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Anonymous No. 950386

I'm interested in buying Adobe Substance Modeler from steam for use with my Quest 2 for use in VR games made with Unity or Unreal. I'm a big "Alyx" fan.

From what I've seen it looks pretty good, and in headset it would look even better, as it would have a third dimension.

This vid came out today. I dont have the pro, just the regular quest 2

Anonymous No. 950389

my question is : is the latest release worth it for $150?

Anonymous No. 950400

No, Steam version is a buggy mess that Adobe refuse to fix and just like any Adobe products, they have the right to remove the software from Steam. You will not get any updated textures, only the ones you find online are available. Zero support. Soon to be outdated because Maya and other software are working on making texturing based easyer or "advance" , Steam Substance will not be compatible in the future, you'll will just be wasting money.

Lastly, VR support is on the NEWER substance, own entirely by Adobe, not on Steam.

Anonymous No. 950402

>Lastly, VR support is on the NEWER substance, own entirely by Adobe, not on Steam.
its literally called Adobe Substance 3d Modeler 2023 and it says right in its description that its a VR mode

Anonymous No. 950417

>buying Adobe Substance Modeler from steam
It's never going to be on steam, Adobe won't give up money, your crazy.

Anonymous No. 950419

Its on steam and the reviews ON STEAM detail the VR mode

Anonymous No. 950458

Meshes made with these vr headset software are too trash with artifacts because of the low rez, they can bake fine on a 1k or 2k but for 4k is really bad

Anonymous No. 950459

>Maya and other software are working on making texturing based easyer or "advance"
What are they working on

Anonymous No. 950465

Also on Steam page:
>No updates for 2023
We are in 2023 dumb fuck, no VR update for you.

Anonymous No. 950468

They just had an update in the beginning of june. Reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 950469

Also its been VR since it was released in beta, again read the reviews and read reddit

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Anonymous No. 950487

That not an update
No you

Anonymous No. 950512

This pic rel is only semi true. They never claimed file io in VR. It clearly says in desktop mode only. You switch from desktop to VR mode extremely easily. Furthermore you can do reference images by importing a textured quad. There is a tut on youtube.

Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 950877

save yourself the money and get Medium
export into blender with a remesh addon and your all set

Anonymous No. 951906

You need to go back

Anonymous No. 952066

Imagine how good this will all look and feel in VR

Anonymous No. 952108

The people who have tried it weren't particularly impressed. Maybe in another 20 years.

Anonymous No. 952631

Is there a way to get medium anymore? I own a oculus quest gen 1 and wanted to try it but there's so little info about how to get your hands on it.

Anonymous No. 952666

Working in VR on stuff like this isn't as good as it seems.
I love VR and would love if it was nice to work in there, but it just isn't. it's similar to how tablets with screens aren't as good as tablets without. It just gets in the way and doesn't add anything except discomfort.