950370

do you enjoy the creative process? most of us who are in art related fields are usually not in it for the end result, we enjoy creating art and every step of the way gives us satisfaction, AI is the opposite, it's all about getting a pretty image from inputting prompts.
So it depends on what you want, cause you can also go into researching and improving AI and not just inputting prompts, and that's a valid path as well.

Anonymous No. 950372

No 3D artist thinks "should I bother with" because we do not have to be bothered to do 3D, it is what we like to do, so that's your first clue.

Anonymous No. 950373


Anonymous No. 950399

I like how zoomers throw around the word workflow, like they have something in mind besides begging for tutorials and begging for tech support when they break their machine learning scripts on an update.

Especially when they make entire shitty threads for just one stupid question

Anonymous No. 950476

I enjoy the 3d modelling workflow but if its ultimately going to be grunt work that can be accomplished 10x faster with Ai then I would probably focus my efforts on Ai

But perhaps 3d skills can be used in conjunction with ai and it would be useful to know both?

the chair nerd No. 950491

If you see learning as a bother you are doomed.
>Or just focus on a generative Ai workflow?
Focus? Too much social media grabbing you attention?Why learn mathematics if calculators exist?Why learn to cook if uber eats is faster?Why learn anything if a computer does it for you?

I am becoming increasingly convinced we do not need a generational gap in a spaceship like in the movie Wall-E for us to forget what makes us human. If the forth industrial revolution is the origin of man-childs the filth will definitely be the end of adults. Just wait for a big ass solar storm or a nuclear winter. I'd love to see zoomers making something out of scrap.

>But perhaps 3d skills can be used in conjunction with ai and it would be useful to know both?

Well of course duh! But don't stop at AI+3d. Why not learn a little bit of computer science? A little bit of coding and algorithms? A little bit of classical art and applied statistics? Why not learn anatomy if you want to make waifus?
The more you know the more you can compound to your work. How do you think movie directs achieve complex pieces of art? Well they must know a little bit of everything and take a personal and academic interest in each one of those.


the chair nerd No. 950493

Fuck Yes.

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Anonymous No. 950494






Focus on stopping your lazy parasite behaviour and learning some actual CREATIVE skills better. It'll do you more good.

Anonymous No. 950578

I would just continue watching podcasts with trust fund comedians wearing gym shorts and poisoning my lungs with flavored vape pens if I were you. If everything is destined to keep being handed to you then you really don't have to learn or try at anything.

Anonymous No. 950583

Seems like they have sucessfucelly put the Cat back "in" the bag.
>no updates to stable diffusion in over a year
>chat gpt stuck

my conclusion is that you're not going to be getting anything else and if you do get something, it'll be server side. Best to grind fundies and 2d.

Anonymous No. 950646

you can do both faggot

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Anonymous No. 950647

>I'm not redundant and an new technology doesn't trigger me!!! REEEEEEEEE!!!

Implying that working in a studio, to realize the concept for another faggot is CREATIVE.

Anonymous No. 950703

When SD dropped the it was dead end tech internally that Google couldn't do anything with despite having the largest possible archive of data to scrape. But boomers wouldn't invest if they knew how limited this shit actually is.

Like always, artists win and the uncreative are left sperging because they know their lack of work ethic and NPC brains will always keep them inferior.

Anonymous No. 950708

you should do what you want you fucking moron. if it was up to me id force you to go to school so you can properly contribute to society instead of being tween artist #386261888 who thinks art is a dream job.
you already failed asking what you should do like a fucking drone.

Anonymous No. 951297

Do you even believe what you are typing? SD keeps getting improvements that keep increasing the consistency and control over it, and in around 5 days SDXL launches, which out of the gate, without any fine tuning is all around better than mid journey, and even more so than current SD
Also, how come it’s a “dead end tech” and yet they keep receiving millions of dollars in funding?

Anonymous No. 951303

>millions of dollars in funding
Black Rock shekels.

Anonymous No. 951738

If you have basic knowledge of 3d software you will be more equipped to use whatever cool AI tools will be created.

Anonymous No. 951750

>Just wait for a big ass solar storm or a nuclear winter. I'd love to see zoomers making something out of scrap.

