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Anonymous No. 950798

What's your goal with using 3D software? What are you using it for? Are you making money?

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Anonymous No. 950799

Porn. Yes.

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Anonymous No. 950801

I'm using Blender to generate training data for AI. Planning on making a patreon/OF/Fansly/whatever won't ban me.

>training an ellie model
>next up, face rigging
>kill me

Anonymous No. 950808

I'm using whatever tools are needed to convert 3d models into useable formats, to import into the Skyrim Creation Kit. I will create an army of anime and gaming characters to repopulate the land.

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Anonymous No. 950813

Making hot 3d versions of characters I like from anime/cartoons probably, potentially animated and make lewd stuff.

Doing commissions and making money would be cool

Maybe make some kinda porn game

Anonymous No. 950814

to turn things I imagine into reality also it gets fun

Anonymous No. 950815

I really just use it for fun, making whatever ideas in my mind, and maybe to make a silly little animation for friends to see.

Anonymous No. 950816

Based af.

Anonymous No. 950818

Creating shwayed gemmish 3D short films

Anonymous No. 950821

I have no goals with 3D software anymore, I don't use 3D software for anything anymore, and I never had plans on making money with it. I just lurk this board and I'm a massive faggot with no creative energy left.

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Anonymous No. 950829

>Are you making money?

I made models to 3D print and sell them online. It's less than a part-time job but the extra money let's me do a lot of shit I wouldn't be able to normally.

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Anonymous No. 950857

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 951320

to show off to friends and just because making things is fun

Anonymous No. 951453

I was hoping to internally apply for the 3D department from where I work. But with how slow my progress and fuck ugly my outputs are it's either I'm stuck with my current job or killing myself.

Anonymous No. 951541

I simply wish to continue to be able to make the models I enjoy seeing for as long as I am physically, mentally and emotionally allowed to.

Anonymous No. 951551

The end goal of my 3d work is to give life to my ideas, being a place a characteer, a game or a movie, making a meme or making a profit.
Until now i got 0 $ out of it, but my gf liked the animated gif i've sent her on her birthday.

>emotionally allowed to
Imagine being shunned out of making 3d models, lol

Anonymous No. 951727

I got fed up with how ai generated art always got shit like perspective and shadows wrong. just want to make cool images

Anonymous No. 951747

Use them to make up for the impossibility of getting a gf to satisfy my sexual drive

Anonymous No. 951771

I'm transferring all my secrets to my AI bot 3D avatar that can only be unlocked via conversation. At least that's the way to transfer my consciousness. You know, you not gonna live forever.

Anonymous No. 951772

May I ask; Would it not be simpler to just use the model in blender to do what you want to do? You have full control of the poses and you get all 5 fingers and toes too.

Skin looks great? Did you make the shader yourself?

Anonymous No. 953070

I have a very niche fetish. In terms of decent art there are a handful of good 2d artists (half of which formed a group together which kinda fell apart when both of the group leaders apparently died) and one halfway decent 3d animator that created a patreon and so only does what their patrons decree (i.e. generic stuff). I keep running out of material, and since horniness is the divine motivator I use the idea of creating fap fuel to teach myself 3dcg.
Besides that, I also just wanted to get good at some kind of art and I was already semi-experienced in CAD from high school, so the choice between 2d and 3d was pretty clear to me. Plus, most of the game ideas I've had over the years would be best implemented in 3d, and even though the workload for a 3d game compared to a 2d one seems way larger the versatility it provides is very appealing from a creative perspective.

Anonymous No. 953140

I'm currently applying for a job. They do automotive design and for some reason they look for a poly-modeling guy, not CAD guy.

Wish me luck frens!

Anonymous No. 953141

Good luck fren. And fuck you.

Anonymous No. 953142

I'm good at 3D work and nothing else in life. I've made some money with 3D but not a lot.
I don't think I'll be able to make money with anything else. There's no safe career path for me, I can't even get hired for retail jobs.

I have no idea how to make money with 3D work though, since applying for jobs and promoting myself etc aren't making things in 3D and so I suck shit at them. I wish I had an exploitative manager who took 50% of my paycheck but who at least kept me working and with some amount of money in my pocket.

Anonymous No. 953151

How good are you?

