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๐Ÿงต lol

Anonymous No. 950992

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Anonymous No. 950993


Anonymous No. 950994

can someone please explain to a noob like me how I can model those anime/disney eyes?
just put a hole below the eyebrow ridge shape it to my liking and shove a sphere in there?

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Anonymous No. 951006


Anonymous No. 951009

The mouth loop is completely wrong

Anonymous No. 951010

What would be the purpose of this

Anonymous No. 951011


Anonymous No. 951024

No purpose. Just AI shills being shills

Anonymous No. 951025

The whole topology is unsable for animation. Not sure what the point OP is trying to make here.

Anonymous No. 951028

Wow it only takes 30 seconds to model something like that?

Anonymous No. 951032

just figure what could you do in the other 7:59:30.

Anonymous No. 951035

the point of the post is that it's that easy to wow the AI crowd and as icing on the cake it's even a crowdfunded project.
yes, it is literally useless since the thing doesn't know anything about topology at all and people still go WHOA

Anonymous No. 951040

Not going to lie. I didn't see the problem on first glance. I noticed a couple of n-gons, and that's all. Then upon second look, suddenly it all came over me. This wireframe can't be real. Even AI tool aren't stupid enough to make the mistakes in this mesh. No, this has to be completely 2D

Anonymous No. 951048


Anonymous No. 951059

2bqh w/u family guy, I had also thought about training something like this, but then I realized that AI is kinda retarded with this stuff and it wouldn't generate properly at all.
Turnarounds generate nicely though. Skyboxes too.

For what it's worth, I applaud people going out and attempting to train up interesting tools like this instead of Waifu#456534. There's a handful of people doing some neat stuff with the tech, but it's largely overshadowed by porn.

Anonymous No. 951070

>this has to be completely 2D
Of course it is. The joke is that what you see are just generated images. They woo clueless beginners into thinking this is something amazing like put in your favorite image and get a mesh reference out of it but in reality the mesh you see is absolute garbage. They just trained their model on a couple models with transparent mesh overlays. The model doesn't "understand" topology, it just simply synthesizes something that kinda looks like a mesh.

Anonymous No. 951096

Second part please please? What's his name?

Anonymous No. 951105

That's Pablo Dobarro's Pureya!, he was in charge of the sculpt mode in blender years ago and used to do sculpts on twitch, all that went private, sorry.

Anonymous No. 951125

is this an ai generated 3d model? or an ai generated 2d image with topology lines plopped on top of it? the topology doesn't make any sense

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Anonymous No. 951178


Anonymous No. 951180

useless topo lmao they will never get there

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Anonymous No. 951182

To play devil's advocate a bit, while the geo is nonsensical and won't function right if you copied every single polygon verbatim, I think the placement of edge loops might help some beginners know how to place things. It's not THAT BAD, but it's still pretty bad.
Granted if you need reference for stuff like this though, it's just as easy to grab a model from somewhere and study the topology, or just go into wireframe view on sketchfab. Not to mention, most people who know what they're doing and know it's nonsensical would probably already know what they're doing and wouldn't need something like this.
So I'm not really sure who the tool is for. It's an interesting concept though.

Anonymous No. 951183

this is so fucking bad

Anonymous No. 951197

>all that went private, sorry.
Holy fuck, that dude really went full greedy bastard real quick

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Anonymous No. 951199


Anonymous No. 951205

Jeeeeez what a bunch of hacks

Anonymous No. 952477

so has it been decided that this software only appears to make good topology in meshes that are dense and complex enough that the human eye cant immediately see the patterns?

Anonymous No. 952478

a good way for beginners to learn topology is to draw on their face

Anonymous No. 952482

Capitalism is the most efficient system amirite lol

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Anonymous No. 952483


Anonymous No. 952492

under this image the website says
>So I think it has indeed mastered 'topology'

>a game development art tool and a topology reference generation tool.
Why the fuck are AI people so retarded?
You know what's a good reference for good topology? A 3D model (or picture of one) that has good topology.
Why would it have to be specific to my own model? It wouldn't help at all. It's not even a difficult skill to retopo something properly, it's just tedious.

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Anonymous No. 952493

Meanwhile, Blender 10 years ago...

Anonymous No. 952502

>so has it been decided that this software only appears to make good topology in
it doesn't make any topology. it renders 2D images with what it thinks is a "mesh" layered on top of it. the software doesn't know anything about topology. it could just as well be a tattoo.