Get over yourself dude, Jesus. I know you’re old and shit but this sort of retardation is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 951751

Yes because quibi and juiceroo (juicero? Fuck knows) both received billions and were resounding successes. Fucking lol.

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warrior woman.jpg

Anonymous No. 951775

learn the basics of 3d and go all in with AI
it's inevitable, learn to (read) code, get good at figuring out pipeline automations, soup to nuts, from you to client / agencies.

AI will win, no matter how matter the wishes of artists or whatever lawsuits or regulations there are.

AI is the future and nobody can stop it

Anonymous No. 951795

Heat Death of the Universe is also the future, should we all drop what we are doing and start preparing for it now?

Anonymous No. 951801

Dude I intern in a vfx house trying to milk AI dry, my dep sup is working every day with AI scientists to try to figure out a way to make this shit work, and guess what? It fucking. Doesn’t. Work. Not only is AI dumb as fuck and very, VERY fucking fickle, but you also need to patiently prompt it over and over again until you get something close to what you want.
My lead got so frustrated he basically said fuck it, you guys can just go back to doing things normally we’re going nowhere with this. Basically as it stands AI is more A than I and a good team in a good pipeline can shit out models/tools/rigs/whatever the fuck in a fraction of time and costs. The AI hype is so fucking stupid and is clearly another boom/bust just like the stupid crypto and NFT hype that died a year later

Anonymous No. 951840

b-but me clappy when I see the pretty picture!!

Anonymous No. 951856

lots of inkcels in this thread

Anonymous No. 951903

What AI tools are even available at this point?

Anonymous No. 951913

I use AI to generate VERY basic blurry "concept art" of anything that isn't an animal or a human, and it works pretty well, but only when used as some kind of "blockout tool". Generating "final" concept art is taking such a ridiculous amount of time it's not worth it.

Anonymous No. 951914

Yup. Honestly I think the hype for AI died about two months in where I work even though we desperately try to work it in our pipeline (more like violently shove it in)

Anonymous No. 951931

>I'd love to see zoomers making something out of scrap.
big tough man. Let's see you build something with your bare hands

you're just bad at it
AI is already being sold across the globe:

Anonymous No. 951940

AI will only become better.
You'll be replace in no time. Enjoy making your superiors rich in the mean time, coward!!

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Anonymous No. 951945

just 2 more weeks, aibros...surely it will replace all the specialists by then...

Anonymous No. 951953

Ive been trying to use ChatGPT to write python scripts for blender. Its absolutely dreadful right now, im sure 4 is better but eventually im sure it will be able to do what you want more accurately.

Ive been using SD to generate textures mostly and shit like background billboard art.

I do think people blew their load early with the hype but this is only the beginning.

Anonymous No. 951971

do both, AI will help you immensely and it will make nerds mad that you use it to your advantage

AI will not give you a clean usable model anytime soon though, so start with your donut tutorial like the rest of us

Anonymous No. 951975


I've honestly done that a couple of times myself before. I intentionally used the older versions of Dall-E that created "worse" results so I'd have more room for my own creative interpretation.

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Anonymous No. 951977

Let's talk about actually practical applications of AI instead of the senseless hype.
So far the only places where I could see some use for it were:
1) StableDiffusion as a sidegrade to the usual Google Images/Pinterest workflow when looking for reference on the concepting stage/getting some inspiration that you later refine manually
2) ChatGPT to write small scripts/web design/teach me Python for Blender. Again, this works as a slightly more efficient (sometimes) alternative to just googling that information/copypasting from Stackoverflow.

>Ive been using SD to generate textures mostly and shit like background billboard art.
Which model did you use for textures? So far I've only heard about the Dream Textures addon for Blender, but apparently they made the newer versions pay-to-generate/subscription based or something? IMO their quality is not on the level that deserves payment yet.

>AI will help you immensely
Can you share in which area did AI help you *immensely*?

Anonymous No. 952003

>few projects were a failure thus all investors are stupid and don’t know what they are doing, but I’m the expert

Anonymous No. 952004

Lmao getting any decent model ready takes months, if not years of engineering and training (look at SDXL and GPT4), expecting good results from it after short time of development is moronic, tell your lead he’s a NGMI

Anonymous No. 952008

AI hype idiots also can’t properly read, how surprising. i don’t give a fuck about AI, literally have no dog in this fight and I actually use it from time to time, I’m just pointing out that the end users AI is supposedly marketed to, studios and creative companies, aren’t buying these tools because A) it doesn’t fucking work as advertised, and B) it means re tooling your entire pipeline around something extremely fickle and unpredictable. AND SPOILER ALERT RETARDS, YOU CANT MAKE FEATURE WORTHY WORK IF THE TOOLS YOU USE ARE UNPREDICTABLE.