Anonymous No. 953163

I want to kill myself but I can't so I guess I'll waste my life with a computer instead

Anonymous No. 953169

For how short a time I've been doing it, very good. But in general
A-, think I can make it to S rank in a few years at the most though. Learning anatomy etc in 2D helps tremendously.
B, skill in painting doesn't transfer over quite as easily as drawing does to sculpting. The fact that you can change lighting throws me off a lot, but I'm improving.
>hard surface
D but improving, but I don't have the level of autism required for poly modelling.
>everything else
C, basically good enough to get things working, or at least understand how they work and what kind of things they need from my other skills to work optimally.

So I'm not a unique talent or anything, but certainly good enough to work professionally. Good enough that it's the most practical and realistic thing I could be doing for a career, given my complete lack of competence in all other areas.

Anonymous No. 953172

There's gotta be a way to make good money with this shit. Fuck, this is so annoying

Anonymous No. 953175

There is, it's just annoying to have to spend time on trying to get hired.

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Anonymous No. 953197

Make big tiddy anime girls that rim horses and set up a patreon or alternative that allows degenerate shit. You can easily find a niche of coomerd to take advantage of if your only goal is to make money

Anonymous No. 953208

Make lez Pr0n.

Anonymous No. 953213

work hard to be lazy retard. that ellie is a ripped daz model. fucking google and use ur brain

Anonymous No. 953236

extremely based, look forward to results

Anonymous No. 953239

That's not good for you

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Anonymous No. 953241

I'm stupid enough that I take my work seriously and have thematic concerns that excite and inspire me, and that I consider important to communicate in my work. I only want money so I can do this better, and perhaps enough that I can hold my head up high in the world as someone who earns their own way in life. Are you starting to see how stupid and bad at everything I am?
I don't think it's undignified or beneath me to make porn, but I do know that if I had to direct myself to work at making coomer shit that I would half ass it and not be interested in it enough to continue or make it work. I would need an andrew tate to pimp me out and make sure I didn't stray away from the job, or start making some cronenberg type of porn that you can't fap to. And people can fap to anything, so when I found out they were doing that I would freak out and delete everything.
I gotta tell you anon, I'm straight up retarded.

Anonymous No. 953262

Porn, mostly.

Mostly porn.

There are artists that make money, but the deep thinking of /3/ since its inception (2016? 2014? can't even remember) is that if you're a 3D artist that want to make money, you'll need to be either:

1. Suicidal.
2. Retarded.
3. Living in a tent.
4. What the fuck would you even you fucking mor

In my own personal, and professional, experience, most professional 3D artists are actually suicidal, retarded, living in a tent, and why even in the whole world would you even you fuck

So it checks out.

Dunno care. I'm doing 3D for porn right now, and when I meet one professional artist that does 3D for a living, I'm laughing at those, so it's all balancing out at the end. Silently, of course, I don't want to have a suicide on my conscience.

The issue has always been that for 3D art you need to be both autistic and artistic, which is a combination you only find in the most tortured souls, and then you're put into the meatgrinder.

Good luck, anon! Follow your dreams!

Anonymous No. 953269

Chatgpt or just esl?

Anonymous No. 953271

Living experiences. And a pinch of seeing too many people living in tents and killing themselves. Living experienes haunt you the most.

Anonymous No. 953292

Is that resin printing? How did you paint it and are you self taught? How much money can you make doing that if you don't mind me asking, I've been studying and thinking of doing that kind of stuff too

Anonymous No. 953300

My goal is to have fun and make things I want to see. That is all.

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Anonymous No. 953315

I sympathize with the dream, but I'll respect you if you actually start doing it.

Anonymous No. 953319

I already do it, and you shouldn't respect me.

Anonymous No. 953326

Please tell us about it I'm really interested. What is your fetish? Mine is a girl to kick my balls.

Anonymous No. 953327

Frenchman or Italian, I think

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Anonymous No. 953514

>simpler to just use the model in blender
Kinda. There's a lot of work left to get it good enough. The gap to making a LoRA is smaller. I may still work it until it's good enough to use directly though.

>Skin looks great? Did you make the shader yourself?
Thanks, it took a lot of experimenting with the principled BSDF. Here's the node setup. Forgive the filenames.

It's not daz. It's the Young Ellie model from part 2. There are decent Ellie porn models, but I was unimpressed with their quality. Unfortunately, since I'm not skilled enough to reuse the Naughty Dog rig, that means starting from scratch.

