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๐Ÿงต Procedural asymmetrical brick tile shader in blender

Anonymous No. 950538

Hi, I'm trying to make something like in blender that DOESN'T involve the dumb brick texture node.
I want to make this using Voronoi + Math nodes procedurally but I honestly can't come up with a way to do it.
Can you guys help me learn how I can make this? I'd like if it you guys could post your node setup to achieve something like this so I can learn it too.

Anonymous No. 950540

What you're trying to do is similar to a dungeon generator. You can't do it in Geometry Nodes because it requires iterating and conditionals.
It's an hard problem in general.

There are a couple of methods that I know of. One is based upon generating a random BSP tree with some parameters and restrictions.
The other one is this:

But you can't approach neither of those with Geometry Nodes because Geometry Nodes are essentially useless.

Anonymous No. 950546

I'm not asking for geometry nodes :(
I want to make a stone wall shader and i need these tile shapes. I don't think it should be that hard right?
You could pull it off with voronoi and math nodes i'm just not smart enough.

Anonymous No. 950547

You could do something like using a smaller grid brick texture then coming up with a way to delete the mortar where larger bricks should be.
The sample might be replicated with a 4x resolution grid, not exactly but close enough.
Why don't you post what you tried so far?

Anonymous No. 950548

An observation while you technically could get a voronoi pattern like you want the blender shader nodes voronoi texture won't do it because you can't control how it distributes points.
It's always between random and regular and what you need is regular with holes.
So you might look into replicating what voronoi does and change the way it distributes points.
Oh and geometry nodes might actually help you with that even if you only need a shader because there are other tools available. You can use geonodes without modifying geometry at all just passing attributes to the shader.

Anonymous No. 950549

How do i end up withe asymmetry though?
God I wish i wasn't a 35 yo boomer so i could use my brains and work out the math.
I've seen a substance designer tutorial that does this in like 10 seconds. Blender shouldn't be that different right?

Anonymous No. 950565

Voronoi with Euclidean distance gives you the classic cobblestone tiles.
Voronoi with Manhattan distance gives diamond shaped tiles.
There's other distance metrics that I forget the name of, maybe if you measure distance by absmin(x, y) you get square tiles?

Anonymous No. 950670

come on you guys are blender wizards i'm sure you guys could do this?
I tried I couldn't

Anonymous No. 950676

Are you willing to use geometry nodes then there probably is a way.
What you have here is voronoi with euclidean distance where points are rectangles or degenerate rectangles (lines and points).
So you could replicate that using geonodes and shaders by distributing rectangles above your surface and then measuring the euclidean distance in the shader.
If it really has to be a shader I think your only alternative is learning open shading language. There it would be easy and it's supported with GPU rendering in cycles.
You could even implement the exact algorithm that was used here.
Looks to be some variant of cuts in the horizontal direction that are interrupted randomly by vertical cuts and the resulting areas are then cut again in the perpendicular direction (vertical for the initial horizontal areas and horizontal for the interruptions.)

Anonymous No. 950702

I have never used geometry nodes ever because I'm too stupid to learn that it sounds too difficult and gives me anxiety.