Fucking idiots, I swear half of you fuckers spamming AI shit want actual artists out of a job and on the street because you’re all terrible and have the creative drive of a clam chowder

Anonymous No. 952012

Yeah I’m gonna tell my fucking boss who won two ves awards he’s a moron, ok dude. No wonder everyone on this board is a raging loser, I’m sure you idiots were clapping your fatty hands when credit default swaps appeared in 2006

Anonymous No. 952029

>guys I have no dog in the fight
>now let me rant about how much I don't like one side
many such cases, SAD!
>I'm not racist, but

Anonymous No. 952036

He's right you know. The only thing you have is Marvels Secret Invasion intro and that "thing" looked fucking horrible!

Anonymous No. 952054

You can tell the fucking NPC’s spamming this shit have never worked in VFX/3D professionally before. We don’t give a fuck about AI, all we want is shit that works/makes our job easier. AI does neither. Remember the Unreal engine hype? Remember the “VOLUME” hype after mandalorian came out? Well turns out Unreal can’t do AOV’s and cryptomattes for shit and Volume tech implies a ton more pre viz work so both died down very quickly. Spoiler, AGAIN, we use the same shit used for years because it’s proven, and because it works very well, it isn’t perfect but it’s predictable and functional. I’m sure AI WILL become a useful tool, but not tomorrow, more like a few years from now.
Like I remember when quixel and scanning came out and the massive hype around it was in full swing I fell for it only to realise it still required work to make it work well.
I’m just heated because it’s fucking tiring spamming the same shit obvious to anyone who worked professionally 24h 7 days a week. Hopefully my rants will make anons look at AI more in depth and give them another view of it all

Anonymous No. 952070

>Unreal engine hype
I don't think you grasp how obsolete YOU truly are

unreal engine:
>costs money
>requires at least 3+ years of knowledge of 3d, modeling, lighting and texturing
>is scary to newcomers
>may still require a team and months of work

>8 dollars
>literally just type
>normie friendly
>basically instantly results

🗑️ Anonymous No. 952071

there IS a learn curve, there are nodes and some coding involved too

Anonymous No. 952072

there IS a learning curve, there are nodes and some coding involved too

🗑️ Anonymous No. 952074

there IS a learning curve, there are nodes and some coding involved too

Anonymous No. 952081

what a waste of time. Do art the traditional - studio - way in Maya, Nuke, and Houdini. Git gud.

Anonymous No. 952083

Basically this lmao, I’m convinced all AI threads are spammed by the same schizo loser mad he can’t do shit. I mean I don’t even think AI tard even know what Nuke/NukeX is and what compositing does. Fuck, they probably don’t even know what AOV’s and cryptos are oe what they do! I’m losing my mind arguing against fucking idiots fml.

Anonymous No. 952090

>do you enjoy the creative process?
only the part where I use imagination. modeling is gay and so is retopo, I only care about the end result.

Anonymous No. 952284

Source for OP's pic (not AI btw)

Anonymous No. 952289

is SDXL worth it or is it just another spaghetti mess

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Anonymous No. 952295

Get lost. We can have AI replace your demoralizing shitposts.

Anonymous No. 952541

So heres the thing, AI is coming and fast, ai tools used to suck, but now we are at a point where ai is maturing and every tech company is pouring billions into it.
What does that mean? In few years AI will be able to do for 3d modeling and animation what midjourney did to drawfags.
You have about 3 years left before AI will be able able to do better and faster what some of the best 3d artist humans can do today by hand.
And sadly in order to get good skills if you are just starting it will take you about 3 years to get really good at this. So you will put all this effort in just fo AI to assrape you at the finish line.
So doing a bit of 3d modeling for fun? Sure. Focusing on it full time with professional prospects? You would be wasting your time.
Lean heavily into the ai tools, no matter what delusional fags here will try to tell you, those are the future.

