🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 16:23:59 UTC No. 950574
Why do Blender users vilify autodesk and sidefx?
Lets face facts - Auto and SFX are literally 20 years ahead
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 16:30:36 UTC No. 950576
why did you post a 10 year old render to prove your point retard?
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 16:36:32 UTC No. 950580
>not answering the question.
How do I know you're a blender user, again?
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 16:49:27 UTC No. 950585
I look like this and I say this
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 18:09:51 UTC No. 950595
Is there ACTUALLY a VAGINA in that image!?!? On MY blue board!?!? Oh heavens, I think I'm going to faint...
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 18:21:59 UTC No. 950596
No its a chicken breast ready to be filled. Daz 3d is pretty good for making poultry.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 18:38:42 UTC No. 950597
back on topic. No one has answered the question. Blender users refuse to touch this, to address the source of their vilification. But, we all know why they do it - out of jealousy ;)
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 18:48:47 UTC No. 950599
Dude I've been using 3ds max probably longer than you have lived on this planet and I can tell you that 3ds max is shit. All software is shit. Its goy slop.
Now if you fell that you need to justify the fact that you just spent money on an autodesk leraning program well take a look at this offer then.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 19:08:35 UTC No. 950601
>named posting
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 19:13:33 UTC No. 950602
>Feeling threatened.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 19:25:30 UTC No. 950603
>with a name
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 19:33:29 UTC No. 950606
>Not biting the bait.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 19:35:45 UTC No. 950607
>believes named vs anonymous posting is bait
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 19:41:11 UTC No. 950608
Fuck you got me you are smart dude. here's +1 internet for you. You win this time. Its like you have pushed me to fight like a 12 year old, I don't know what spell you had on me.
You win this fight but not the war. Just keep posting this software threads and I'll be there to fight you.
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:27:11 UTC No. 950625
god i wish i could kiss my mom
the chair nerd at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:35:18 UTC No. 950627
Yep hello I'm obviously the chair nerd. I hijacked my own name because I'm salty ass fuck so inb4 someone hijacks my name I wanted to say that I love the gay, i kiss my mom and now I have a personal troll on this board.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:42:49 UTC No. 950631
always the same ol shit with named posters, regardless of the board
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:45:27 UTC No. 950633
Definitely it's summer here.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:50:18 UTC No. 950634
its winter in Australia. What is your point?
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:53:21 UTC No. 950636
Newfag detected.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:54:18 UTC No. 950637
Welp, it looks like the chair chud's nameniggering is over. He has people pretending to be him and they probably won't stop because we're on 4chan and people here hold grudges against each other for extended periods of time over silly things.
I will miss you, my beloved friend, and lover...
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 21:55:25 UTC No. 950638
its not summer here, deadass
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 22:04:54 UTC No. 950641
Just to clarify, by "lover", I mean gay lover. We're both men and love sucking each other's cocks.
the chair chud at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 22:11:30 UTC No. 950642
Hello chair chud here. Yeah. Non of those are mine. I'm literally rolling on the floor at this shitshow ultrakek. Yeah I usually use the name in my cellphone just because someone called me a nerd once because I loved chairs and I keep the name just to spite them. I think I've accumulated a bunch of trolls trying to destroy the nonexistent reputation of an unknown on the internet. It's a pleasure to watch.
Love you too anon.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 22:23:15 UTC No. 950643
>Auto and SFX are literally 20 years ahead.
No, Auto hindered 3d cg since it bought softimage, we are just barely grasping what softimage was able to do 20 years ago.
Houdini sucks ass on artistic expression as it lacks proper sculping and or texturing. Yes, it great for simulation and procedural modelling but that's the limit.
Maya is an ancient piece of software that hasn't shown real development in years, in order to render properly you have to buy render engines and most of them shit the bed on performance even when opening the hypershade, besides it sucks ass on modelling but fanboys will tell you that you need to buy auto another piece of garbage software like 3ds max. Max is redundant as fuck, the only redeeming thing about it, is the procedural rig thing that it hasn't been develop since ages. Blender on the other hand, is a full package that allows you to work on all areas of pipeline in itself. And fuckoff with your euler filter maya fags, you can do quaternion orientations when rigging from the fucking beginning.