Anonymous No. 953517

A note; don't use those Subsurface Radius values unless your model is massive. For context, Ellie stands about 160 meters(480 feet) tall in my project. Not a great habit, but I don't like working with tiny values, and I don't need her scale to be accurate.

Anonymous No. 953523

This is basically the struggle of any creative person. The shit that inspires you isn't what makes money. The solution is to make just enough crap that you can survive and publish the inspiring stuff on your own. I'm like 99% sure at least one of the naughty dog artists have a side gig making CG porn, as well as Dreamworks. Not going to call anyone out, but certain high-profile coomer content creators have some animation artifacts that resemble the workflow at those studios.

Anonymous No. 953581

Mine's just a type of bondage, specifically bondage involving being trapped inside of a balloon or something similar. I used to use lower effort means of satisfying it like chatbots, but once the novelty wore off it became more tedious than it did hot, and since good content is so rare (because there isn't any money in it) I'm doubling down on learning 3dcg to make more. Since I have a somewhat warped sense of pride that prevents me from just downloading ripped assets and plugging them into MMD I'm taking the opportunity to become at least semi-competent at character modeling and rigging in order to make my own shit.

Anonymous No. 953595

>niche fetish
>sense of pride
Pick one.

Jokes aside, best of luck. I got lucky and am just a cuck, so there's already a plethora of porn for me.

Got any WIPs you can share? Whenever I hear people's ideas, it makes me want to try it, and I have a few ideas brewing. I assume you mean a deflated balloon, and it's about being restricted by skin tight rubber?

Anonymous No. 953624

I generally prefer the balloon to be inflated, one of the things that I find hot about it is the idea of being able to freely move around a bit while still being trapped. As for WIPs I'm still in the early stages of actually buckling down and really learning this stuff and don't have any specifically related to my fetish to show off, just a half finished character mesh from when I chose the anime character refsheet with the biggest tits I could find off of pinterest to make a character model from. After I'm finished with the model I'm going to move on to rigging, then clothes, then I'm finally going to work on making actual fetish porn. Even then I'm probably going to be pouring a lot of time into making better character models and bone structures because the anatomy and shading look a little quirky and I guarantee the bones will as well once they're done, but if I keep trying to perfect it now I'm never actually going to get anything done so I've resolved to just hurry up and fail.

Anonymous No. 953635

So no one here is making money except for aspie porn? amazing

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Anonymous No. 953640

A post apoc game set in my headworld. It has anthros in it, but a "light" version of it, for instance none have tails and their facial design isn't as cartoonishly cutesy as one expects from the community. Every race can (potentially) shapeshift into a monstruous version of themselves, like a werewolf but not limited to just wolves. Since Todd won't give us more Fallout I'm gonna make my own bootleg version of it. I just want my own game to shoot the shit in, have a game they way I want it, seeing how I hate 90% of the shit coming out today. Sure my game will be shit too as I have zero experience making them but at least it'll be my shit so that automatically makes it infinitely better, and more importantly, at least I'm improving little by little. So far I'm making concept art and 3D assets. Made some 1st person animations too but I ragequit when I couldn't figure out how to make the wrists deform properly. Progress moves at a snail's pace, but honestly I'm not expecting to finish this, ever. I am enjoying the mere process of it. If one day I have made even a single piece of concept art / model / texture, to me that's a day well spent seeing how I go days on end doing fuck all

Anonymous No. 953641

>resolved to just hurry up and fail
That's the name of the game. For every render I'm proud of, there are dozens that got deleted. Don't get too attached to any individual project.

Additional tips:
>stay organized
Don't link to files in your downloads folder, don't leave things you export just strewn about. You end up breaking some projects so badly that they're not worth repairing.
>Name everything
Don't work with "cylinder" "cylinder.001" "cylinder.002" etc. Create collections, use layers.
>Work non-destructively
Use edit mode sparingly. Resist "applying" modifiers. Work procedurally whenever possible.

Seriously wish I had ingrained those things early on. I'm having to fix bad habits now.

Anonymous No. 953664

I thought this was a meme. But is it the truth?

This board acts SFW professional but is everyone here just 3D coomers?

Anonymous No. 953667

>going on 4chan

I've had a couple archiviz jobs, but that's it. I don't feel my skills are good enough for professional work yet.