Anonymous No. 952560

brutal. absolutely brutal. AI will take all of the good jobs...

Anonymous No. 952561

>And sadly in order to get good skills if you are just starting it will take you about 3 years to get really good at this. So you will put all this effort in just fo AI to assrape you at the finish line.
you dont know what you are talking about. You can get really really good at plasticity in 2 weeks

Anonymous No. 952565

That's mostly Rarestone btw. Wlop korean gook mostly took Rarestone characters and painted over it. Rarestone is nowaday banned from the DAZ store because of the Great Purge of 2021, but you can pirate him.

Sorry, I gave absolutely no fucks to your question. What did you ask again? Something about computers and stuff, I believe. You're asking something about computers.

Most computers are good. Most software are retarded but good. Mostly. That's my answer.

Anonymous No. 952599

>Lean heavily into the ai tools
So spend your time not learning anything, using a tool literally anyone can use and get decent results, even totally tech illiterate people, and you think this will make you less replaceable than people who actually have skills?
You think a seasoned artist couldn't get up to speed with any of these tools in an afternoon if they had to?
Who's delusional here?
protip: you can just say you're an AI guru on linkedin. It doesn't mean anything, it's there on your resume to trick oblivious retards who think hopping on the most cutting edge thing will give them an edge, and to prevent you from getting hired by anyone who knows what they're talking about.

Anonymous No. 952633

>and you think this will make you less replaceable than people who actually have skills?
no, AI will be so good there will be no difference between a skilled artist and a AI user
if you compare works of an artist with 10 year experience and some dude who have been using AI tools for few months the dude will produce higher quality artwork because it's basically not even doing the work but AI. Stop thinking in terms of current ai like chat gpt, that is just the beginin, the AI will basically do the thinking for your in this regard, base AGI is expected to emerge by 2030, but we will see a slope progress towards it through the 20s.
You think a seasoned artist couldn't get up to speed with any of these tools in an afternoon if they had to?
Not in one day, more like in few weeks to a month but that is the whole point, ANYONE with iq above 90 will be able to. And no your 30 year artfags experience won't give you a leg up over competition, basically think of the AI tools as the employee and the user is their boss, i can have 0 art skill and i can hire amazing artfag to create a masterpiece you want be laying out what you want and he knows exactly how to do it, this is what the AI will do.
But don't feel as the only one fucked, since AI will basically be human brain much better it will be able in time to do literally any task a human can.
it's funny tho, we expected art to be by far the hardest thing for ai to master, and yet it's one of the first things to go.
You are free to keep deluding yourself of course, but sadly that won't change the coming future.

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Anonymous No. 952637

You start sounding like an NFT cultist, anon. Just two more weeks and everyone will stop laughing at you, all the wars will end, humanity will explore the galaxy and Half Life 3 will come out, right?
Whenever AI tools get actually useful for something, we will use them. Currently they are just fun toys with minor practical applications as I outlined in >>951977
You are welcome to add practical examples of you using AI tools in your work that give you significant advantage right now instead of dreaming of some vague uncertain future.

Anonymous No. 952640

unlike nfts AI is delivering and is used more heavily in the industry each day.
Look at ai generated images, how did they looked just years ago and how do they look today? the speed of progress is insane. they are already putting artists out of work because companies are using ai to generate stock images or materials for articles etc. There are journalists losing jobs because articles can now be written by gpt.
If we look at progress in just the past 2 year, then in 3 or so years any /3/ skills we have will be deprecated and surpassed by ai
you will still be able to create art by hand, but you will no longer be able to get paid for it, it will only be this obscure hobby like few people doing complex celestial sailing navigation for fun instead of using the easier and vastly superior GPS

Anonymous No. 952649

I hope so.
Hobby UE gamedev here. Learning a bit of 3D modelling, rigging, and animation.
I CANNOT wait until I can just type in "stylized anime girl model rigged" and "character kickflip attack" and automatically have high quality assets generated to use for my game.
Please happen faster.

Anonymous No. 952651

Same. AI is a nightmare for talentfags but a blessing for normiefags.
Talentfags have it so easy. They were genetically blessed to be good at art and now can easily make thousands each month from patrons just by flexing their art talent. It makes them special, it gives them value.
But now with AI? When everyone is a master artist with no skill needed, talentfags will have nothing left, they will be just like everyone else.
It will be very satisfying to watch but the main reason is look forward to it is same as you, i have no art talent and can't sculpt for shit, so having the ability to generate models easily, models of same quality any good artfag can, will make me competitive with everyone else, and then we have a level playing field. talentfags absolutely seethe about this and i love it.