For a maya pipeline you need Zbrush>3ds>Maya>Substance Designer/Painter> 3d Wrapper> Mush 3d> Houdini>renders>plugins
For Blender you need blender to do all what the programs above can do. So in terms of investment. Lets be generous and give blender 200 dlls to buy addons. Softwrap (same deal as russian wrapper)>remesher addon (from the same developer as zbrush remsher)> auto rig pro> and get some baking addon to speed up the baking of procedural materials> hardops for hardsurface.
I know from sidefx employee that side is literally copying blender functionalities.
So in terms of investment 200 dlls vs thousands of dollars even if you indie everything, which seems rather stupid to me and even more retarded to learn shortcuts for all the packages you have to get in order to have a working pipeline. In corporative terms pseudo smart as specializing every aspect of the pipeline keeps your employees from growing so props to you I guess.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023 22:36:08 UTC No. 950644
I know that some of the fuckers from side and auto also post here, and even some are paid to do so in order to keep promoting your garbage software. If only the Torontian/Californian oligopoly frens were spend their money in developing instead of corporative war, maybe just maybe the 3d wouldn't have hindered since the early 2000's. In short users have some of the guilt by defending a giant that has grown so rapidly like a cancer. And I know that Auto is slow in development as they haven't been able to keep their talent. So programmers have to deal years of code written by other faggots. So I guess their only way to keep afloat other than bloating their software more and more is to be corporate assholes using their shekels in dirty marketing campaigns against the competition.
So Fuck you OP and your corpo bait.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 00:27:18 UTC No. 950652
You dont know what you are posting about.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 01:07:11 UTC No. 950656
What a reply. Elaborate or you’re a faggot.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 01:27:20 UTC No. 950657
>Maya is an ancient piece of software that hasn't shown real development in years
Are you sure you didn't mean to say Blender? Looks like you're describing Blender to me.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 02:20:38 UTC No. 950659
Learn to debate with elaborated facts
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 02:21:54 UTC No. 950660
No facts needed. You have clearly never made a AAA asset much less been in production
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 02:50:37 UTC No. 950662
Kek as if AAA meant anything these days. I’ve worked on several technicolor child companies. But as if that meant a thing as any idiot can enter the AAA. Besides if you are this faggot >>950657 you seem pretty selective with your argument. As clearly maya or any other “industry standard” package could do by themselves what the other packages do.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 06:44:28 UTC No. 950675
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 11:26:36 UTC No. 950689
Personally I would say the best thing about Blender?
The thing that makes it wildly superior to almost every other piece of software in any category?
It is actively being developed and constantly improving.
Everything else has been stuck in limbo for years if not decades.
You do have a few exceptions here but they are exactly that. Exceptions. Typically hyper specialised ones at that.
Now it would be nice if the proprietary software corps got off their asses because of Blender and started improving their shit. BUT realistically? Thats not gonna happen.
Some idiot at Autodesk is probably going to scratch their chlamydia riddled ballsack and go "Why don't we just buy Blender? Like we did all our other competition?" leading to the company spending years trying to figure out how to purchase open source software.
The industry is basically a zombie. Killed by "It's the industry standard"
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 13:21:25 UTC No. 950693
You are delusional
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 13:34:18 UTC No. 950695
How much are you being paid? Or are you really doing it for free?
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023 15:23:47 UTC No. 950704
Have many bits of 3DSMax haven't seen any active development in years?
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Jul 2023 18:07:32 UTC No. 950827
>How did you even manage to save the image at such a small resolution? The text is unreadable.
Anonymous at Sun, 9 Jul 2023 18:53:51 UTC No. 950930
Is free
Uv mapping suck
It can't handle heavy scenes
Ui Interface is alien language dependent 100% on shortcut.
Toxic community Who can't see outside there software.
Everything that blender Will never be
Industry standard
It cost a lot but you can pĂrate
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 05:37:41 UTC No. 951066
>Everything that blender Will never be
lol top kek lmao.
Like blender having features of sustance designer/painter, toonboom, maya, 3ds max, houdini, zbrush. Does your maya sculpt as good as Zbrush? Or are you gonna Golem defend them on I own/pirate the software.