Anonymous No. 953668

I've actually gotten most of this down already, but when you say "use edit mode sparingly" what exactly do you mean? Are you saying that I should use sculpting mode instead and only use editing mode when strictly necessary? So far I've actually been mostly poly modeling and switching to sculpt mode sparingly, so I assume the next time I make a character model I should look for a few sculpting tutorials first and basically do the opposite of that?

Anonymous No. 953671

I just mean if you can avoid permanently deforming the base mesh, do that. Generating detail using displacement maps and adaptive subdivision, instead of modeling it, for instance. Use an array, or geo nodes, instead of duplicating things manually. Basic stuff. From what you say, it seems like you have a pretty good idea of what you're doing, so I imagine you're doing things like that anyway.

Anonymous No. 953686

I think it's fun to translate my 2d stuff into 3d as accurately as I can
also in the process I learn a bunch about anatomy so I can reroute that back into my 2d art
I don't plan on making money with it

Anonymous No. 953717

>I got lucky and am just a cuck
That is foul man, I'd rather kms than have that fetish

Anonymous No. 953718

It's not that bad. I don't have any interest in doing it IRL. It's just a porn thing.

Anonymous No. 953827

I use SolidWorks, Fusion, Rhino, Modo, Blender (occasionally), Octane & Dimension (also occasionally) for product design & development. I started off as a mech eng, wandered off into product design and I am now being pulled, kicking and screaming, back into engineering stuff.

My head works well in CAD, not so well in polymodelling. I boggle at some of the organic / character work as it's so far removed from my skillset. Sometimes I have to roll my sleeves up and get on with it, so F360 (t-splines) and Modo pay their way here. I avoid Blender as much as possible cos I have better things to do with my time.

Modo is used to set up renderings as it plays relatively nicely with Solidworks models, and adding / positioning / modifying off-the-shelf assets, scenes etc. is much less of a ball ache than in Visualize (aka Bunkspeed). I should really have another look at Unreal Engine again...

I see posts on reddit (yes, I know) from people interested in breaking into CAD as a profession. My unsolicited advice is to get some relevant technical training/ education - will take you a lot further than just knowing how to operate CAD tools.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 953829

I want to make movies like The Spirits Within.

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Anonymous No. 953830

>What's your goal with using 3D software?

I saw Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within when I was a kid and it's been my longtime dream to make movies like it.

Back in the day, I became discouraged feeling like it was such a long-shot if you didn't have the budget for a mega-huge render farm like Pixar and DreamwWorks Animation, but seeing computer graphics tech come as far as it did in just the last five years with things like real-time ray tracing, Unreal Engine 5 and now real-time path tracing has really rekindled a new fire in me.

Anonymous No. 954017

I do UE gamedev as a hobby. I'm a software dev in my real job so I know programming quite well.
However, I do not know art, modelling, animation, etc at all.
I've put in months learning animation but I can't do it. I give up.
I'm going to wait until AI is good enough so I can use it to generate: 3D character models, then rig those models, then generate animations for those models.
I can't wait until AI will give us a all-in-one solution to all non-programming work. Just type in a description and it'll generate the models, rigging, and animations for you.

Anonymous No. 954033

Making stuff that I want to, my dream game, have a new hobby, and ultimately make a living with it

Anonymous No. 954096

What software should I use to create 3D assets for Unity/ Unreal game engine?

I have only used Blender so far.

Anonymous No. 954097

I just like modelling things and looking at the end result, gives me a sense of accomplishment

Anonymous No. 954101

You can use any program to model it's the same workflow, if you want to work for company then maya

Anonymous No. 954138

I just like creating stuff.
At first it was just things like "This scene I'm imagining sounds cool I wonder how it would look" or "this object I'm imagining sounds cool I wonder how it would look" so I would try to model them. Sometimes it worked and 95% of the time it didn't.
But I've always wrote these shitty autistic stories and to help me "get into the world" more I would model certain things like places or buildings or objects from them so I could, well, "get into the world" more.
Then I wanted to turn those stories into a movie with the help of 3D. Then I realized how difficult that would be so now I'd just like to turn them into cartoons at some point.

Not sure if I ever will because I left it way too late to pick up 3D and my progress is pathetically slow. But as long as I'm having fun with it I don't care so much.