Anonymous No. 952656

What you don't understand is that it takes some technical skill to integrate assets into anything. The same way it's faster to type than use speech-to-text, it's faster doing some things yourself the exact way you want than to tell the AI what the exact thing you want is.
>Not in one day, more like in few weeks to a month but that is the whole point
I don't think you understand how fast 3D artists can learn. You can switch from blender to maya in a month, you can learn physics simming, marvellous designer, geometry nodes, whatever. Being good at art, especially 3D art, is essentially being good at learning.
Being a pessimist and totally walking away from any career in the information economy is one thing, but to think you could get a leg up on anyone by spending your time asking chat-gpt to give you prompts to feed into midjourney is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Just go play videogames, that way you aren't going trick yourself into thinking you're doing anything productive.
>base AGI is expected to emerge by 2030
imagine looking at what is essentially a sophisticated compression algorithm and thinking skynet is just around the corner.
>will make me competitive with everyone else

Anonymous No. 952657

>imagine looking at what is essentially a sophisticated compression algorithm and thinking skynet is just around the corner.
i didn't ass pull that number, it has been mentioned by some of the top people in AI fields, if you gonna try to claim that you know better than worlds leading AI experts then i'm sorry but your opinions hold no value to me
it doesn't matter how fast artists can learn, anyone will be able to learn how to use these tools in weeks and they will keep ever improving each month, and not just for modeling, animating, programing, literally all aspects of everything. eventually it will get to a point where introducing human input will only lead to inferior results in the works AI produces. we are still a decade or two away from that, but on the scale of the next 2- 5 years, the 3d modeling and animating skills will become worthless, if you want to stay above the other peasants you will have to focus on imagination more, by that mean not how to model something, but how to use it, not be director but rather the writer. Before AI takes that away too eventually.
Anyone who tries to deny this is coming, i feel pity for them, because they will be completely unprepared, crushed and left behind those who will adapt. Value of skillsets will be totally recalibrated. Art talents will plummet, writting talets will go up in value etc.
Anyway, thats the last i am going to add to this otherwise we would be getting into a pointless circular discussion.

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Anonymous No. 952659

>If we look at progress in just the past 2 year, then in 3 or so years any /3/ skills we have will be deprecated and surpassed by ai
That's IF and only IF the progress stays clean and without any obstructions, which is already not the case with for example progressively worse hallucinations and AI scrappers starting to feed AI generated slop into the models which degrades their overall quality.
Progress with a bunch of long slopes is way more probable then just a linear improvement.

>What you don't understand is that it takes some technical skill to integrate assets into anything.
Good point btw. There's a whole huge job field around it - Technical Art, and if anything we're going to get even more work integrating AI techniques and tools into the existing workflow. As for the total AI replacement - it's a prediction on the level of "instant neural transmission is going to replace internet" and "teleportation is going to replace cars". Sure it will probably happen sometime, but it can take anything from a decade to a century.
And there's also a whole lot of chaos factors along the way - from wars to technogenic, biologic and natural disasters that could tank the whole industry.

Anonymous No. 952660

You have no idea how much you don't know
>you will have to focus on imagination more
That's what this is. There's no disconnect between imagination and skill.
AI faggots all have this delusional belief that they have a more powerful imagination than everyone else, and that it's simply unfair that talented people "with less imagination" get to make things while they don't. Sorry, you don't have a good imagination if you don't have skills to go along with it. You just don't know how dumb your ideas are because they've never been tested. When someone makes a 3D model, there are probably 10s of 1000s of inputs. Mouse clicks, tablet strokes, the pressure of the pen on the tablet. Every single one of those inputs is imagination, creativity, and problem solving.
Now can AI do this? Yes, providing it was trained on the work of a human who could do it. Can you do it? No. You think the fun work is right at the start, imagining what the finished product will look like, and the rest of the job is tedium and grinding trying to work towards that imagined idea. WRONG! Even if this process becomes obsolete, you will never have the imagination of someone who can make 1000 creative decisions in a minute, can do that at a sustained pace for hours and hours at a time. Artists learn from every single one of those decisions, prompters don't.
And BTW, blue sky ideas are essentially worthless in all creative fields, discovery is worth 1000x more.

