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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 950661

Are these acceptable commission rates for a model of this quality?

Anonymous No. 950664

I can get a chink on Fiverr to do all of that for $15 for a model that shit.

Anonymous No. 950666

no holy shit.
making a fucking rigify rig takes like 5-10 minutes if you arent a retard.

Anonymous No. 950681

he's a more established artist than some rando on fiverr. if people are willing to pay then it's 500

Anonymous No. 950690

A real established 3D artist won't use Rigify because it will crash into whatever the buyer program at the time. You losing out on Maya buyers, you know the ones with real money. Lastly, no mention of cloth or weightless bone. Looking at the hair and headphone, tells me this person lacks understanding of the two concepts to do that job.

Anonymous No. 950712

It would look like ass. Then again the filters all over the shit in op look like ass and the creator sounds like a femboy faggot

Anonymous No. 950731

Double charge a furry

Anonymous No. 950746

I try to think of commission prices in how long the person actually works on it

If he worked on it for 5 hours then yeah it's probably fine to charge that much

Anonymous No. 950778

Cute! No clue about pricing, but you have my attention.

Anonymous No. 950788

Is Swaggerquagger one of us?

Anonymous No. 950812

The fact that they're doing a flat rate for price instead of variable based on complexity/hours taken is a red flag. Unless they're saying it STARTS at $500, then they're crazy.

Anonymous No. 950828

I don't know, because I'm not in that game. But I charge nearly 400 dollars for a single full body painting of 1 person. And painting are static things. With 3D, you're getting a figure that you can re-use and re-pose and view in all 360 degrees. The function a 3D character has, is far and beyond the function a 2D image has. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're priced a lot higher than a 2d commission. 500? 1,000? 1,500? Why not? You're getting so much bang for your buck.

Anonymous No. 950832

Yes but this is blender, it will break after a certain time and you cant use it anywhere else.

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Anonymous No. 950833

500 would be fair if the model itself didnt suck shit lol

Anonymous No. 950836

Sorry for you wallet anon

Anonymous No. 950840

i didn't pay for this garbage lol, this is the wireframe example on their commission sheet that they unironically thought was good enough to show

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Anonymous No. 950841

>Furry model
>Aceptable rates
There is, and i mean that without even a hint of irony, NO price that is unacceptable for furshit.
These faggots will gobble it up either way and will ask for more if you manage to grab their attention, even if it's the most bottom of the barrel shit.
The furry market is one of the easiest ways to get money online without any talent. I don't and would never do furry shit because i am afraid of falling deep down the rabbit hole (no pun intended), but all artists who do it whom i have talked with agree that you can price it however you want regardless of quality and someone will still buy it even if it's the size of US national debt.

Anonymous No. 950844

I'm an amateur. Can you explain what's wrong with it? The butt looks a little weird to me. But I guess it's like that so when the character bends over, the butt can deform without going flat.

Anonymous No. 950845

This isn't true exactly. Pricing high will filter out a ton of furries. A lot of them do have standards and limits. The issue, is that there are an upper tier of furries, who are loose with their money. And so, if you manage to attract a few of those guys, they'll keep you paid. Think of it like a pyramid. The bottom level has a thousand guys, the top level has 10 guys. As long as those 10 guys are paying, you can ignore the thousand guys.

I do both human and furry commissions. And what people don't talk about, is that a lot of furries have human characters too. So you can still price high with human characters, if you capture the attention of those dual-nature buyers.

But I respect furries, because they're just more enthusiastic about art. They appreciate it more. They actually care about your time. And sure, there are enthusiastic human buyers too. But for the most part, they don't value the art as highly. Like, they don't understand why charging an hourly wage as if it were a real job is acceptable. Like, if it takes you approximately 20 hours to get the job done, and you want to get paid about 15 dollars and hour, then the price is going to be $300. People find this shocking, because they're only working 20-30 hours at the part time job, for either minimum wage, or a little more than that. And so they're only taking home about $300 that week.(give or take) Giving up a whole weeks income for a fucking DRAWING?! That's crazy. But from the artist perspective: giving up a whole week of labor for less than that, is also crazy.

So then a furry comes around, and they might have a decent job. They're working full time. They're taking home a decent salary. Their needs are met. They don't want much out of life. They just want to live out this fantasy where they're a dog or whatever and have gross knot sex. So they don't mind dropping a few hundred here and there for the fun of it.

Anonymous No. 950853

It's less that it's bad, it's more that his placement of faceloops don't deform to show off the anatomy of the model. The faceloops around the butt, nose, elbows, and knees shows this problem the most. Correction bones/Shapekeys can fix the problem and allow more varied shaders to be used but he's charging extra for it.

