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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 950613

Let's have an obscure/old 3d soft dl thread shall we? is a good place to find some.
I'll start with this gem:

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Anonymous No. 950614

>prehistoric frogposting

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Anonymous No. 950615

literally Imagine 3D

the chair nerd No. 950616

>Looks up Bradley Shcenk
Omfg this is full of sovl

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Anonymous No. 950654


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Anonymous No. 950663

Can't any more SOVLFULL than Rokkaku Dioh '95

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Anonymous No. 950738

I had this when I was a kid. I had no idea how to use it..

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Anonymous No. 950759

obligatory Bryce 3d. every zoomer's gateway drug to old3d aesthetics

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Anonymous No. 950761

pre-AI boomer coomer app

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Imagine 3d.png

Anonymous No. 950762

Downloaded the stuff and fucked around for a couple of hours.
1.Fuck I can't even fathom how cg was made in the 90's in terms of efficiency. I tip my hat to the old masters who were on an even bigger level of autism. Props to them.
2.The reference guide is the coolest shit. It even has personal stories and an artist showcase that includes ways to 'fake'shit on the software. It seemed like a pretty fucking cool comunity.
3.Obviously the process is far harde than modern render engines but the raytracer in this program is actually pretty fucking powerfull. It just prooves that people hat all the skills back then they just didn't have the compting power. In the reference guide they all talk with terror of the computational wight of even trying something different than scanline.

Pretty damn cool. Great software.

Anonymous No. 950763

>no 3ds.key file found
Autodesk being jews and filling software with certification bloatware since the 90's. It pays to be a son of a bitch.

Anonymous No. 950802

>Model by Chuck Sneedham

Anonymous No. 950803

thats some prophetic shit, holy fuck

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Anonymous No. 950804

>finish render
>the software plays a faggy notification music

Anonymous No. 950823

In 6th grade (1998 I think) I made a really ugly character out of shapes and used it as the title page to a story we had to write. My teacher was like "WOW HOW DID YOU DO THIS!!!"

Anonymous No. 950950

Really cool what used to be possible with just a couple megs of RAM

Anonymous No. 952500

>1.Fuck I can't even fathom how cg was made in the 90's in terms of efficiency.

3DS Max had the best user interface. Alias/Softimage were... decent, but definitely easier to model stuff in compared to amateur 3D programs.

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Anonymous No. 952519

Zoomer here, technically Lego Digital Designer is the first 3D software I've used.

At the beginning you could create anything you wanted and order it from the software, Lego would then package the pieces, print out an instruction manual and send it to you, which got removed in later versions for not being profitable.

Anonymous No. 952524

i cant find this info on the net, but the first 3d software i used is called WinLathe for Windows 3.1. it basically an app that let you draw some splines and it will turn it into 3d with a lathe modifier. then you can view and orbit it in either wireframe, flat shaded, or gouraud. its kinda sad i cant find any info about it anymore, not even with wayback machine. its literally lost media.

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Anonymous No. 952528

Hexagon. not quite old, but still relatively obscure outside of Dazverse. i really like how clean and neat the UI is.

its freeware too.

Anonymous No. 952529

Ooooooo I think I had that one on one of those shovelware CDs I bought in the late 90s/very early 00s. But can't tell for sure, it's been so long. But 3D lathe programs were really popular since they apparently were not too hard to make and easily amazed people back then. Kinda like the MANDELBROT craze of the early 90s.

Anonymous No. 952559
pictures of mirai

Anonymous No. 952576

How good and easy is it for a 3dlet?

Anonymous No. 952579

LDD was retardedly good. I remember fully understanding it while being on elementary school
Its replacement, BLS (BrickLink Studio) is a fucking clusterfuck filtering lot of adults. I wouldnt be able to use if it wasnt thanks to my autism

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Anonymous No. 952608

Wings 3D
>when blender is too bloated

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Anonymous No. 952610

>"muh procedural"
>houdini but for freetards

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Anonymous No. 952826


you'll gonna need IE in 1024x800 to properly view this SOUL.

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Anonymous No. 952827

based nippon autist had always been into ASFR

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Anonymous No. 952828

Did you get it on a CD from some magazine?

Anonymous No. 953826

I did! It had an article that I read over and over again because I couldn't make heads or tails of the actual software beyond sometimes barely managing to navigate through the samples, I think there was a pyramid or a temple or something. It wouldn't be until many years later that I actually sat down and followed a tutorial. It was a step by step guide on how to make a weird alien dude. After that I followed the mythical 3dsm Joan of Arc tutorial, converting all the steps into blender now that I knew how to use it. Good times.

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Anonymous No. 953856

It's still possible to compile it on Debian 11 if you want to and it's usable. The only major thing missing seems to be the Armature system.
Internal render, real ambient occlusion, game engine, softbody simulator is all there.

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Anonymous No. 953857
It's an open source clone of sPatch/Hamapatch/Animation:master
It's usable if you know how to model in sPatch.

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Anonymous No. 953896

Found it. I knew it was hiding somewhere.

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Anonymous No. 953902

Automatic bone weights don't work very well compared to later versions but there this.

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Anonymous No. 953942

It's so sad to see this website is barely functioning anymore. CypherTuft was my gateway to 3D modeling in the early 00's. Rockstar Ate my Hamster, KINO WORKS, Sasakingdom, Peach Pit and everyone else in the Japanese 3DCG community was putting out cool shit back then. It would've been so cool to rediscover this stuff especially now that lowpoly modeling as a style is making a comeback. Now it's all been lost to time, like tears in the rain...

Anonymous No. 953952

iktf anon. “What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet" is just a meme. truth is, nothing last forever, not even on the internet.

Anonymous No. 954195

Try to download from here and follow the instructions in the comments, should work on DOSBox