>Uv mapping suck
you are clearly living under a rock or to lazy to google
>It can't handle heavy scenes
my fren do you even optimize??
>Ui Interface is alien language dependent 100% on shortcut.
Low iq,
all those shortcuts are contextual so you don't need to learn shortcuts of each one of the features blender provides aka texturing, nodes, modeling sculpting etc. Besides found operations found on clickable menus, cant find an operation f3 and search lazy boi.
>Toxic community Who can't see outside there software.
Grow a pair and learn to be stoic, you choose to be offended by giving value to words faggot, you cannot hide behind HR on the internet.
>It cost a lot but you can pirate
Keep using their software, Imbecile in Canada (oh the coomon wealth and the house of Industry standard) they even incentivise people trough assbook in order to snitch on pirates. Wanna get sued??
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 12:05:45 UTC No. 951092
>to lazy to google
The fact that a software forces you to google stuff or watch 3rd party tutorials in order to use it, it's a failure on the part of of the software.
It shows that the software is not ready for use by the public.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 12:25:55 UTC No. 951095
>Toxic community
That's you.
>learn to be stoic
Without your daily medications you curl up into a ball and go hide in a corner. Am I right?
>you choose to be offended by giving value to words
You're telling me that whatever you say is safe to ignore. That's ok. Blender people are not known to be particularly smart or insightful.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 12:50:41 UTC No. 951097
post discarded
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:16:10 UTC No. 951132
>The fact that a software forces you to google stuff or watch 3rd party tutorials in order to use it
1: You are a lazy boi that cannot do anything without your parents forcing you to take education. 2: Better than paying such education (I regrettably have an education for Autodicks) As its widely available to anyone and not hidden behind a paywall. 3: Implying knowledge comes from a vacuum.
>Toxic community
Das right snowflake, also pic related
>Without your daily medications you curl up into a ball and go hide in a corner. Am I right?
Das right again snowflake, stop projecting, you can learn to be happy fag without your pills. Also you will never be a woman.
>You're telling me that whatever you say is safe to ignore.
Das right again fag. Wow you are learning to be a 4chan user, go back to plebit.
Better a golem of blender than a Golem for Autodesk. Also pic related
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:33:13 UTC No. 951135
You will never work in production with *lender
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:51:43 UTC No. 951138
"production" for your furry patreon is not production, LARPer
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:52:01 UTC No. 951139
you will never be a woman
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:53:16 UTC No. 951140
Oh I didn't know Technicolor counted as Furry patreon
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:53:49 UTC No. 951141
you are not in production, deal with it, LARPer
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:54:35 UTC No. 951143
you know what nmd it does, the mouse is indeed a Furry machine
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:56:01 UTC No. 951144
Keep coping and sucking your own dick Autofellatio, you will never be a woman regardless on how much you screech
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:58:18 UTC No. 951145
You are LARPing
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 17:05:01 UTC No. 951146
Keep telling yourself that, but I have something than most of Autofags will never have. Autonomy to do my own thing.
Defending this industry as if it were something to be proud of, It surely goes beyond my comprehension why some people go so far to defend those who are fucking their own interests, you are nothing but a SLAVE, out of laziness or negligence as I know for fact you wouldn't learn anything outside of your scholar 3d curriculum.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 17:08:49 UTC No. 951147
No more tears, summer kid.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 17:12:57 UTC No. 951149
lets say that you are not larping too, and not any other imbecile just shilling for autodesk, do you truly take pride in this Industry doing globohomo material?? Because I don't. And I have worked for the mouse and I hate doing globohomo BS. So answer me this if you are not one of the payed trolls of Autodesk. Are you proud of what the industry spits, specially lately. As I can tell you from the productions I have worked on, only a few make me proud-ish of the things I've made.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 19:46:41 UTC No. 951161
Is there really any point to this argument?
As it stands? The 3D software environment is in a serious rut and has been a while.
Blender is pretty much the only one really pushing to improve and do so dramatically.
Ideally this will force the proprietary tools to improve which will benefit their users and the industry as a whole.
But if it doesn't we'll have a considerably improved and more functional Blender.