Say inn 5 years time, if humans are still involved in the creative process at all (they will be, the audience prefers it), but everyone is using AI tools. Someone like me will hop on the AI train, probably at the barrel of a gun, and start running circles around you in a matter of hours. Because you don't have imagination skills, you don't know what the fuck creativity is. If you want to be involved in this field at any level, start making shit with your own hands.

Anonymous No. 952661

>the audience prefers it
nah let's be real here, audience only cares about the end product, they don't care if human or robot made it as long as the quality is good

Anonymous No. 952662

>and start running circles around you in a matter of hours
your artfag advantage simply won't matter, you can be better than others if you put the work in using these new tools, but not because of your past artfag skills they will be meaningless

Anonymous No. 952663

To add to this.
I recently moved from 2D art to 3D art. Do you know how long it took me to go from never having opened blender or any kind of 3D program to getting hired for sculpting and texturing work? About four months.
Why was it so fast? Because this "imagination" thing you think is more important than technical skill, it's something I got from learning technical skills in 2D. I know the fundamentals of creativity, the stuff even beneath things like shape language. Every artist worth their salt knows these things. AI fags don't, if they did they wouldn't be AI fags. They wouldn't want to limit their creativity like that.

Audiences like to connect to things. They like to venerate artists they relate to, they like to admire skill, they like to build relationships with stories, artists and creators. Parasocial relationships are what makes particular artists indispensable. Ai stuff is good for an endlessly scrolling content feed, it's not useful for anything long term because of how replaceable it is. AI consoomers don't come back for more, and there will always be a demand for something more meaningful than the endless scroll.

Like I said, ai fags don't know how these things work.
>if you put the work in using these new tools
Yes I agree, I would need to put in the few hours of work it would take for me to get better at using these tools than someone who exclusively uses them.
See, you don't understand how much of art is theory. My understanding of anatomy might not matter, but my understanding of silhouette? Indispensable. Sure the AI spits out things with pleasing silhouettes, but do you know when to break that silhouette? How it should change over the course of a story?
You don't know what you don't know. Art skills aren't purely mechanical.

Anonymous No. 952664

>know when to break that silhouette? How it should change over the course of a story?
you underestimate how quickly these tools evolve, soon the only way to tell an art piece was made by AI is by seeing that it is such a flawless masterpiece no human could produce it.
The only thing that will delay this is the unlikely event of AI hitting a big roadblock where it can't improve quickly and we are far away from that, still in the phase of AI having tons of low hanging fruit.

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Anonymous No. 952665

>soon the only way to tell an art piece was made by AI is by seeing that it is such a flawless masterpiece no human could produce it.
You don't know how this world works.

Anonymous No. 952669

>Parasocial relationships are what makes particular artists indispensable.
That's one fancy way to say that artists tend to have an assortment of mental illnesses and people may be more fascinated by the artist's mental illness than by the art itself.

Anonymous No. 952684

art may be subjective but thinking banana taped to a wall is good art is i mark of a pretentious retard

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Anonymous No. 952695

Youre so desperate its cute, please keep us entertained you fucking loser

Anonymous No. 952700

and here we see anon wishing he could be a real artist
unfortunately, the world was not so kind to anon and at the end of the day, the illusion wore off and he realized he was a talentless hack

Anonymous No. 952753

>These toddlers here throwing a hubbub over how AI is not creative, how AI is actually difficult to use, how artists won't be replaced, how audience actually prefers humans, etc etc.
Comical really.
All I care about is the end results I can use for my project.

Anonymous No. 953279

>>costs money
have you ever even touched UE in your life? It's fucking free to use retard.

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Anonymous No. 953280

>my project.

Anonymous No. 953281

>It's fucking free to use
false. Write your own engine.

Anonymous No. 953304

I started with AI but I got fed up with it, you can get some amazing stuff but without heavy editing there are so many inaccuracies and just overall bland AI style. Ive been having a lot more fun modeling my own shit but still use it for concepts

Anonymous No. 953369

show your work then, coward!!

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Anonymous No. 953372