Anonymous No. 950863

I hate how he thought the normals were going to trick us into thinking the model is wearing clothing. You can see it's nothing but fake, same thing you find in Genshin, Honkai impact and Star Rail characters.

I bet this person is just switching textures around and assumes this wont break Unity or some 3D program for the buyer. Plot twist it will because those programs don't support such action, Maya does have it but it's way more complex. Maya makes it work, Blender does not.

Anonymous No. 950867

>I hate how he thought the normals were going to trick us into thinking the model is wearing clothing.
I think it's just because he's targeting a specific style. The style being that unshaded/unlit look. Normals won't do much of anything there, and drawn-on details is kinda the norm.

Anonymous No. 950872

What do people use there 2 in 1 models for? VRChat? Like shapeshifting between forms during furfag sex?

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mix node.png

Anonymous No. 950875

>I bet this person is just switching textures around and assumes this wont break Unity or some 3D program for the buyer. Plot twist it will because those programs don't support such action, Maya does have it but it's way more complex. Maya makes it work, Blender does not.
Anon I...

can understand why people charge so much when people know so little; lmao.

Anonymous No. 950896

No one does this, sure old video games and current Genshin impact have done it. However when it's not inside video games you do not texture the entire model. Vtubes are an excellent example of models moving has they expect, not textures doing the hard work. VRchat also isn't some cheap models, you can see details of it.

Anonymous No. 950938

Indie games do this. You can find dozens of examples on Steam.
Twitter twats do this. You can find dozens of examples on Twitter (along with their pronouns and other bullshit).
Just because you refuse to look and see, doesn't mean "no one does this".

Anonymous No. 950951

I know i been away for a year learning Maya and the other stuff needed in jobs. I do not believe anyone is dumb enough to do such thing in gamedev after i left it. Twitter is just filled with noob blender so it's nothing new. Yet you assumed many games have this broken system?!?! It's very unbelievable.

Anonymous No. 950953

Amateur anon here. I still don't know what you guys are talking about. What do you mean by "the normals were going to trick us into thinking the model is wearing clothing". Break it down for me.

Anonymous No. 950954

The toplogy is awful and so is the rigging. Look at the video and you can see the hips clipping through the clothing. If I paid $100 for this I'd been sold unfinished work, never mind $500.

This artist has an eye for style, but their technical knowledge of 3D is clearly far behind their understanding of shapes, colours and character design.

The artist deserves an informed reality check, because if they actually knew how to do 3D properly, then yes, this would be a $500 model.

Anonymous No. 950955

>can understand why people charge so much when people know so little

That's how the world works. Almost all money is made in selling goods and services to people who don't know how to things themselves.

Anonymous No. 950956

Lol you don't know what you are talking about

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unlit materials.jpg

Anonymous No. 950960

The anon is sperging out because the clothing isn't really modeled onto the character, but instead a texture is giving the illusion of clothing.
Despite the fact that it's a model that's clearly meant for shadeless/unlit rendering, and that having a normal map would do fucking nothing if there's no light to interact with it.
For all we know, technically there IS a normal map there, but again as said previously, since the model is using shadeless rendering, there's no light to show otherwise.

It's not a "broken system", it's just a style of NPR rendering, just like cel shading. Hell, there's even another post on the board using the same technique >>950522
and that dude made a big chunk of change for making Rain World.

Anonymous No. 950966

>Uses marvelous
>Does not use NPR
>THIS IS MAYA (Kicks you to the void)

Normals are illusions, just like the bunny hat trick, the whole thing is fake. Best example is say you want to make a laptop. Super simple, until you get to the keyboard. You can

A) build it by reference

B) Texture it by normals

90% of the time, you'll see Textures with normals because fuck making an entire keyboard in squires models. No one is going to pay attention anyway, you don't care about the keyboard in video games. Moving it? animate it.

Plus the whole "you don't need light" is BS, you need light no matter what. Redner using default?! Fine as a beginner, no one will blame you, SFX Lighting is rare for people to get into. Not use it at all? People will question you.

Normals isn't bad, just don't assumed it's the fix all problem. Movies don't use it often, keyboard in movies might as well be real keyboards.

Anonymous No. 950967

So phrasing it another way, the model is lacking normal maps? Is that literally it?

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Anonymous No. 951002

What is a normal map?

Anonymous No. 951003

What is a search engine?

Anonymous No. 951004

Rare pepe

Anonymous No. 951005

>cloth or weightless bone
Quick rundown?

Anonymous No. 951012

holy fuck this is awful, maybe I should get in on this scame afterall

Anonymous No. 951017

The inverse of an unusual map

Anonymous No. 951020

to be fair you still need to fix weights, and the average non-3d person isn't going to have a clue how rig it nicely themselves.
I'd rather make my own rig but that's just me.

thanks for the wisdom, anon. You ever post your shit?