I for one am cheering on both sides as I want to see both sides improve
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 19:55:39 UTC No. 951162
>Blender is pretty much the only one really pushing to improve
With what? Ton's beard simulator and Grease Pencil 3.0?
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:00:51 UTC No. 951163
It's kind of sad that such baby steps constitute considerable improvement
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:03:11 UTC No. 951164
Because look... I wish I was joking but the reality is that the biggest new feature announcement for the new Blender 4.0 series is this:
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:07:44 UTC No. 951165
>such baby steps constitute considerable improvement
They don't. I would rather hear that they're putting Eevee in the garbage where it belongs.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:10:16 UTC No. 951166
Nobody itt follows Houdini.
You have fallen in love with things that are totally irrelevant, like grease pencil (Maya's Blue Pencil totally destroys it anyway, if you want to go down that path.)
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:15:38 UTC No. 951168
Houdini is great. One of the few proprietary tools actually pushing forwards
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:28:00 UTC No. 951171
>terrible modelling
>no sculpting
>terrible UVs
>almost no documentation (video masterclasses dont even include scene files or textures)
if not for paid tuts it would be an abomination
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:34:26 UTC No. 951172
What a wholesome thread this has become. Idiots defending software and million dollar companies.
Push some pixels for a change you sad bastards.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:44:14 UTC No. 951173
>Push some pixels for a change
with Auto - gladly
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:47:49 UTC No. 951174
It's not for those
It's for destruction modelling
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:49:47 UTC No. 951175
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:04:52 UTC No. 951186
man you gota accept that sometimes modelling hard surface in Houdini is a pain in the butt, yes it has procedural modelling built in, but for the love of god it hurts doing the most simple stuff, I would make the case that blender mix of procedural and destructive is just right, besides Houdini sucks complete ass on sculpting. And dont get me wrong I love using both blender and Houdini together as Houdini is fantastic for simulation and manipulating vdb's but lately blender seems to be more capable with each release.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:19:28 UTC No. 951188
sound like you are describing autodicks software. As its been stuck just buying the competition as they tied a rope around their neck by not maintaining their main developers. No wonder that garbage just keep getting bloated with each release. Lets not forget that Maya fanbois love that fucking UI that looks right out of the early 2000's black and white EA shitty fucking game.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Jul 2023 19:38:04 UTC No. 951609
It's been a while since I messed with 3D Max, but it annoyed me when I tried to do physics simulation, only to find they removed it for a paid plugin.
Another fun time was when I tried using it on a surface pro, and could see shit because the ui was so small. Autodesk forums were just "lol deal with it", while Blender just let's you change a setting.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:51:51 UTC No. 951644
Max is meant for modelling.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:02:00 UTC No. 951688
Maybe now but it was a catch-all before.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:16:27 UTC No. 951690
we can only be sure of one thing
that you didnt even try 1/3 of the 3d software that is known by the average /3/ citizen
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:52:30 UTC No. 951692
I have tried literally all of them
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Jul 2023 15:14:21 UTC No. 952436
>Ui Interface is alien language dependent 100% on shortcut.
This is actually the biggest reason to use Blender.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023 09:01:16 UTC No. 952514
>Most toxic places
You need to go back
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 15:53:16 UTC No. 952693
Why do people even both with Blender? It's a neat program but if you want a job in the industry you need to be proficient with software that major studios actually use. That software isn't Blender except in a few limited niche cases.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 17:29:08 UTC No. 952704
It's for people who don't want a job in the industry. That would mostly be people who do 3dcg for fun, but there are ways to make money outside of the industry, though those options would provide less stable income.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023 17:41:13 UTC No. 952706
Cg artist will treat their specialization call it modelling, surfacing, even fucking sculpting as if they were specializing to be a cardiovascular surgeon that needs years of academy study. It doesn't take you or at least it shouldn't more than a few weeks to learn other areas of production nor should other software. People are too lazy to study a few different shortcuts and menus, which is moronic as all the bases are the same across software.
It's ok to learn the shittier software aka Autodicks to get a job, in the end its a job it doesn't have to be fun, as you are probably working the ideas of another idiot that possibly ended higher up than you cause nepotism or they being sociopaths (the last are the laziest that cannot even Autodesk and are just manipulative larpers).