Anonymous No. 954148

3 years in and I still have no idea.

Anonymous No. 954174

My goal is to get really good at making stylized characters and make my living with it in some way.
Right now I'm just barely scraping by doing vrchat commissions
But I am happy that I get to make money doing what I love :>

Anonymous No. 954196

I just want to make coom figurines for myself. Why do you faggots like to attach money over everything? Get a fucking job you fucking NEETs

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Anonymous No. 954244

I just turned 23 and for the past 6 years I've fucked around with Blender from time to time , nothing too deep though. I will admit I have spent way too much time looking for tutorials than actually trying to properly learn and improvise. I have made a few basic low-poly models for fun, and a couple little animations but nothing too advanced or expressive.
I have an interest in the NPR side of things, and this is gonna sound stupid as hell but my dream of mine is to be able to make an animated movie, or to make a game. I don't know if it would be possible for me, considering I lack a lot of experience compared to so many others and I am kind of just a NEET who's easily overwhelmed and burnt out by life. I pretty much just sit here, with stories and worlds in my head, but I don't know what I should use as an outlet besides visual mediums that I simply am not good enough to pursue yet. I honestly think the idea of trying to make a profit is a by-product of what I really want; I just want to make art to express and to leave impressions on others, and to just leave something behind for people now and in the future to enjoy.

Anonymous No. 954273

You are 23 years old with a mind of a 13 year old lmao you have a lot of work to do my nigga. if you are too pussy for a job most people end up injecting opioids in the hood with other like-minded folk.

Anonymous No. 954274

i want to make some shitty youtube tier animations with small storylines for fun but i dont know if i should just learn to animate and pay people to make models or try to do it all myself

Anonymous No. 954283

I'm well aware I have a lot of room for improvement. For the past year I've been working on developing much better habits and improving my mental well-being, though there's still work to be done, I feel like I am a much better person than I used to be and I want to keep pursuing that. I don't think it's too late for me to try to make myself the better, reliable person I want to be.

Also I'm not gonna go too much into detail but I don't work at the moment mostly because I am in a position where I pretty much don't have to work as long as I keep scraping by with what I have and do most of the housework for my roommates. Regardless of that, I have considered getting a job anyways as of recent, just something to help me out income-wise.
I don't want to be useless.

Anonymous No. 954309

>What's your goal with using 3D software?
It is a hobby.
>What are you using it for?
I sculpt models to print, I've been posting wips on tg the last 3 years or so, I play with Unity and I do 3d assets from time to time too.
>Are you making money?
>Is that resin printing?
that's KeyShot

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Anonymous No. 954381

I'm nobody. I am 37 years old, I have 2 cats and no friends. My life can described in full with the following 3 terms: work, gym, grocery store.

But goddamn, I miss Monty Oum. He was a legend, made things that people actually liked, and clearly loved what he did. I'm no Monty, and I never will be, but the best thing I can probably do for his memory is be inspired by it. So that's what I'm going to do, and that's why I downloaded Blender last week. And anon, I will tell you this. Even typing that out I feel guilty because my track record for tenacity is shit. But I have to do it. Don't have a choice, because I'm old, and it's about time I grew up.

RIP Monty. And thanks.

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Anonymous No. 954383

My goal is to rape the corpse of what Disney killed.

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Anonymous No. 954397

To escape reality and create a world to immerse myself in. (And also a girlfriend).

Sadly, I'm only left with a final render to look at and a cold room that reminds me I can never escape into my imagination.

I also wanted to make 3d models for mods but it is always so tedious to export a model into the game, and then you spend hours tuning and reloading. So exhausting...

Anonymous No. 954536

sigh.. you gotta push yourself dude, don't be an ngmi and believe!

Anonymous No. 954555

animator with 15 years of experience here - I just want to kill myself every morning

Anonymous No. 954562

Do what this anon >>954536 says, anon.

Just remember: the effort doesn't lead to a payoff, the effort is the payoff.

Anonymous No. 954564

Don't be mistaken, I'm still doing 3D. I like that there is a lot to learn, but doing things well is so tedious...
It's only been 2 years of practice for me though.
I posted some of my work online and some people liked it! I just feel like I'm going nowhere with it.

Anonymous No. 954811

Hobby that makes me feel good about myself
I hope one day I make a game but I'm too retarded to learn coding