I sorta agree, I certainly wouldn't pay 500 but at the end of the day the client is gonna be more interested in the overall look and style, rather than the topology. It's likely that someone would complain about clipping but that sort of shit would get fixed for free


Anonymous No. 951033

>thanks for the wisdom, anon. You ever post your shit?
I post elsewhere. Not 4chan. I like being anonymous here. Because half of you guys are fucking crazy, and I don't want to be associated with the site. Not trying to insult you personally. But you know what I'm talking about.

Anonymous No. 951036

>the model is lacking normal maps? Is that literally it?
That's correct. And it has triggered the local schizo.

Anonymous No. 951094

cloth physics is simple, it should work in any program that supports simulation of gravity.

weightless bones is something games use to not crash your computer because simulating 100000000x of polygon within the game is just not a good idea. That's where weightless bones comes into play, you just simulate the bones not the model's polygon. Here is an example:

Now you know how games make things happen.

Anonymous No. 951099

Ah no worries mate, I'd probably stop posting my WIPs here if I got even a slight following
Do you only do model commisions? or do you other shit too? like rigging and animating for example
I'd like to try get into doing comissions soon but have no idea where to even begin, I've got all the skills but haven't even put anything out there yet...

Anonymous No. 951127

debatable but if their following is willing to pay for that then that's just a win on their part

Anonymous No. 951201

Only worth if you live in the third world I guess, I would never work for that.

Anonymous No. 951206

Oh, no. I'm not making money on 3d. I'm making money on 2d.

I didn't do anything special. I just put my work out on various art sites. I was pretty good, so people started asking me about commissions. So I moved the conversation to private messages and emails, and gave them a price. I like to think I'm a half decent communicator. So I didn't say retarded shit that would make them feel bad for their weird fetishes.

And that's where you and I will likely have different experiences. Because getting porn work is much easier than any other work. I'm a pervert myself, so I don't mind it. I was lucky enough to have a popular fetish that other people partake in. So I don't have to draw things I don't want to draw.

But for people who aren't pron artists, I think the best way to get noticed, is to have a sort of "manic" kind of energy. Which people are attracted to for some reason. Look at the OP. "insert swag cat in the background to keep your attention", is not a mere joke. It's true. Having this fashionable character dance around and spin and make XD faces and throw up victory signs and using a VCR aesthetic, it all comes together into this high energy vibe that grabs people's attention. That's what people want to see. They don't want to see your boring technical models in neutral T poses. Pose them dynamically. Give them big smug grins. Have them doing silly shit.

Of course, you need to cater to an audience. If your hobby is modelling tanks or whatever, then you need to do whatever the manic equivalent is for military enthusiasts.

Other than that, if your work isn't good enough to get attention, then I don't know how to help you. I look back on my old work and cringe at how bad it was. But even back then, I was pretty obsessed with "getting it right", whatever "right" was in my head. I was not slouch. And I think that effort was evident to the people who wanted to buy.

Anonymous No. 951253

That's actually perfect news, that's the kinda shit I love to make.
It's such a shame to see talented modellers and riggers with barely a following, since they only do turntables or t-poses like you said.
I've always noticed the flashy cartoony goofy stuff that gains the most interest, which is why I'm actually confident I'd be able to make a decent living with what I make.

Anonymous No. 951286

Are you sure you know what you're talking about? I watched the video and looked up the stuff. My understanding is that this is a specific $20 add-on in the Unity Store, that you use in Unity to prepare your models to use inside VR Chat specifically. I didn't find any matches for weightless bones or phys bones in either Blender's or Unity's manual. Why are you saying that this is a thing everybody does in games? It seems to me that it's just a relatively new thing in the VR Chat niche.

Anonymous No. 951300

Back in my day, it was called weightless bones. Now People are saying stuff like

Maya/Blender: Dynamic bones

3ds Max: Biped + Spring Controller

MMD: Physics and/or rigidbody

Modo: Dynamics Workflow (Modo rules on how certain things should work, video explains it: )

And so on, I call it weightless bones because first its super simple to understand for anyone with zero 3d knowledge, they assume the bone is weightless. Second it's how I learn it. I swear there was a book that said weightless bone. More importantly, it does match what i say.

the bones have the weight that you paint within. Technically not having paint means weightless but that is no more. Maya and other programs don't do that because it messes with model.

I know i'm old, no one cares about old ways anymore. Just something of history lesson.

Anonymous No. 951312

This. They're a gold mine and it's guilt free.

Anonymous No. 952039

If people are willing to pay it, yes it is, always charge what you can get away with.