Then you can use the efficient workflow one for personal growth, maybe even do some indie productions for online streaming resources without paying a dime to the "industry standard" machine that has you in this menstrual cycle to begin with.
So coming back to your argument Anon, I bother as I'm not a lazy sociopath larper that pretends that learning a specialization software takes years to do. I'm a fucking sperg that wants an out doing my own productions and stop working in stupid shows like the cape-shit. If you are ok being complacent so be it.
>That software isn't Blender except in a few limited niche cases.
To this point what do you call a software that allows you to plan animatic as if in toon boom, or that can sculpt as zbrush in actual 3d and allows you to substance designer in the viewport and shade it at the same time, that has quaternion rotations for animation rather than euler filters, and that can do a better job hard surfacing than 3ds max, that now is entering the domain of proceduralism and that so far nor Maya nor 3ds were able to be called competitors to Houdini. It a free software that raised up as a consequence on how closeted the market is.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 02:07:23 UTC No. 952756
>or that can sculpt as zbrush in actual 3d
The power of the pixol is greater than 3d, for sculpting. You see all your favorite organics in film over the years? All zbrush, sweetie
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 10:16:23 UTC No. 952800
No thanks faggot
>All the movies.
Are you implying you are a normie? No wonder “all the movies look out of warframe art style, blob monsters, soft looking hard surfacing, implying the quality of movies lately is actually great. Me personally I don’t wanna turn into a human normal map painter. You know there this little thing named image projection that allows you to separate channels from an image and use that as a high density detail generator aka bump or paint procedural and map using vertex painting trough rgb channels as masks, it is your problem if you love to do this manually and pretend it’s well invested time. You zdrags bottom feeders like to pretend they are above other departments when they are the equivalent of a toddler playing with plasticine. “It handle of millions of polygons bro” when I heard this argument I directly assume that a zfag cannot actually model at all, and it’s all times dependant on the zremesher (that has leaked into other software as a plug-in).
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 10:25:52 UTC No. 952803
>that major studios actually use.
>That software isn't Blender except when it is
it could be dominating the industry, and people like you who are obsessed with sticking to one software or pretending you can only get good with one software, would still be making nonsense.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:03:34 UTC No. 952850
The industry is the way it is as 3d is literally a cartel. Dominated by a small group of people that align with the current agenda. They don’t want competitors. They want complacent wagies.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:44:03 UTC No. 952873
There's one guy running around on this board and sometimes /ic/ with a duplicate thread just trolling for autodesk. Probably does the same for Maxon now too now that it's killed Zbrush.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:47:01 UTC No. 952875
It's not about voxels, or even pixols. Pixols are just pixels with an extra two channels of information (so Zdepth and Material in addition to RGB color data). These extra channels have nothing to do with speed, and if you ever use other programs like Photoshop or Substance Painter then you'll probably understand the concept of being able to paint information into more than just three color channels.
