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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 950890

Poly modelled this head. How do I smooth out the lumps? Slide relax and the smooth vertices function aren't doing much. Smooth sculpt brush removes too much geometry and ruins the shape even if I mess around with the strength. This is driving me insane.

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Anonymous No. 950892

Also OP pic is with the subdivision on. It looks fine at low levels but I need the subd as it's pretty low-poly. Pic related is the look I'm trying to achieve (remeshed for demonstration purposes).

Anonymous No. 950907

Are you sure you didn't use multires instead of subsurf on your modifier stack? Multires additionally saves vertex offsets for higher subdivisions allowing you to sculpt on a subdivided mesh, which would allow such bumps to exist.

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Anonymous No. 950912

Nah, was using subd. I fixed it though. I wasn't changing the strength of the actual smooth sculpt brush which is why it was so strong. That + slide relax did the job.

Anonymous No. 950920

Whats your project OP, I'm curious

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Anonymous No. 950937

Trying to make Sakuya Touhou

Anonymous No. 950940

There's no point in keeping the rest of that head if you're just going to cover it up with hair.

Anonymous No. 950946

I know, I'll do optimization when I'm done with this. Just wanted to figure the lump thing out since it's been an issue with past models.

Anonymous No. 950948

post wires, also front and side of the face

Anonymous No. 951348

Reset vectors first.

Anonymous No. 951532

whats the topology look like on the scalp?

Anonymous No. 953090

it would probably be easiest just to use the smooth brush in sclupt. but if you're dead against using any sculpting you could use loop tools to relax the loops around the skull

Anonymous No. 954068

I disagree with this, I always make the entire head shape but end up deleting it after.
It helps with placing the hair and getting the correct volume for the head imo
doesnt need to have nice topology at all tho, just enough to have the shape

Anonymous No. 954086

la creatura animica