Zbrush is faster because it is not a 3d environment like other 3d software. You don't have a camera with coordinates to move through a 3d environment in order to provide a view of a model (or several models) that has its own set of coordinates. You don't have lights physically placed around that model with their own set of coordinates, with the computer then having to do complex math to determine the different vectors between the angle of the camera, the direction of a surface based on the blending of several vertices, the location of the lights, etc.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:48:03 UTC No. 952876
Zbrush forgoes a lot of 3d scene data to instead focus on the model, and that model is pretty much limited to just raw vertex data floating above an image document. There's no 3d scene, there's no real camera. The model doesn't even use custom vertex normals / smoothing groups to blend for its shading. Lights aren't in the scene but are instead faked (you light up a sphere instead, and zbrush then matches the direction of a polygon to the corresponding direction on that sphere and gives it that value, which is why lighting is always based on screenspace). You don't get to have multiple UV sets per vertex, or different cluster groups (instead it's only one partition per polygon). You don't get to have multiple objects placed all around a virtual environment (just a single active tool, with a single active subtool). You don't have multiple camera views to provide several viewports with different views simultaneously. Zbrush jettisons just about every thing it can so that it can focus as much of its attention into making pure geometry data (points) its king. The result of this approach was that you could push and pull millions of vertices around with no GPU, even in 2008.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:49:03 UTC No. 952877
From the Official Documentation:
Unlike other 3D software, ZBrush doesn’t have a 3D space scene in which the camera (the user point of view) can be moved; instead 3D objects are manipulated in front of the camera, within the canvas. Think of the ZBrush canvas as being like a window within your house, looking out onto the 3D world beyond. Objects can be moved around outside the window, but you can’t move the window itself. This is a key element to understanding and being comfortable within ZBrush, and is actually part of the reason why ZBrush is able to work with millions of polygons in real-time. An animation package must track every element of your scene at all times, from all angles, regardless of whether something is visible to the camera at the moment or not. That’s a lot of system resources being reserved for scene management. ZBrush takes all those resources and focuses them on a single object, letting you do things that wouldn’t be possible in any other program.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:22:56 UTC No. 952894
Still 20 years ahead (literally) of blunder
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 02:08:33 UTC No. 952909
Yet it has always been a wagie manual la our normal map high frequency map generator. You could get the same amount of data out of a 2d projection. Before zbrush the hard thing was to get images that matched what you were looking for. That’s when wagie labour came in handy. But nowadays you could use Ai generators and or upscalers to get that high frequency detail with less labor. But this only works if your wagie laborers know how to model efficiently a good base mesh but zfags don’t model.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 11:43:59 UTC No. 952963
You are ESL
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:58:18 UTC No. 952984
Youre STILL doing this? Did we bully you so hard your fucking brain broke?
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 17:01:41 UTC No. 952985
You are running out of arguments
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 17:04:02 UTC No. 952986
Learn to debate
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 18:02:29 UTC No. 952992
You argue like a woman, but that for you anon might be a compliment. So let me rephrase that, you will never be a woman.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 18:27:04 UTC No. 952994
># of organics made in zbrush in film, movie, or television in the past 20 years : nearly all
># of organics made in blender in film, movie, or television : zero (0)
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:04:16 UTC No. 952998
Just dropping by to say it's actually the reverse. We all now how the studios and education have their Jewish deal. Now it's left to auto and side copes to cope because they got tricked into believing it.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:18:01 UTC No. 953000
who are you quoting?
>who are you quoting?
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:23:52 UTC No. 953001
># of organics made in blender in film, movie, or television : zero (0)
Fallacy of certainty
Albin Merle
Jama Jurabaev
Daniel Bystedt
And of course Me
I have done a few titles by now using Blender in AAA. Wont dox myself though. But keep cooping with your fallacies
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:26:00 UTC No. 953002
so zero then
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:29:11 UTC No. 953003
you need to go back, learn to green text new fag
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:32:25 UTC No. 953005
yeah man zero, whatever makes you sleep
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:39:19 UTC No. 953006
thats what I thought.
>hurrrrr some bollywood sculpt thats on screen for 1.2 nano seconds guize durrrrrrr
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:06:52 UTC No. 953009
I mean technicolour companies are full of Indians, so you are not technically wrong.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:08:36 UTC No. 953010
The pot calling the kettle black
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:09:23 UTC No. 953011
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:12:23 UTC No. 953012
Amen brother
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:17:10 UTC No. 953014
Rent free
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:57:06 UTC No. 953026
>all those laughing meme pics and terse shitposts
>another blender vs maya thread on top of his threads asking about other industry softwate in bad faith just to say blender sucks
You niggers are getting baited by one banal frogposter who has gotten duller around the edges over the past year. Go make more 3d threads on /ic/ and get crossboard chaos going. The reactions over the funnier atleast.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023 23:11:22 UTC No. 953041
Id rather laugh at AI schizos, at least blender spammers advocate USING and LEARNING something which i respect.
Anonymous at Wed, 16 Aug 2023 18:21:11 UTC No. 955350
>cheering for both sides
holy shit he LIKES 3d software?
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Aug 2023 01:05:06 UTC No. 955384
couldn't be me
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:42:53 UTC No. 955483
why do you faggots always assume blendlets want to get into
>muh industry
when most people using blender are hobbyists anyway? is that your only argument?